Service Contract No 2007 / 147-446 Strategic ... - Swaziland

Service Contract No 2007 / 147-446 Strategic ... - Swaziland

Service Contract No 2007 / 147-446 Strategic ... - Swaziland

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RECOMMENDATION INVOLVED INSTITUTION /ACTORSIMPLEMENTATION ARRANGEMENTSThe water quality monitoring system must be reviewed and revised so that:ooooIt is comprehensive. It covers the whole country.It discriminates the different river basins and sub-basins, so those basins and subbasinswith especially poor water quality can be easily identified and monitored, andsources of pollution easier to identify.It defines sampling points and methodologies in a strategic manner to monitorimpacts from the main industrial, agricultural and domestic potential sources ofpollution. In the case of sugar cane, sampling points must be placed before and aftersugar cane farming areas, in order to be able to measure impacts from agriculturalrun-off.Parameters to monitor are representative of likely pollutants. In the case of the sugarsector parameters must include: BOD, COD, suspended solids (SS), TDS, dissolvedoxygen (DO), temperature, pH, conductivity, nitrates (NO 3 - ), nitrites (NO 2 - ),phosphates (PO 4 - ), and fluoride. Basic parameters should be monitored regularly,whilst other parameters (e.g. herbicides, pesticides) can be monitored on a longertimebasis (e.g. annually or bi-annually), initially targeting those most commonly used.Water quality reports should be systematically produced by the RBAs and put in the publicdomain (e.g. SEA website).In case water quality monitoring identifies issues associated to agricultural run-off from sugarcane fields, an adequate response strategy should be generated to identify the causes andreduce contamination to ensure compliance with water quality objectives.The setting up of the RBAs should take into account the costs associated to themonitoring of water quality according to the above recommendations (e.g. number ofsamples, sampling points, costs of sampling and analysis, cost of reporting).Department of Water Affairs, RiverBasin AuthoritiesDepartment of Water Affairs, RiverBasin AuthoritiesDepartment of Water Affairs, RiverBasin AuthoritiesDepartment of Water Affairs, RiverBasin AuthoritiesNB: This action needs to be addressedat a level higher than the NAS.The NAS SC and the EC should raisethis issue with the DWA and the RBAsto put it in their agenda.NB: This action needs to be addressedat a level higher than the NAS.The NAS SC and the EC should raisethis issue with the DWA and the RBAsto put it in their agenda.NB: This action needs to be addressedat a level higher than the NAS.The NAS SC and the EC should raisethis issue with the DWA and the RBAsto put it in their agenda.NB: This action needs to be addressedat a level higher than the NAS.The NAS SC and the EC should raisethis issue with the DWA and the RBAsto put it in their agenda.RDMU (<strong>Strategic</strong> Environmental Assessment of the National Adaptation Strategy) - Page 121

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