Service Contract No 2007 / 147-446 Strategic ... - Swaziland

Service Contract No 2007 / 147-446 Strategic ... - Swaziland

Service Contract No 2007 / 147-446 Strategic ... - Swaziland

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IndicatorObjective 1a: Positive and sufficient waterbalanceObjective 1b: Positive and sufficient futurewater balance in light of climate changeObjective 2: Viable small- and medium- canegrowersObjective 3: Biodiversity is notcompromised by sugar cane expansionObjective 4: HIV/AIDS in sugar sectorcontrolled and eventually reducedObjective 5a: Area under sugar caneburning reducedObjective 5b: Cane cutters maintain orincrease income with GCHObjective 6a: Information generated on canefarming contribution to water contaminationObjective 6b: Contribution of cane farmingto water contamination not increasedObjective 7: Information generated on milleffluent contribution to water contaminationObjective 8: Information generated onatmospheric emissions from millsOther environmental aspectsCommentsChanges over time in cost of services per tonne ofsugar produced, disaggregated by sectorChanges over time in enrolment and pass rate of‘matriculation’ level students in sugar belt, comparedwith national figures in private and public schoolsChanges over time in numbers presenting forprimary health care facilities and access HIV/AIDSand TB treatment disaggregated by sugar beltAnnual sucrose price per tonneYields: TC/ha; % sucroseTotal hectarage in canePositive correlation whenlinked to objective of costreductionsHigher yields may imply moreuse of water andagrochemicalsMore ha imply more wateruse, cane burning, clearanceof indigenous vegetationRDMU (<strong>Strategic</strong> Environmental Assessment of the National Adaptation Strategy) - Page 105

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