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Specimens of English literature from the 'Ploughmans crede' to the ... Specimens of English literature from the 'Ploughmans crede' to the ...

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;jo8 GLOSSA RIAL INDEX.penny, money-swallower, an epithetof London, ^ a.Lyfly, adv. S. in a lively manner,spiritedly, 2. 282.Lyft, d\ air, 13. 240. A. S. lyft,G. lu/t.Lyknes, sb.z likeness, i.e. a parable,1. 263.Lyms, sb. pi. S. limbs, 24. 18.A. S. Urn.Lym-jCrde, sb. a lime-yard orlimed twig, such as birds arecaught with, i. 564.Lyn, V. to cease, stop. 24. 63. A. S.linnan, to cease, O. E. blin (i.e.be-lhi) to cease.Lynage. sb. F. lineage, 10. 170.Lyntquh.ite, sb. linnet, 13. 240.LjrplaboTir, sb. labour with thelips, recitation of prayers, 26.Hi-Lyss, V. to soothe, comfort, 13.202. A. S. liss, grace, comfortcf. bliss.Lyssoviris, sb. fl. pastures, 13. 183.A. S. liisu, prov. E. leasowe, leesCfa pasture,Lyst, I p. s. pr. choose, am pleased,3 a. 15. See List.Jjyte, adj. little, 13. 112. A. S.ly/, little.M.M, the first letter of master ormasteribip ; hence used as shortfor mastership,' a 'title of respect,23, iii. 3. 133. See the note.Maat, adj. exhausted, tired, 3 6.1209. O. F. mat, from the Persianschach mat (check-mate), theking is dead.Macull, &b. stain, 11 a. 22. Lat.macula.Magger, sb. F. in the phr. in themngger of =in spite of, 7. 3. SeeMaugre.Maistow, for mayest thou, 4. i 70.Maistry. sb. F. mastery, proof ofskill. 17 a. 13.Make, sb. mate, husband, 19 a.597; pi. Makys, 7. 1 17. A. S.maca, a husband ; E. match.Male, sb. F. mail, annour, 7. 62. F.maille, It. maglia, a ring of mailor chain-armour, from Lat. jnacula,a spot, a mesh in a net.Malengyne, sb. F. malice, evil disposition,9. 10. Lat. mahim ingenium,.Mamelek, sb. a mameluke, slave,14. 476. Span, mameluco, fromArab, inamluk, a slave, from malaka,to posse-?.Maner, sb. F. manner. The wordof is frequently understood afterit ; see 3 b. 1395.ManqueUers, sb. pi. mankillers,17 c. 37. A. S. cwellan, to kill.Mantled, pp. covered, cloaked,adorned with flowers, 28 a. 128.Marc, sb. pi. S. marks, 9. 6. Cf.our use oifoot for feet in measurement.A mark was a coin worth13s 4J.Marcli, s6 ; in iphr. march-parti =border country, the marches, 7.120; cf. 1. 122. A.S. mearc, zmark, boundary.M^-rtrik, sb. a marten or martin. 4.157. A. S. meard, F. martre, G.m.arder.Massage, sb. F. message, 3 b.1065.Masse-peny, sb. a penny given forthe singing of masses, 16. 149.Mate, V. to be checkmated, 4. 168.Mate is a sb. meaning checkmatein St. 169. See Maat.Maugre, adv. in spite of, 3 6. 1 149.Fr. vial gre.Mavyss, sb. F. the song-thrush,II a. 24. O. F. malvis, F. mauvis,apparently of Celtic origin.May, adj. pi. S. more, 6. 281.A. S. via.May, sb. maid, 28 a. 39. A. S.?«.» 0-, Moeso-Goth. mawi.Mayn, sb. main, i. e. strength, 6.320. k.S. VKEgen, sXxtngXh..Mayne, sb. moan, 6. 189. A.S.7H

GLOSSA RIAL INDEX. 509Mayny, sh. F. a household; hence,a flock (of sheep), 14. 292. SeeMeany.Mayr, adv. more, 6. 188.Me (for Men), people, used withsing, vb., Hke the French o?i, 9.100.Meane, sh. F. way, method, ly^/.50; 26. 753. F. nioyen, fromLat. medws, middle.Meany, sb. F. company, suite, 7. 6.Meyne, 2. 620; Mayny, 14. 292.O. F. maisfie, a household ; supposedto be from Low Lat. 77iaisnada(from Lat. mitius natu), acompany of menials ; see Wedgwood'slong account, s. v. Meiny.Meed, sb. S. reward, 3 «. 4 ; theremede = their hire, 3 a. 12.MeeJT, sb. S. mead, 5 a. 90. A. S.viedu, W. medd, Gk. niOv, wine,from Sanskrit madhu, honey.Meint, pp. mingled, 28 a. 203Meynt, ^ b. 1260; Ment, 13.22. Contr. from menged, pp. ofA. S. meiigian, to mingle.Meked, /_/>. made meek, 16. 287.Mekill, adj. mickle, much, 6. 183.A. S. myceLMell, V. F. to meddle, 14. 375;pp. Mellit, 4. 152. Contr. fromO. F. mesler, from Low Lat. misculare,which from Lat. miscere,to mix.Mene, adj. mean, common, i. 786.A. S. geindiie, which is exactlyequivalent to Lat. communis: sothat mean is identical with the-77ion in common.Ment, pp. mingled, mixed, 13. 22.See Meint.Menys, pr. s. bemoans, laments, 6.4:2. See Mayne.Merels, sb. pi. merelles, or ninemen'smorris, a game played withcounters or pegs 5 a. 71. O. F.merely a counter ; cf. F. mcrelle,hop-scotch.Merimake, sh. merrymaking, 28a. 9.'M.ev^es ysb.pl. marks, tokens, i-i77-Merle, sb. F. the blackbird, 1 1 a.25. Lat. 7nerula.Mess, sb. mass, 13. 304.Mete, adj. scanty, close fitting, i.428. Prov. E. mete, scanty, small.A. S. mcEte, small ; lit. closelymeasured, from the vb. to mete.Mete-yarde, sb. S. a measuringrod, 16. 201.Meued, pp. F. moved, 2. 628.Meyn, sb. intent, design, 13. 210.A. S. inyne, mind, intent ; E.mean, to intend.Meyne, sh. F. household, company,2. 620. See Meany.Meynt, pp. mingled, 3 b. 1260.See Meint.Minges, pr. s. mingles, 19 c. 11.A. S. metigian, to mingle, mix.Minyons, sb. pi. favourites, 21.128. F, mignon, from O. H. G.minni, love.Minyshe, v. F. to diminish, 17 c.21. Lat. minus, less.Mizzle, V. to rain slightly, 28 o.208. O. Du. tnieselen, to mizzle,connected with Du. and E. juist.Mo, adj. more, 2. 603. A.S. 7nii.Mobyll, adj. moveable, 14. 522.Lat. 77iobilis.Moich, adj. moist, misty, I3, 46.Sc. 7noch, 7noich, misty, close ; E.muggy. Cf. W. 7nwg, smoke,fume.Moist, />r. s. must, 22. 4716. SeeMot.Molte, pt. s. melted, 24. 78. A. S.7neltan. pt. t. ic 7nealt, pi. %t, s6. month, i. 248. A.S,7)innn'S, month, mo/ia, month.Monkrye, sb. monkery, the raceof monks. 2 2. 4669.Monstruous, adj. monstrous, 18.xvii. 203.

;jo8 GLOSSA RIAL INDEX.penny, money-swallower, an epi<strong>the</strong>t<strong>of</strong> London, ^ a.Lyfly, adv. S. in a lively manner,spiritedly, 2. 282.Lyft, d\ air, 13. 240. A. S. lyft,G. lu/t.Lyknes, sb.z likeness, i.e. a parable,1. 263.Lyms, sb. pi. S. limbs, 24. 18.A. S. Urn.Lym-jCrde, sb. a lime-yard orlimed twig, such as birds arecaught with, i. 564.Lyn, V. <strong>to</strong> cease, s<strong>to</strong>p. 24. 63. A. S.linnan, <strong>to</strong> cease, O. E. blin (i.e.be-lhi) <strong>to</strong> cease.Lynage. sb. F. lineage, 10. 170.Lyntquh.ite, sb. linnet, 13. 240.LjrplaboTir, sb. labour with <strong>the</strong>lips, recitation <strong>of</strong> prayers, 26.Hi-Lyss, V. <strong>to</strong> soo<strong>the</strong>, comfort, 13.202. A. S. liss, grace, comfortcf. bliss.Lyssoviris, sb. fl. pastures, 13. 183.A. S. liisu, prov. E. leasowe, leesCfa pasture,Lyst, I p. s. pr. choose, am pleased,3 a. 15. See List.Jjyte, adj. little, 13. 112. A. S.ly/, little.M.M, <strong>the</strong> first letter <strong>of</strong> master ormasteribip ; hence used as shortfor mastership,' a 'title <strong>of</strong> respect,23, iii. 3. 133. See <strong>the</strong> note.Maat, adj. exhausted, tired, 3 6.1209. O. F. mat, <strong>from</strong> <strong>the</strong> Persianschach mat (check-mate), <strong>the</strong>king is dead.Macull, &b. stain, 11 a. 22. Lat.macula.Magger, sb. F. in <strong>the</strong> phr. in <strong>the</strong>mngger <strong>of</strong> =in spite <strong>of</strong>, 7. 3. SeeMaugre.Mais<strong>to</strong>w, for mayest thou, 4. i 70.Maistry. sb. F. mastery, pro<strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong>skill. 17 a. 13.Make, sb. mate, husband, 19 a.597; pi. Makys, 7. 1 17. A. S.maca, a husband ; E. match.Male, sb. F. mail, annour, 7. 62. F.maille, It. maglia, a ring <strong>of</strong> mailor chain-armour, <strong>from</strong> Lat. jnacula,a spot, a mesh in a net.Malengyne, sb. F. malice, evil disposition,9. 10. Lat. mahim ingenium,.Mamelek, sb. a mameluke, slave,14. 476. Span, mameluco, <strong>from</strong>Arab, inamluk, a slave, <strong>from</strong> malaka,<strong>to</strong> posse-?.Maner, sb. F. manner. The word<strong>of</strong> is frequently unders<strong>to</strong>od afterit ; see 3 b. 1395.ManqueUers, sb. pi. mankillers,17 c. 37. A. S. cwellan, <strong>to</strong> kill.Mantled, pp. covered, cloaked,adorned with flowers, 28 a. 128.Marc, sb. pi. S. marks, 9. 6. Cf.our use oifoot for feet in measurement.A mark was a coin worth13s 4J.Marcli, s6 ; in iphr. march-parti =border country, <strong>the</strong> marches, 7.120; cf. 1. 122. A.S. mearc, zmark, boundary.M^-rtrik, sb. a marten or martin. 4.157. A. S. meard, F. martre, G.m.arder.Massage, sb. F. message, 3 b.1065.Masse-peny, sb. a penny given for<strong>the</strong> singing <strong>of</strong> masses, 16. 149.Mate, V. <strong>to</strong> be checkmated, 4. 168.Mate is a sb. meaning checkmatein St. 169. See Maat.Maugre, adv. in spite <strong>of</strong>, 3 6. 1 149.Fr. vial gre.Mavyss, sb. F. <strong>the</strong> song-thrush,II a. 24. O. F. malvis, F. mauvis,apparently <strong>of</strong> Celtic origin.May, adj. pi. S. more, 6. 281.A. S. via.May, sb. maid, 28 a. 39. A. S.?«.» 0-, Moeso-Goth. mawi.Mayn, sb. main, i. e. strength, 6.320. k.S. VKEgen, sXxtngXh..Mayne, sb. moan, 6. 189. A.S.7H

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