Specimens of English literature from the 'Ploughmans crede' to the ...

Specimens of English literature from the 'Ploughmans crede' to the ...

Specimens of English literature from the 'Ploughmans crede' to the ...

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GLOSSA RIAL IiYDEX. 5^5stent, V. S. <strong>to</strong> cease, 29. 32. SeeStint.Stent, sb. S. stOj^ping-place, 24. 6.See Stint.Stepe, adj. shining, glittering, 14.1014. Cf. Chaucer's Prol. 1. 201.See Stemyng.Stered, pp. steered, directed, 2.628.Sterres, sb. pL S. stars, 19 a. 603.Sterue, i p. s.pr. I die, 20 /. 15 ;pr. pL Sterue, die, 21. 125. A. S.steorfan, G. sterben, E. starve.Stevynnys, sb. pi. notes, voices,13. 238. A. ?).stefen, a voice.Stike, sb. a ' stich,' a verse, aline, 24. 2T. Gk. arixos, a row,line ; cf. E, hemistich.Stint, imp. s. cease, 24. 15; 26.632. A.S. stintan, <strong>to</strong> be blun<strong>to</strong>r stunted, <strong>to</strong> faint.Stiroppe, sb. stirrup, 18. xvii. 218.A. S. sti-rdp, mounting-rope, <strong>from</strong>stigaJt, <strong>to</strong> mount, G. steigen.S<strong>to</strong>cke, sb. S. a post, 21. 58.S<strong>to</strong>n, sb. rock, I. 806.S<strong>to</strong>rour, sb. res<strong>to</strong>rer, 13. 263.S<strong>to</strong>unde, sb. S. time, portion <strong>of</strong>time, 2. 618; time, 23. iii. 4. 7;28 b. 140. A. S. and G. stvnd.S<strong>to</strong>undmele. adv. at times, 3 b.1 2 58. A.S. st7md-ma:him, bylittle times, occasionally.S<strong>to</strong>uth, sb. stealth, 13. 212.Cf. Sc.s<strong>to</strong>wii, s<strong>to</strong>len.S<strong>to</strong>vys, sb. pi. vapours, 1 3. 46.Sc. itew, vapour, Sw, s<strong>to</strong>jt, G. staxtb,fine dust.S<strong>to</strong>wrand, pres. part, stirringquickly about, 13. 58. Sc. s<strong>to</strong>ttr,<strong>to</strong> move rapidly about. A, S.sfyrian, <strong>to</strong> stir.S<strong>to</strong>wre, sb. distress, conflict (<strong>of</strong>mind), 28 b. C6. O. F. es<strong>to</strong>ur,conflict, Icel. styrr, a battle.S<strong>to</strong>ynde, pp. stunned, as<strong>to</strong>nished,frightened, 24.34. SeeAs<strong>to</strong>ynde.Straiglit, adj. {piitfor Strait), closefitting,tight, pinching, 27. 21.Lat s/rictt/s, <strong>from</strong> stringere.Strain, pr. pi. distrain, 26. 1104.Strake, pt. s. struck, reached, 19 a.636.Streatly. adv. straitly, closely,strictly, 14, 438.Streite, adj. F. strait, narrow, confined,3 b. 1 109. Lat. strictus.Strekyng, pres. part, stretching,M. 86.Strenges, sb. pi. strings. 2. 625.Strentlds, sb. pi. forts (lit,strengths), 6. 343.Strocke, pt. pi. struck, 7. 62. Theline seems <strong>to</strong> mean—' many stern(men) <strong>the</strong>y struck down straight .'or, many stern '^blows), &c.Stroyed, pp. F. destroyed, 20 a.Lat. struere.I.J.Stnde, pt. pi. s<strong>to</strong>od, 13. 71.Style, sb. prob. pen, writing-pen,3 b. 1078. Lat. stylus.Stynted, pt. pi. s<strong>to</strong>pped ; 8. iv.33 ; pt. s. Stynttede, 7, 86. SeeStint.Stie}>, pr.pl. follow, i. ^54. Lat.sequi.Suffragane, sb. assistant, helper,1 1 rt. 25. Lat. suffragari, <strong>to</strong> supportwith a vote, suffragiimi, avote.Sul-art, adj. bright, shining, 13.64. O. F. ioleiller, <strong>to</strong> shine, <strong>from</strong>soleil, <strong>the</strong> sun.Sul5e, sb. soil, earth, 13. 74. O. F.soille, <strong>from</strong> Lat. soli,m.Sumdeale. adv. (iit. some de;il).son ewhat, partially, 24. 37 Suni-;deill, somewhat, 1 3. 27.Supsrnale, adj. belonging <strong>to</strong> ihcupper regions, celestial, 13. 50.Lat. sijpernus, uppermost.Supping, pres. part, supj.ing up,swallowing, 24. 79-Supposs, conj. although, 6. 374.Snred, pp. securely bound by promise,3 b. 1188.Sutaille, adj. F. subtle, 6. 273.Savage, V. F. assuage, i.e. diminish,2. 601 ; <strong>to</strong> assuage, 24. 61. O. F.assouager, Prov. assuaviar, <strong>to</strong>make sweet, <strong>from</strong> Lat. suavis.Swapte, //. //. struck, slashed, 7.

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