Specimens of English literature from the 'Ploughmans crede' to the ...

Specimens of English literature from the 'Ploughmans crede' to the ... Specimens of English literature from the 'Ploughmans crede' to the ...

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; ;; ; ;;8 /. PERES THE PLOUGHMANS CREDE.;I sei^ a sely man me by•opon ))e plow hongen.His cote was of a cloute ' |)^t cary was y-called,I lis hod was full of holes & his heer oute,•\\"\\ his knopped schon•clouted full })ykkeHis ton toteden out • as he ]>e londe treddede, 425His hosen ouerhongen his hokschynes *Al beslombred in fen as he • \>q plow folwedeTwey myteynes, as mete maad • all of cloutespe fyngers weren for-werd & • ful of fen lionged.pis whit waselede in )>e fen • almoston eueriche a side,to ]>e ancle, 4.10Foure rojjeren hym by-forn • |)at feble were wor}?enMen my^te rcken ich a nb•so reufuil ])ey weren.His wijf walked him wij> • wij> a longe gode,In a cutted cote•cutted full hey5e,Wrapped in a wynwe schete " to weren hire fro weders, 435Barfote on Je bare ijs • \a\. jie blod folwede.& at the londes ende lave a • litell crom-bolle,& |)rron lay a litell childe lapped in cloutes,•And tweyne of tweie ^eres olde opon a-no|)^r syde,•And alle |)ey songen o songe \ai sorwe was to heren • ; 440pey crieden alle o cry • a carefull note.pe sely man si^ede sore, & seide • ' children, be)> stille !'leet \t plow stonden,•pis man loked opon me &And seyde, sely man, why sy5est ))0u so harde ' ?5if jje lakke lijflode • lene |)e ich will 445Swich good as god ha)? sent • go we, leue brojjer.'Y saide |>anne, * naye, sire • my sorwe is wel moreFor y can nou3t my credeFor y•can fyndcn no manTo techen me \>q hey3e weie & •y kare well hardeJxzt fully beleuej),\cr^ore I wepe. 450For y haue fonded |)e freers • of ))e foure orders,For jierc I wende haue wist but now my wit lakke])••And all my hope was on hem &myn herte also

I. PERES THE PLOUGHMANS CREDE. 9But \>ei ben fully fei|)les • and'A!J^e fend sue]>.'bro}>er/ qua]? he |>o • ' beware of j?o foles !455For Crist seyde him-selfe • " of swiche y 50U warne,"& false profetes in |)e feij? * he fulliche hem calde," /n vesiimentis ouium ' but onlie wijy-innepei ben wilde wer-wolues ' \>at wiln jje folk robben."pe fend founded hem first • ]?e feij? to destroie, 460And by his craft j)ei comen in • to combren ]>e chirche,By ]>e coueiteise of his craft • |>e curates to helpenBut now l^ey hauen an hold•]>ey harmen full many.•pei don noujt after domynick but drecche]? |je puple,Ne folwen nou^t fraunces but falslyche lybben, • 465And Austynes rewle • |)ei reknej? but a fable,But purchase}? hem pryuylege•of popes at Rome.pei coueten confessions to kachen some hire,*And sepultures also some wayten to cacchen • ;But o})er cures of cristen • ]?ei coueten nou^t to haue, 470But ]>ere as wynnynge lijj? he loke}) none * ojjer.'' •Whou5 schal y nemne ]>y name jjat nei^boures \>e kalle}) ?'Peres,' qua]? he, ' •j^e pore man j^e plowe-man y hatte.'!y pray )?e, |?ou me telle*A Peres,' qua)? y j?o • 'More of ]?ise tryflers hou trechurly • ]?ei libbej? ?475'For ichon of hem ha}? told me a tale of Ipat o]?er,Of her wicked lijf • in werlde J?^t hy lybbe)?.I trowe ]>at some wikked wy5t • wrou3te |?is ordersporu5 j?at gest • ]>at Golias is y-calde,ij^&UiOj?er ell[e]s satan him-self • sente hem fro hell 480To cumbren men wij? her craft ' cristendome to schenden !''Dere bro|?er,' qua|? peres • ' |?e devell is ful queynteTo encombren holy Chirche he • caste]? ful harde,& flurichej? his falsnes opon • fele wise,And fer he caste]? to-forn • ]?e folke to destroye. 485•Of ]?e kynrede of Caym he caste ]?e freres.

; ;; ; ;;8 /. PERES THE PLOUGHMANS CREDE.;I sei^ a sely man me by•opon ))e plow hongen.His cote was <strong>of</strong> a cloute ' |)^t cary was y-called,I lis hod was full <strong>of</strong> holes & his heer oute,•\\"\\ his knopped schon•clouted full })ykkeHis <strong>to</strong>n <strong>to</strong>teden out • as he ]>e londe treddede, 425His hosen ouerhongen his hokschynes *Al beslombred in fen as he • \>q plow folwedeTwey myteynes, as mete maad • all <strong>of</strong> cloutespe fyngers weren for-werd & • ful <strong>of</strong> fen lionged.pis whit waselede in )>e fen • almos<strong>to</strong>n eueriche a side,<strong>to</strong> ]>e ancle, 4.10Foure rojjeren hym by-forn • |)at feble were wor}?enMen my^te rcken ich a nb•so reufuil ])ey weren.His wijf walked him wij> • wij> a longe gode,In a cutted cote•cutted full hey5e,Wrapped in a wynwe schete " <strong>to</strong> weren hire fro weders, 435Barfote on Je bare ijs • \a\. jie blod folwede.& at <strong>the</strong> londes ende lave a • litell crom-bolle,& |)rron lay a litell childe lapped in cloutes,•And tweyne <strong>of</strong> tweie ^eres olde opon a-no|)^r syde,•And alle |)ey songen o songe \ai sorwe was <strong>to</strong> heren • ; 440pey crieden alle o cry • a carefull note.pe sely man si^ede sore, & seide • ' children, be)> stille !'leet \t plow s<strong>to</strong>nden,•pis man loked opon me &And seyde, sely man, why sy5est ))0u so harde ' ?5if jje lakke lijflode • lene |)e ich will 445Swich good as god ha)? sent • go we, leue brojjer.'Y saide |>anne, * naye, sire • my sorwe is wel moreFor y can nou3t my credeFor y•can fyndcn no manTo techen me \>q hey3e weie & •y kare well hardeJxzt fully beleuej),\cr^ore I wepe. 450For y haue fonded |)e freers • <strong>of</strong> ))e foure orders,For jierc I wende haue wist but now my wit lakke])••And all my hope was on hem &myn herte also

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