Specimens of English literature from the 'Ploughmans crede' to the ...

Specimens of English literature from the 'Ploughmans crede' to the ... Specimens of English literature from the 'Ploughmans crede' to the ...

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;;;;44J^'- JAMES I. OF SCOTLAND.Stude this goddess^ of fortune & [glewis].A chapellet, wi'lh mony fresche anewis,Sche had vpon hir hedf, and with this hongA mantill on hir schuldris large and long,i6i That furrit was -with ermyn full quhite,Degoutit w?t/z the self In spottis blakeAnd quhilum In hir chier^ thus alyteLouring sche was, and thus sone It wold(? slake,And sodejTily a man^r smylyng make,And sche were glad ;[for] at ane contenanceSche held^ noc/it,hot ay In variance.162 And vnd^meth the quhele sawe I thereAnf vgly pit, [as] depe as ony helle,That to behaldf thereon I quoke for fereBot o thing herd^ I,//Mt quho ther^-In fellCami? no more vp agane, tidingis to telleOff quhich, astonait of that ferefull syckt,I ne wist quhat to done, so was Ifricht.1 6 3 Bot forto se the sudayn welt^nngOff that Ilk quhele, fhat sloppar was to hold^,It semyt vnto my wit a strong thing,So mony I sawe fhat than clymben woldd",And failitfoting, and to grou;zd were rold^And othir eke //lat sat aboue on hyeWer^ oui-rthrawe In twinklyng of an

IV. THE KINGIS QUHAIR. 45And sum were eke ]>at fallyng had [so]sore,There for to clymbe, thair corage was no more.165 I sawe also /kat, quhere sum were slunginBe quhirlyng of the quhele vnto the grounds,Full sudaynly sche hath [thame] vp ythrungin,And set thame on agane full sauf & sounds.And eu^r I sawe a new swarm

IV. THE KINGIS QUHAIR. 45And sum were eke ]>at fallyng had [so]sore,There for <strong>to</strong> clymbe, thair corage was no more.165 I sawe also /kat, quhere sum were slunginBe quhirlyng <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> quhele vn<strong>to</strong> <strong>the</strong> grounds,Full sudaynly sche hath [thame] vp ythrungin,And set thame on agane full sauf & sounds.And eu^r I sawe a new swarm

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