Specimens of English literature from the 'Ploughmans crede' to the ...

Specimens of English literature from the 'Ploughmans crede' to the ...

Specimens of English literature from the 'Ploughmans crede' to the ...

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V. (a) <strong>the</strong> repressor, I. xix. 49<strong>the</strong> Cambridge University Library.For fur<strong>the</strong>r information, seeMr. Babing<strong>to</strong>n's edition, and Morley's ' <strong>English</strong> Writers,' vol. ii.p. 401. The following extracts are taken <strong>from</strong> Mr. Babing<strong>to</strong>n'sedition, but <strong>the</strong> thorn-letters Q>) <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> MS. have been preserved,and <strong>the</strong> pro<strong>of</strong>-sheets twice compared with <strong>the</strong> MS.[A.Manv fkings are allowable that are not prescribed by <strong>the</strong>Scriptures. From ' The Repressor^ pt. i. c. xix.]pat |)0U maist not seie & holde ech gouernance & deede<strong>of</strong> goddis lawe & seruice <strong>to</strong> be expressid in holi scripture,& jjat ellis it is not goddis seruice & a deede <strong>of</strong> goddislawe, lo ! \om maist se herbi. In al holi scripture it is notexpressid bi bidding, counseiling, or witnessing, or bi eniensaumpling <strong>of</strong> persoon, jjat a lay man not preest schuldewere a breche, or |?at he schulde were a cloke, or ]>at heschulde were a gowne, or }>at he schulde die wollen cloo)?in<strong>to</strong> ojjer colour jjan is ]je colour <strong>of</strong> scheep, or \2X menschulde bake eny fleisch or fisch in an ovyn, or ]?at menschulde make & vse clockis for<strong>to</strong> knowe ])e houris <strong>of</strong> jje dai& ny5t ; for jjou^ in eeldist daies, & |)0U5 in scripture mensiounis maad <strong>of</strong> orologis, schewing |)e houris <strong>of</strong> ]je dai bi[jje] schadew maad bi \^ sunne in a cercle, certis neueresaue in late daies was eny clok telHng Jje houris <strong>of</strong> ]?e dai &ny3t bi peise & bi stroke ; and open it is \2X nou^where inholi scripture is expresse mensioun mad <strong>of</strong> eny suche.Also,nou3where in holi scripture is mensioun mad or eny ensaumphngdoon, |>ata womman schulde were upon her heer &heed eny couercheef <strong>of</strong> lynnen J^rede or <strong>of</strong> silk. Forwhi Jjecoueryng wij? which a wommannys heed ou5te be couered,wher<strong>of</strong> holi scripture speki]> in \q pistlis <strong>of</strong> poul, was oonh jjeheer <strong>of</strong> wommennys heed vnschorn, & <strong>of</strong> noon ojjer coueryng<strong>to</strong> wommennys heedis speki]? holi scripture.And here-a^ensholi scripture wole Jjat men schulden lacke [-e coueryng

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