Specimens of English literature from the 'Ploughmans crede' to the ...

Specimens of English literature from the 'Ploughmans crede' to the ...

Specimens of English literature from the 'Ploughmans crede' to the ...

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;o4GLOSSARIAL INDEX.lubilie, sfe. jubilee, 21. 181. Lat.iithiluvi, Hcb. yohel, <strong>the</strong> blast <strong>of</strong> atrumpet.Juges, ih.pl. Y. judges, 14. 311.V . jus^e.lugledest, 2 />. s. pt. didst juggle,didst play false, 16, 70 ; 2 p. s. pr.luglest, 16. 101. Lat. ioculari,<strong>to</strong> mnke mirth.lugulynge, &b. F. juggling, 16. 18.lustiest, 2 p. s. pr. jostlest, pushest,23. iii. 3. 129. O. F. joster, <strong>to</strong>joust,commonly referred <strong>to</strong> Lat.iuxtn ; but <strong>the</strong> word for a joust(combat) occurs in Dan. dyst, Sw.dust.lutte, sb. a piece <strong>of</strong> scornful behaviour,a slight, 23. iii. 3. 8. E.J7/t,ano'.her spelling <strong>of</strong> O. E. jet. Seeletting.Ive. sb. ivy, 13, 97. A. S. ijig.I-\risse, adv. certainl}', 25. 17.O. Fries, wis, Icel. viss, certain,Du. gewis, adj. and adv. certain,certainly.lyen, sh.pl. S. eye?, 24. 11. See E,I;e, .^6. S. eye, 56. 28: pi l5en, 122.I-,e-3i5t, sh. S. eyesight, 56. 14.Kormes, sh. pi. Carmelite friars,2. 618.Ken, V. <strong>to</strong> know, 28 6. 82 ; 2 p.plpr. ye know, 22. 4574; pf-pl.Kend, 6. 2O4 ; pp. Kend, 22. 4588.A. S. cunnan, G. hejinen, <strong>to</strong> know.Kep, sh. S. keep, heed, care, 3 b.1359 Kepe, 24, 41.;Kepit, f/). kept, guarded, il a. 19.Kerued, pp. S. carved, 18. xvii201. A. S. ceorfan, <strong>to</strong> cut.Kest, pi. s. cast, threw (by reflection),13. 62.Keuer, v. F. <strong>to</strong> cover, 10. 100Keysar, sb. Caesar, czar, emperor,27. 227.Kirtel, sb. a kind <strong>of</strong> petticoat, i.229; 10. no. A. S. cyrUl, Sw.kjortel. See note <strong>to</strong> I. 229.Knackes, sb. pi. tricks, 26. 799.The original meaning is a crackor snap ; Dan. knag, a crack,crash, E. knock.Knap, imp. s. <strong>to</strong>ll, strike (<strong>the</strong> bell),23. iii. 3. 80. O. E. knap, <strong>to</strong>strike, break, whence E. snap.Du. knappen, <strong>to</strong> crack.Knawen, pp. gnawn, gnawed, 24.51. A. S. gnagan, <strong>to</strong> gnaw.Kna-win, pp. known, 22. 4563.Knopped, pp. full < f knobs orbunches, I. 424. S:e below.Knoppys, sb. pi, knops, buds, 13.123. A. S. cncep, a knop, but<strong>to</strong>n ;E. knab, knop, knoh, fiob.Knottes, sb. pi. knots, i. 161.'Knot, a boss, round bunch <strong>of</strong>leaves ; also, <strong>the</strong> foliage on <strong>the</strong>capitals <strong>of</strong> pillars ; ' Glossary <strong>of</strong>Architecture.Knyp, pp. nipped, nibbled, 13. 94.Ko, colloquial form <strong>of</strong> quoth, 23.iii. 3. 21. See next word.Koth, ^/. s. S. quoth, said, 2. 611.A. S. cwce^, pt. t. <strong>of</strong> cvje^an, <strong>to</strong>say ; cf. E. be-qneath.Kundites, sb. pi. conduits, I. 195.Kunne, v. S. be able; kunne seie =be able <strong>to</strong> say, 5 a. 35^. A. S.cunnari.Ky, sb. pi. cows, kine, 13. 185 ; 2 3.4715. A. S. cii, a cow ;pi. cy.Kyehens, sb.pl. kitchens, i. 210.Kydst, pt. s. 2 p. knewest, 28 6.92. (Properly, it mezns shewedst.)A. S. cyian, <strong>to</strong> make known,shew ;pt. t. ic cydde.Kynd, sb. S. nature, natural property,6. 217; Kynde, natural occupation,I. 760. A. S. cy?id.nature.Kynde, adj. natural ;kynde ypocrites,hypocrites by nature, i . 489.Kyne, sb. pi. cows, 6. 190. SeeKy.Kynrede, 56. kindred, i. 486. A. S.cyn, kin, and rceden, condition,state. The first d in kindred is<strong>of</strong> late insertion ; cf. hatred.Kyrkis, sb.pl, churches, 13. 70.Kyrnellis, sb. pi. battlements, 13.

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