Specimens of English literature from the 'Ploughmans crede' to the ...

Specimens of English literature from the 'Ploughmans crede' to the ...

Specimens of English literature from the 'Ploughmans crede' to the ...

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III. (b) <strong>the</strong> STORIE <strong>of</strong> THEBES. ^^The kyng tenforme how <strong>the</strong>y wern atteynt.And Tydeus, <strong>of</strong> bledyng wonder feynt,Maat and wery, and in gret distresse,And ouerleyd <strong>of</strong> verray feblenesse, 1210But as he myght hym-silue tho sustene,He <strong>to</strong>ok his hors s<strong>to</strong>ndyng on <strong>the</strong> grene,Wor<strong>the</strong>d vp, and forth he gan <strong>to</strong> rydeAn esy pas, with his woundes wyde,And sothly 3it, in his opynyown, 1215He was alway affered <strong>of</strong> tresoz^n.How Tydeus, al forwounded, cam in<strong>to</strong> Ligurgus lond.But anguysshous, & ful <strong>of</strong> bysy peyne,He rode hym forth til he did atteyneIn<strong>to</strong> <strong>the</strong> bouwdes <strong>of</strong> lygurgus lond,A worthy kyng, & manly <strong>of</strong> his hond. 1220And he, ful paal only for lak <strong>of</strong> blood,Tydeus, saugh wher a castel s<strong>to</strong>od.Strong and myghty, belt vpon a roche,Touard which he fast[e] gan approche.Conveyed thider be clernesse <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> s<strong>to</strong>n 1225That, be nyght, ageyn <strong>the</strong> moone ^On hegh <strong>to</strong>ures, with crestes marcyal;And joyneazmt almost <strong>to</strong> <strong>the</strong> walWas a gardyn, lityl out be-syde.sho£)n.In<strong>to</strong> which Tydeus gan ride, 1230Of aventure, be a gate smal ;And <strong>the</strong>r he fonde ^, for<strong>to</strong> rekne al,A lusty herbere vn<strong>to</strong> his devis,Soote and fressh^, lich*? a paradys,1 The Trin. MSS. have'mone'; Ar. ' moon.'2 Trin. ' fonde,' ' founde'; Ar. ' fond.' So in 11. 1242, 1244, MS. Ar. hasgren,' ' whit.'D

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