Specimens of English literature from the 'Ploughmans crede' to the ...

Specimens of English literature from the 'Ploughmans crede' to the ...

Specimens of English literature from the 'Ploughmans crede' to the ...

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32 ///. JOHN LYDGATE.; ! ;;,Which pi<strong>to</strong>usly ageyn <strong>the</strong> mone gape.For non <strong>of</strong> hem shortly myght eskape, j i8oBut dede echon as <strong>the</strong>i han desenied,Saue o^m excepte, <strong>the</strong> which was res^rued,By Tydeus, <strong>of</strong> intenciown,To <strong>the</strong> kyng <strong>to</strong> make relaciown,How his knyghtes han on her io?/nie spedde, 1185Eut-rich <strong>of</strong> hem his lyf left for a wed[de],And at <strong>the</strong> metyng how <strong>the</strong>y han hem bornTo tellen alhe sured was & swornTo Tydeus, ful lowly on his kne.How trouth with litylmultitude hath euere in <strong>the</strong> fynvic<strong>to</strong>ry <strong>of</strong> falshede.By which ensample 3e opynly may se 1190Ageyn trouth falshed hath no myght,Fy on querilis nat grounded vpon ri:tWith-oute which ^ may be no vic<strong>to</strong>yre,Therfor ech man ha this in memoyre.That gret pouer, shortly <strong>to</strong> conclude, 1195Plente <strong>of</strong> good, nor moch multitude,Sclcight or engyne, fors or felonye.Am <strong>to</strong> feble <strong>to</strong> holden Chanp^rtyeAgeyns trouth, who that list take hedeFor at <strong>the</strong> ende falshede may not spede 1200Tcndure long ;5e shul fynde it thus.Record I take <strong>of</strong> worthy Tydeus,Which with his hand, thorgh trou<strong>the</strong>s excellence,Fyfiy knyghtes slogh in his dyfFenceBut on except, as I late ^ <strong>to</strong>lde,1 205Sworn, and assured with his honde \^holde,'MS. ' woch.'2So i,j 'Pj.j^ j^iss . ^j. . j^y^

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