Service Contract No 2007 / 147-446 Strategic ... - Swaziland

Service Contract No 2007 / 147-446 Strategic ... - Swaziland

Service Contract No 2007 / 147-446 Strategic ... - Swaziland

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Annex 1: The NAS measuresNAS Area Description Proposed measures <strong>No</strong>tes on possible associatedactionsA. Competitiveness of the sugar industryA.1. Commercial canegrowersCommercial growers don’t face majorproblems, but could increase theircompetitiveness1. Intensify programmes for reducing field level costs, raise sucrosecontent, streamline cane delivery, reduce harvesting, haulage andloading costs, and reduce irrigation costsRetrenchment of workersManagement measuresIncreased use of fertilisersFinancial measuresEnergy efficiency measuresA.2. Cane millersA.3. Improved nationalinfrastructureThere are opportunities to improve sucroserecovery in the mills and to reduce operatingcosts in the areas of personnel and energyExpansion of cane growing areas will allowexpanding milling capacityHauling and transport of cane are significantcomponents of sugar cost2. Explore the use of alternative forms of energy Co-generation3. Improve and expand the system of tarmac roads in the Lowveld Roads upgradingConstruction of bridges4. Improve Maputo freight handling facilities5. Expand bagging capacity6. Expand refining capacity7. Reduce the cost of public utilities and improve their efficiency8. Support research and development initiativesB. Trade policy and the pursuit of premium marketsB.1. Domestic SACUmarketThere are opportunities to negotiate on thebasis of the Trade, Development andCooperation Agreement (TDCA) to secureadvantagesCurrent arrangements within SACU offeropportunities9. Extend the provisions of TDCA to the entire SACU area and modifywhere necessary to include the development of regional demand forregionally produced sugar10. Maintain (and where possible expand) preferential access toregional markets and preserve the value of the domestic (SACU)marketRDMU (<strong>Strategic</strong> Environmental Assessment of the National Adaptation Strategy) - Page 126

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