Specimens of English literature from the 'Ploughmans crede' to the ...

Specimens of English literature from the 'Ploughmans crede' to the ... Specimens of English literature from the 'Ploughmans crede' to the ...

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30 III. JOHN LVDGATE.;;;Mid of his waye \ ri5tas eny lyne,poght he saugh, ageyn Jje mone shyne,Sheldes frcssh^ & plates borned bright,The which environ casten a gret lyghtYmagynyng in his fantasye 1125Ther was treson and conspiracyeWrought by the kyng, his ioume forto lette.How Tydeus outrayed fifty knyghtes )>atfor hym.lay in awaytAnd of al that he no-thyng ne sette.But wel assured in his manly herte,List nat onys a-syde to dyuerte, 1130But kepte his way, his sheld vpon his brest,And cast his spere manly in the rest,And the first platly that he metteThorgh the body proudely he hyw smette.That he fille ded, chief mayst^r of hem alk; 1135And than at onys they vpon hym falleOn eu

III. (b) the STORIE of THEBES. 3But of knyghthod & of gret prouesseVp he roos, maugre alk his foon,And as they cam, he slogh \\QTn oon be oon, 115Lik a lyozm rampawnt in his rage,And on this hille he fond a narow passage,Which that he took of ful high prudence ;And liche a boor, stondyng at his ^ diffence,As his foomen proudly hym assaylle, 115Vpon the pleyn he made her blode to raylieAl enviroz/n, that the soyl wex rede.Now her, now ther, as they fiUe dede,That her lay on, & ther lay two or thre^So mercy les, in his cruelte, ii(Thilk [e]day he was vpon hem foundeAnd, attonys his enemyes to confounde,Wher-as he stood, this myghty champioz^^n,Be side he saugh, with water tz^rned doz^in,An^ huge stocn, large, rounde, & squar;And sodeynly, er that thei wer war.As it hadde leyn ther for the nonys,Vpon his foon he rolled it at onys.That ten of hem wenten vnto wrak,And the remnaz/nt amased drogh a-bak 1For on by on they wente ^ to meschaz^nce.And fynaly he broght to outrazznceHem eu^rychoc'n, Tydeus, as blyve.That non but on left of h

III. (b) <strong>the</strong> STORIE <strong>of</strong> THEBES. 3But <strong>of</strong> knyghthod & <strong>of</strong> gret prouesseVp he roos, maugre alk his foon,And as <strong>the</strong>y cam, he slogh \\QTn oon be oon, 115Lik a lyozm rampawnt in his rage,And on this hille he fond a narow passage,Which that he <strong>to</strong>ok <strong>of</strong> ful high prudence ;And liche a boor, s<strong>to</strong>ndyng at his ^ diffence,As his foomen proudly hym assaylle, 115Vpon <strong>the</strong> pleyn he made her blode <strong>to</strong> raylieAl enviroz/n, that <strong>the</strong> soyl wex rede.Now her, now <strong>the</strong>r, as <strong>the</strong>y fiUe dede,That her lay on, & <strong>the</strong>r lay two or thre^So mercy les, in his cruelte, ii(Thilk [e]day he was vpon hem foundeAnd, at<strong>to</strong>nys his enemyes <strong>to</strong> confounde,Wher-as he s<strong>to</strong>od, this myghty champioz^^n,Be side he saugh, with water tz^rned doz^in,An^ huge s<strong>to</strong>cn, large, rounde, & squar;And sodeynly, er that <strong>the</strong>i wer war.As it hadde leyn <strong>the</strong>r for <strong>the</strong> nonys,Vpon his foon he rolled it at onys.That ten <strong>of</strong> hem wenten vn<strong>to</strong> wrak,And <strong>the</strong> remnaz/nt amased drogh a-bak 1For on by on <strong>the</strong>y wente ^ <strong>to</strong> meschaz^nce.And fynaly he broght <strong>to</strong> outrazznceHem eu^rychoc'n, Tydeus, as blyve.That non but on left <strong>of</strong> h

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