Specimens of English literature from the 'Ploughmans crede' to the ...

Specimens of English literature from the 'Ploughmans crede' to the ... Specimens of English literature from the 'Ploughmans crede' to the ...

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;;;;;ZO IL THOMAS OCCLEVE.And right anone, or I be hens hent,An hundred pounde of nobles gode and roundeTaketh to ]>e prechours, tarieth it no stoundeAn hundred pounde eke to the freres greyAnd to karmes fifty ; tarye not, I you prey.619 And whan I buryed am, of hem the keyesOf my cheste taketh, for they hem kepeBy every key writen ben the weyesOf my wille ;' this gold was not suffred slepe,It was anone delt, for her hertes depeStak in his bounden cofre, and alk her hopeWas goode bagges, ther}'nne forto grope.620 To euery chirche and recluse of the tounBade he yeve eke of golde a quantiteeAlk as he bade, thei were prest and boun,And did it blive ; but, so mote I thee,Fully slily dece}'ued he this meyne.His sones and his doughtres bothe I meneHer berdes shaued he both smothe and clene.621 Whan he was dede, and his obsequies doSolempnely, they to the freres yede.And bade tho keyes deliuer hem vntoAnd, as they hem beden, so they dede.Tho ioyfull(? sones dressen hem to the stedeWhere as the strong bounden chest stoode.But or they twynned thens they pekked moode.622 They opened the cheste, and fonde right noughtBut a passyng grete sergeantes mace,In which there gaily made was and wroughtThis same scripture, * I, lohcrn of Canace,

. DE REGIMINE PRINCIPUM. 1,1Make suche testament here in this placeWho bereth charge of other men, and isOf hem dispised, slayne be he with this.'623 Amonge folies alk, is none, I leeue,More than a man his goode foole-largelyDispende, in hope men wole hym releeue.Whan his goode is dispent vttirly.The indigent man sette no thyng therby.I, Occleue, in suche caas am gilty, this me toucheth,So seith pouert, that on foole-large hym voucheth.624 For though I neuere were of hye degree,Ne hade moche goode, ne grete richesse,Yit hath the vice of prodegaHteeSmerted me, and do me hevynesse.He that but litelle hath may done excesseIn his degree, as wele as may the riche,Though her dispenses be not cliche.625 So haue I plukked at my purses strenges.And made hem oft for to gape and gane,That his smalk stuffe hath take hym to his wenges,And hath sworne to be my welthes bane,But yf releef my sorwe awey planeAnd whens it come shalk, kan I not gesse,My lord, but it procede of your hyenesse.626 I me repente of my mysreuled lyfe;Wherfore in the wey of sauaciozmI hope I be, my dotage excessifeHath putte me to suche castigacioz^nOf me ; O hade I helpe, now wold I thrive,And so did I neuer yit in my live.

. DE REGIMINE PRINCIPUM. 1,1Make suche testament here in this placeWho bereth charge <strong>of</strong> o<strong>the</strong>r men, and isOf hem dispised, slayne be he with this.'623 Amonge folies alk, is none, I leeue,More than a man his goode foole-largelyDispende, in hope men wole hym releeue.Whan his goode is dispent vttirly.The indigent man sette no thyng <strong>the</strong>rby.I, Occleue, in suche caas am gilty, this me <strong>to</strong>ucheth,So seith pouert, that on foole-large hym voucheth.624 For though I neuere were <strong>of</strong> hye degree,Ne hade moche goode, ne grete richesse,Yit hath <strong>the</strong> vice <strong>of</strong> prodegaHteeSmerted me, and do me hevynesse.He that but litelle hath may done excesseIn his degree, as wele as may <strong>the</strong> riche,Though her dispenses be not cliche.625 So haue I plukked at my purses strenges.And made hem <strong>of</strong>t for <strong>to</strong> gape and gane,That his smalk stuffe hath take hym <strong>to</strong> his wenges,And hath sworne <strong>to</strong> be my wel<strong>the</strong>s bane,But yf releef my sorwe awey planeAnd whens it come shalk, kan I not gesse,My lord, but it procede <strong>of</strong> your hyenesse.626 I me repente <strong>of</strong> my mysreuled lyfe;Wherfore in <strong>the</strong> wey <strong>of</strong> sauaciozmI hope I be, my dotage excessifeHath putte me <strong>to</strong> suche castigacioz^nOf me ; O hade I helpe, now wold I thrive,And so did I neuer yit in my live.

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