Specimens of English literature from the 'Ploughmans crede' to the ...

Specimens of English literature from the 'Ploughmans crede' to the ...

Specimens of English literature from the 'Ploughmans crede' to the ...

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GLQSSARIAL INDEX.S^jQuyk, adj. living; qvyh ijiyre, amoving mire, quagmire, I. 226;cf. E. qiucksancl; Quycke, alive,14. 35^- A. S. civic, alive, whenceC07/c^-grass, g?«Vc7>grass, quich-sct;cf. Lat. tiiuns.Quyknar, sb. quickener, giver <strong>of</strong>life, 13. 253. A. S. cwician, <strong>to</strong>quicken, make alive.Quyrry, sb. <strong>the</strong> quarry, a namegiven <strong>to</strong> <strong>the</strong> dead game, 7. 17.O. F. curee, corailles. It. cjirata,<strong>the</strong> intestines <strong>of</strong> an animal, heart,liver, &c.; <strong>from</strong> Lat. cor, <strong>the</strong>heart.Quyten, v. <strong>to</strong> requite with, pay, i.351. F. qnitte, adj. quit, <strong>from</strong>Lat. quietus, quiet, at rest.Quytteris, /r. 5. twitters, 13. 241.Du. Iwetteren, <strong>to</strong> warble.Racke, v. <strong>to</strong> stretch, value at <strong>the</strong>full amount, 26. 1039. A rachrentis a rent estimated at <strong>the</strong> fullvalue <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> tenement. A. S.rcecan, <strong>to</strong> reach, extend, rack.Ead, pp. S. read, 56. 36 ; Red,5 b- 47-Eadious, adj. radiant, shining, 22.5581; Radyous, II a. 15; Radius,II a. 19, Lat. radiosus.Rageinan, sb. a catalogue, list, i.1 80. Sc. ragman-roll, a rpll withmany seals <strong>to</strong> it ; whence E. rigmarole,a long s<strong>to</strong>ry.Eair, v. <strong>to</strong> roar, 22. 546S.Hakis. pr. pi. wander, roam, 13.177. Icel. m^a, <strong>to</strong> roam.Ean, sb. S. rain, 7. 67 ; Reane, 7.139-Eandes, sb.pl. strips, slices, t. 763.Cut me in<strong>to</strong> randes and sirloins;''Beaumont and Fletcher, WildgooseChase, A. v. sc. 2.' Gistede bcziif, a rand <strong>of</strong> beef, a longeand fleshy peece, cut out <strong>from</strong> between<strong>the</strong> flanke and but<strong>to</strong>ck ;Cotgrave.Eank, adj. thickly grown, luxuriant.13. 167. A. S. raiic, proud; Sw.ranli, tall.Eaparyt, pt. pi. F. repaired, 6.350. F. repaire, a den, haunt :O. F. repairer, <strong>to</strong> return home :Lat. repalriare, <strong>from</strong> patria.Eascalles, sb.pl. villains, low fellows,common sort <strong>of</strong> men, 156.23. 53- 'The meaning o( rascalis <strong>the</strong> scrapings and retuse <strong>of</strong> anything.Norse raska, <strong>to</strong> scraperask, <strong>of</strong>Fal.' Vv'edgwood.EatHe, adv. soon, 28 b. 98. A. S.hra'be, quickly, <strong>from</strong> hrctb,quick.Eaught, pt. s. reached, caught ho'd<strong>of</strong>, 19 a. 625; pt.pl. 19 a. 273.A. S. rcecafi, pt. t. ic rcehte.Eavin, adj. ravenous, 4. 157. Seenext word.Eavyne, sb. F. rapine, ll c. iS.F. ravin, <strong>from</strong> ravir, <strong>to</strong> lavis'..snatch, Lat. rapere.Eaw, sb. a row, 13. 177; on rcivin a row ; Rawe, 4. 1 54. A .S.razva, G. reihe, Du. rij.Eaye, sb. a kind <strong>of</strong> striped cloth. 3a. 6. F. raie, Lat. radiiis.Eaylle, v. <strong>to</strong> flow, 36. 1156.Used by Spenser.Eays, s6.^/. roes, 13. iSz. A. S. ra.Eeall, adj. a real (philosopher) 16.316. See <strong>the</strong> note.Eeane. See Ean.Eeas, v. <strong>to</strong> raise, "j. 10. Icel. reisn.Sw. resa, but in A. S. we fii drdran, <strong>to</strong> rear, resan, <strong>to</strong> rise.Eeceits, sb.pl. receipts, 26. 11 53.Eeclilesse, adv. recklessly, 20 b.72. A. S. recc, care.Eecluse, sb. hermitage, 2. 62c.O. F. rechis; see Burguy. Lat.claudtre, <strong>to</strong> shut.Eecognisance, sb. F. an obliga-binding one over <strong>to</strong> do sometionparticular act, 26. 789.Eecord, sb. F. witness, 3 b. 1202.Lat. recordari, <strong>to</strong> remember, getby heart, <strong>from</strong> cor, heart.Eecule, v. <strong>to</strong> recoil, 15 a. 39. F.redder, <strong>from</strong> Lat. re and cuius.

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