Specimens of English literature from the 'Ploughmans crede' to the ...

Specimens of English literature from the 'Ploughmans crede' to the ...

Specimens of English literature from the 'Ploughmans crede' to the ...

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. (b) JOHN LFDGATE. 377studded with pearls ;and <strong>the</strong>y are conducted <strong>to</strong> repose by many a stair <strong>to</strong>a stately <strong>to</strong>wer, after being served with a refection <strong>of</strong> hypocras <strong>from</strong>golden goblets. The next day <strong>the</strong>y are both espoused <strong>to</strong> <strong>the</strong> king's twodaughters, and entertained with <strong>to</strong>urnaments, feasting, revels, andmasques.' A triple alliance being thus formed between Adrastus, Polynices,and Tydeus, <strong>the</strong> last-mentioned undertakes <strong>to</strong> deliver a message<strong>to</strong> Eteocles, claiming <strong>the</strong> crown <strong>of</strong> Thebes for Polynices, The messagebeing met by a refusal, Tydeus denounces war, and makes <strong>the</strong> best <strong>of</strong>his way out <strong>of</strong> Thebes. At this point our extract commences. SeeStatins, Thebaidos lib. ii. 467. A translation <strong>of</strong> Statins in<strong>to</strong> <strong>English</strong>verse, by T[homas] S[tephens], was printed in 1648 ; a translation byLewis will be found in vol. xiv. <strong>of</strong> Anderson's British Poets.1067. As he that list, like one who chose. List is properly an impersonalverb, but in <strong>the</strong> fifteenth century it began <strong>to</strong> be used personally.See 1. 1 1 30.1076. Arge, Argos, <strong>the</strong>n governed by King Adrastus.1079. Kyng, i. e. Eteocles, king <strong>of</strong> Thebes.108 1. Euel apayd, ill pleased. The first foot in <strong>the</strong> line consists <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>single word In.1085. See, seat, throne.1089. The word The seems required at <strong>the</strong> beginning <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> line, by<strong>the</strong> sense even more than by <strong>the</strong> metre. It is not unusual <strong>to</strong> find linesin which <strong>the</strong> first foot consists <strong>of</strong> but 07ie syllable, as in 1. 1081 above.Most <strong>of</strong> Lydgate's lines scan much better than <strong>the</strong>y appear <strong>to</strong> do at firstsight, if <strong>the</strong>y be read out loud, witha slow and measured pronunciation,sounding all <strong>the</strong> lighter syllables fully, and with an even in<strong>to</strong>nation.Much <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> difference between his metre and our modern verses is due<strong>to</strong> <strong>the</strong> change <strong>of</strong> pronunciation and in<strong>to</strong>nation ;many words, more than <strong>the</strong> spelling has done.for <strong>the</strong>se have altered, in1090. Fast requires a final e, being an adverb, both here and in1. 1074. In both places, read/as/e.1091. Chooce, chosen men; cf. Gk. kitXoyrj.1095. Vp peyn, upon pain; so in Chaucer, Cant. Tales, 1. 7^53- ^Pis used in Old <strong>English</strong> where a penalty is implied ; see Matzner, Eng.Gram. ii. i. 320.Her hede, <strong>the</strong>ir heads.1098, My7i au<strong>to</strong>ur, probably Statins; for although Statins does no<strong>the</strong>re mention <strong>the</strong> number, he does so in o<strong>the</strong>r passages ;iii. 76, 363-Vnwarly, unawares.Tencombre, <strong>to</strong> encumber, overwhelm by numbers.1 102. Geyn, convenient, short.Thebaidos, lib.

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