Specimens of English literature from the 'Ploughmans crede' to the ...

Specimens of English literature from the 'Ploughmans crede' to the ...

Specimens of English literature from the 'Ploughmans crede' to the ...

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1. PERES THE PLOUGHMANS CREDE, 5& we ben proued Jje prijs * <strong>of</strong> popes at Rome,& <strong>of</strong> gretest degre • as godspelles telle)).'*A!syre/ qua)) y ))anne • ' )70u seyst a gret wonder,•Si})en crist seyd hym-self <strong>to</strong> all his disciples,•' W;^/ch <strong>of</strong> 30U ))^t is most • most schal he werche, 260& who is goer byforne•first schal he seruen."*k seyde, '• he sawe satan • sytten full hey^eSz ful lowe ben y-leyd ;" * in lyknes he <strong>to</strong>lde,P^t in pouernesse <strong>of</strong> spyrit • is spedfuUest hele,And hertes <strong>of</strong> heynesse • harme)) ))e soule. 265And ))^rfore, frere, fare well • here fynde y but pride;Y preise nou5t ))i preching ' but as a pure myte.'\_The Carmelites orWhite Friars.']pANNE <strong>to</strong>tede y in<strong>to</strong> a tauerne & • ))er y aspyede•Two frere karmes wi)) a full coppe. 340pere y auntrede me in & aisliche y seide,*'Leue syre, for \e lordes loue • ))at ))0u on leuest,•Lere me <strong>to</strong> som man mycrede for <strong>to</strong> lerne,p^t lyue)) in lei lijf and • loue)) no synne,And glose)) nou3t \q godspell but halt Codes hestes, • 345•And ne))er money ne mede ne may him nou3t lettenBut werchen after Codes worde wi))-outen any • faile.A prechour y-pr<strong>of</strong>essed ha)) ' pli^t me his trew))e•To techen me trewlie ; but woldest thou me tellen•For ))ei ben certayne men & syker on <strong>to</strong> trosten, 350Y wolde quyten \q \\ mede as my mi^te were/•'Atr<strong>of</strong>le,' qua)) he, ' trewlie !He dyned nou^t wi)) Domynike••his treu)) is full litellsi))e Crist deideFor wi)) ))e princ^j <strong>of</strong> pride • ))e prechours dwellen ; Y^^pei bene as digne as j^e devel • \>at droppe)) fro heuene. 355Wi)) hertes <strong>of</strong> heynesse • WOU5 halwen ))ei chirches

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