Specimens of English literature from the 'Ploughmans crede' to the ...

Specimens of English literature from the 'Ploughmans crede' to the ...

Specimens of English literature from the 'Ploughmans crede' to the ...

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GLOSSARIAL INDEX. ,11Nemne, i p. s. pr. name, call, i472. A. S. 7iemnan, <strong>to</strong> name.New-fanglenesse, sb. fondness fornovelty, I 7 c. 68. See Fangle inWedgwood.Nobles, sh. pi. nobles (coins sonamed) 2. 609. A gold noblewas worth 6s. Stf.Nocht, adv. naught, not.Nolde, pt. s. {for ne wolde), wouldnot, I. 190. Cf. A. S. nyllan,Lat. 7iolle, <strong>to</strong> be unwilling.NoneSj in phr. for <strong>the</strong> nones, i. e.for <strong>the</strong> once, for <strong>the</strong> occasion, i.183. O. E./or <strong>the</strong> naiies, a corruption<strong>of</strong> for <strong>the</strong>n a?ies. SeeOrmulum, ed. White, vol. ii. p.642.Nonys ;phr. for <strong>the</strong> nonys (mod.Y.. for <strong>the</strong> nonce) 3 h. 1167. Seeabove.Noonesteede, sh. S. noon-stead,place <strong>of</strong> noon, meridian, 24. 7.Wosell, pr. pi. nuzzle, noursle,nurse, rear up, 16. 309. Lat.nutrix.Note, I p. s. pr. know not, 2. 598.Equivalent <strong>to</strong> ne wot.No'WTie, fh. noon, 6. 372.Noyss-thyrlys, &h.pl. nostrils, 13.29. E. noitril — nose-thrill , <strong>from</strong>A. S. \irlan, <strong>to</strong> thrill, drill.Nuly, at/z/. newly, lately, 15 a. 115.Nummer, sh. F. number, 22. 5625.Nutstiales, sh. pi. nutshells, i. e. <strong>of</strong>small value, 14. 440. Shale,scale, shell are all <strong>the</strong> same word.ITyce, adj. F. foolish, silly, full <strong>of</strong>tricks, 4. 155. F. niais. It.<strong>from</strong>nidiace, which Diez derivesIt. nido, a nest. Wedgwoodrefers it <strong>to</strong> Lat. nescius.Nyclit-liyrd, sb. guardian <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>night, 13. I.Nyc<strong>the</strong>myne, a name for <strong>the</strong> owl,13. II. See note.TSjl, pr. s. will not, I. 249. A. S.nyllati, <strong>to</strong> be unwilling.Nynt, adj. ninth, 11 a. 27.Nyss, adj. curious, 13. 238. E.nice. See Nyce.O, adj. one, one and <strong>the</strong> same, i.440. See On.Oblyste, /)/). F. obliged, 22.4691.Lat. ligare, <strong>to</strong> tie.Obseruance, sb. F. homage, 13.249.Obumbrat, pp. overshadowed, 13.66. Lat. obnmbrare, <strong>to</strong> shade,<strong>from</strong> umbraOccident, sb. F. west, 22. 5^59.Lat. cadere, <strong>to</strong> fall, sink.Occupyed, pt. s. made use <strong>of</strong>, employed,14. 557. Lat. occupare,<strong>to</strong> use, <strong>from</strong> capere.Of-newe, adv. anew, 3 b. 1295.Oliphant, sb. elephant, 4. 156.Probably <strong>from</strong> <strong>the</strong> Hebrew alephhindi, Indian bull.On, Jium. one, i. 789; Con, 3 6.1150; 00,10.93; Oo point =one bit, one jot, i. 198 ; O, oneand <strong>the</strong> same, l. 440. A. S. an,Lat. ntius, G. ein.On, prep, upon, in, i. 342. A. S.o?i, G. an; only ano<strong>the</strong>r form<strong>of</strong> in.Onbydrew, pt. s. withdrew, continued<strong>to</strong> draw aside, 13. 6.Ones, adv. once, i. 491. A. S.dnes.Onel^e, adv. scarcely, l. 217- SeeVnnetli.Onlappyt, pt. s. unfolded, unlapped,13. 114. A.S. l(£ppa, a lap, flap.Onlesum, adj. not permissible, unlawful,13. 210. O. E. lefsum,<strong>from</strong> A. S. lecif, leave, permission.See Leifsum.Onon, adv. anon, immediately, 6.422. A. S. on an, in one.Onschet, pt. s. un-shut, i. e. opened,13. 17; pt.pl.ii. 121.Onvale, v. <strong>to</strong> unveil, become unveiled,12. 20.Oo, Oon. See On.Oost, sh. F. host, army, 9. i. Lat.hoitis.Or, conj. ere, before, 2. 61S, 6. 1 81;

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