Using Nutri-Wave Organic Fertilizer in an Organic Cropping System

Using Nutri-Wave Organic Fertilizer in an Organic Cropping System

Using Nutri-Wave Organic Fertilizer in an Organic Cropping System

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<strong>Nutri</strong> – <strong>Wave</strong> pelletsCrumbs available too

Experimental Design• Study org<strong>an</strong>ic potato rotations• Compare 4 year rotations• Potatoes one year <strong>in</strong> four• Each rotation will have a second cash crop• Two green m<strong>an</strong>ure crops per rotation• Soil to be covered each fall• Apply fertility to the cash crop• Use <strong>Nutri</strong>-<strong>Wave</strong> as the fertility source

Field Pl<strong>an</strong> - Rotations 1,2,3,4B. Mustard C<strong>an</strong>ola Alfalfa P.MilletW. Rape Buckwheat Alfalfa Buckwheat#103 #102 #106 #101Potato Potato Potato PotatoFall Rye Fall Rye Fall Rye Fall Rye#110 #113 #111 #112Soybe<strong>an</strong> Fall Rye Corn WheatW. Rape R. Clover R. Clover R. Clover#120 #124 #121 #118W. Rape R. Clover Alfalfa R. CloverBuckwheat R. Clover Alfalfa R. Clover#125 #131 #128 #127

Field Pl<strong>an</strong> - Rotations 5,6,7,8Sud<strong>an</strong> grass Peas-Oats R. Clover R. CloverBuckwheat Stubble R. Clover R. Clover#108 #105 #107 #104Potato Potato Potato PotatoFall Rye Fall Rye Fall Rye Fall Rye#109 #114 #116 #115C<strong>an</strong>ola P.Millet Barley BarleyVolunteers Stubble R. Clover R. Clover#123 #119 #117 #122Oil Radish Carrot R. Clover R. CloverOil Radish Barley R. Clover R. Clover#126 #132 #130 #129

Cultivat<strong>in</strong>g Carrots July 13, 2010

Carrots – Oct 2010

Green M<strong>an</strong>ure used for Soil borne disease suppressionC<strong>an</strong>ola

Green M<strong>an</strong>ure – suppresses soil nematodesPearl Millet - late fall

<strong>Org<strong>an</strong>ic</strong> Corn2010 2009Cold wet spr<strong>in</strong>g hard to get good germ<strong>in</strong>ationRequires good fertility <strong>an</strong>d weed control to achieve <strong>an</strong> acceptable yieldApplied fertility to achieve 100 units of Nitrogen

Corn - 2010July 12Sept 15

Soybe<strong>an</strong>s• <strong>Org<strong>an</strong>ic</strong> soybe<strong>an</strong>s are a valuable crop• Like high org<strong>an</strong>ic matter soils, few sprays• Very susceptible to weed competition• C<strong>an</strong> equal the conventional yields if weedsm<strong>an</strong>aged• Make their own nitrogen if not enough <strong>in</strong> thesoil

Harvest<strong>in</strong>g Soybe<strong>an</strong>s - fall 2009Soybe<strong>an</strong>s yield<strong>in</strong>g 0.8 tonne/acre

Oats <strong>an</strong>d Peas – July 1, 2010

Red Clover <strong>in</strong> the fall - green m<strong>an</strong>ure cropOne of more adapted green m<strong>an</strong>ure crop for regionSupplies up to 100 units of NitrogenEasily establishedSeed cheap

<strong>Nutri</strong> – <strong>Wave</strong> use <strong>in</strong> Potatoes• Analysis of 4 - 1 – 2• 4 lbs of Nitrogen per 100 lbs, 4 kg/100kg• 80 lbs N/ ton or 40 kg N /tonne• Price / tonne• 160 – 180 N to grow a crop of potatoes• ½ N available from Nuti – wave• Will need to f<strong>in</strong>d the rema<strong>in</strong>der from othersources, greenm<strong>an</strong>ure, soil, lighten<strong>in</strong>g

Potatoes – July 1, 2010

Potato Yields300250CWT / AC20015010050Rot 1Rot 2Rot 802008 2009 2010

<strong>Us<strong>in</strong>g</strong> Nurti - <strong>Wave</strong>• Will supply about half the fertility applied <strong>in</strong>the year applied• Should be applied fall previous on a greenm<strong>an</strong>ure or early <strong>in</strong> the spr<strong>in</strong>g when soil iswet – for maximum release• Will not release the fertility <strong>in</strong> a dry year verywell• Absorbs moisture <strong>an</strong>d will not flow if damp

Th<strong>an</strong>k – you !Th<strong>an</strong>k-you !

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