Service Contract No 2007 / 147-446 Strategic ... - Swaziland

Service Contract No 2007 / 147-446 Strategic ... - Swaziland

Service Contract No 2007 / 147-446 Strategic ... - Swaziland

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Indicator Measurement ObservationsLoss of biodiversity due to land-take for sugar cane expansionImplementation ofbiodiversity impactassessments for new canegrowing areasCapacity and commitment toindependently monitor theimplementation of thevarious mitigation plansimprovedLivestock resettlement planspreparedBiodiversity corridors andareas of high biologicaldiversity identified andprotectedProtected areas protectedfrom cane husbandryactivitiesBiodiversity impactassessment reportIncreased number of ProjectCompliance Reports andsite visit reportsLivestock resettlement planssubmittedNumber and size ofbiodiversity corridors andareas of high biologicaldiversity established andprotected from agriculturaldevelopmentReports from protected areamanagers on frequency andimpact of cane husbandrypractices, e.g. drift fromaerial application of agrochemicalsProject focused environmentalassessments overlook the cumulativeimpacts on biodiversity losses andimpactsInadequate compliance and monitoringhas allowed unsustainable practices totake placeDisplacement of livestock grazingareas places greater pressure onneighbouring lands. Poor levels oflivestock off-take results in increasingdensities of livestock grazing finiteareas.Fragmentation of habitats in canegrowing areas is a cause of greatconcern to nature conservationists.Biodiversity corridors and areas of highbiological diversity can mitigate forwider biodiversity loss and facilitate animprovement in biodiversityconservationCapacity and commitment to independently monitor the implementation of the variousmitigation plans improvedResearch on the impact ofHIV/AIDS on the sugarindustry is carried outResearch reportReport possibly coordinated by/with thesupport of NERCHAInformation provided by NERCHA,MoH (SNAP and local health centres),Millers, and project developers (e.g.SWADE)Report from RSSC on aspects ofHIV/AIDS as it relates to the companyTo include cost-benefit analysis ofmechanisation, which will link in withaffects of mechanisation on long-termviability of small cane growersRDMU (<strong>Strategic</strong> Environmental Assessment of the National Adaptation Strategy) - Page 111

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