Specimens of English literature from the 'Ploughmans crede' to the ...

Specimens of English literature from the 'Ploughmans crede' to the ...

Specimens of English literature from the 'Ploughmans crede' to the ...

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GLOSSARIAL INDEX.535Yer<strong>the</strong>, sh. earth, 15 6. 124. A. S.Yfere, adv. S. <strong>to</strong>ge<strong>the</strong>r, 24. 74.A. S. gefera, a travelling companion,/ar««, <strong>to</strong> fare, travel.Y-founde, Z)/).founded, I. 242.Y-gadered, />/>. ga<strong>the</strong>red, r. 189.Y-grei))ed, pp. prepared, fitted, i.196. See Gra])is.Yhorsed, pp. provided with horses,3 b. 1 100.Yh-iirt, pp. hurt, 3 b. 1 175.Y~hyled, pp. covered, I. 193. A. S.helan, Lat. celare, <strong>to</strong> hide.Ying, adj. S. young, 11 a. 22;3ing, 6. 201. A. S. gy7ig, geong.Ylayne, pp. laid, 24. 46.Y-leid, /»/). laid, I. 263. A. S.lecgan, <strong>to</strong> lay, pp. geled.Yle, &b. F. isle, island, 3. 301.Ylike, adj. like, 286! 36. A. S.gelic.Y'msLj, pr.pl. may, 24. 52.Y-medled, />/>. mixed, placed alternately(betvi^een <strong>the</strong> shields), i.177. O. F. medler, mesler, LowLat. mismlare, <strong>from</strong> Lat. miscere,<strong>to</strong> mix; cf. Ital. mescolare, <strong>to</strong> mix.Ynewch, adj. enough, 6. 446.A. S. getiob. See Yno"w.Ynne, sb. inn, i.e. lodging, 28 a.16, 28 b. 72. A. S. inn.Y-noumbred, pp. numbered, i.178.Yno^w, adv. S. enough. A. S.gen oh.Yode, I p. s. pt. went, 3 a. 13.See Yede.Yond, pron. yonder, 28 a. 42.A. S. geond, prep, beyond.Yore, adv formerly, long ago, 2.602. A. S. geara.Yornyng, sb. yelling (?) 18. xviii.1 7. We find also yonl, yoivle, yout,yowp, yelp, and gowle. with <strong>the</strong>sense oi yell ; but <strong>the</strong> O.E. yernemeans <strong>to</strong> run, and yerning meansactivity.Youngth., sb. youth, 28 a. 20.A. S. geogn'^.YoungtMy, adj. youthful, 28 b. 75.Your, poss. pron. yours, 10. 152.A. S. euwer, <strong>of</strong> you, pi. <strong>of</strong> \hi, thou.The form is et)'mologically correct.Y-paued, /)/). paved, 1.194.Y-peynt, /)/), paintd, i. 160.Y-rayled, pp. bedecked, covered,3 b. 1340. A.S. hrc£gl,2. garment; O. E. rail, a kerchief.Yrk, adj. wear}^, tired, 6. 331.A.S. earg, sluggish; cf. G. arg,bad, E, irksome.Y-rosted, /)/>. roasted, i. 764.Y-sacred, pp. consecrated, sanctified,I. 186.Y-schro'wdyt,/»/>.shrouded, clo<strong>the</strong>d,13- 163.Y-sene, pp. seen, 20 a. 56.Y-set, pp. set, i. 201.Y-sewed. Z^. sewn, i. 229,Y-stabled, pp. put in<strong>to</strong> a stable (orperhaps, merely) confined, 2S a.15-Y-s<strong>to</strong>ngen, pp. pierced, prickedthrough (lit. stung), I. 553.Y'-svded, pp. soiled, sullied, I. 753.F. soinller, Dan. sole, <strong>to</strong> soil.Yth., put for in <strong>the</strong>, 7. 25. Cf. <strong>the</strong>proper name Strongitbarm.Ythrungin, pp. crowded <strong>to</strong>ge<strong>the</strong>r,pushed <strong>to</strong>ge<strong>the</strong>r (upwards), 4. 165.A. S. \)ringan, <strong>to</strong> press, throng.Y-ti3t, pp. firmly built, solidlymade, i. 168. ' Cf. Du. digt,solid, digten, <strong>to</strong> make close; also'Thyhtyn, or make thyht. Integra,consolido, solido,'' and Thyht,'solidiis,' in Prompt. Parv.Y-<strong>to</strong>ted, pp. inspected, i. 219.See Tote.Y-wis, adv. certainly, I. 555- Du.geu'is, adj. certain, adv. certainly.Ywounded, pp. wounded, 3 b.1175-5ald, />/. 5. yielded (up <strong>the</strong> ghost),22. 4553- A.S. gyldan, Xo pzy,yield ;pt. t. ic geald.3ard, sb. garden, 13. 95. A.S.geard, a garden, a yard.

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