Specimens of English literature from the 'Ploughmans crede' to the ...

Specimens of English literature from the 'Ploughmans crede' to the ...

Specimens of English literature from the 'Ploughmans crede' to the ...

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XXVII. E UPHUES AND HIS EPHCEBUS. 33zeale, <strong>of</strong> pr<strong>of</strong>ound. knowledge, <strong>of</strong> absolute perfection, Mat beinstructed in Philosophy, whereby he may atteine learning,and haue in al sciences a smacke, whereby he may readilydispute <strong>of</strong> any thing. That his body be kept in his purestrength by honest exercise, his wit and memory by diligent 125study.There is nothing more swifter <strong>the</strong>n time, nothing moresweeter : wee haue not, as Seneca saith, little time <strong>to</strong> Hue,but we leese muche ; nei<strong>the</strong>r haue we a short life by Nature,but we make it shorter by naughtynesse ; our life is long 130if we know how <strong>to</strong> vse it. Follow Appel/es, that cunningand wise Painter, which would lette no day passe ouer hishead without a lyne, without some labour. It was pretelysayde <strong>of</strong> Hesiodas, lette vs endeauour by reason <strong>to</strong> excellbeastes, seeinge beasts by nature excell men ; although, 135strick[t]ely taken, it be not so, (for that man is endewed witha soule), yet taken <strong>to</strong>uching <strong>the</strong>ir perfection <strong>of</strong> sences in <strong>the</strong>irkind, it is most certeine. Doth not <strong>the</strong> Lyon for strength,<strong>the</strong> Turtle for loue, <strong>the</strong> Ante for labour, excell man ? Dothnot <strong>the</strong> Eagle see cleerer, <strong>the</strong> Vulter smel better, <strong>the</strong> Mowle 140heare lyghtlyer ? Let vs <strong>the</strong>refore endeauour <strong>to</strong> excell invertue, seeing in qualities <strong>of</strong> fke body we are inferiour <strong>to</strong>beastes. And heere I am most earnestly <strong>to</strong> exhort you <strong>to</strong>modesty in your behauiour, <strong>to</strong>duetye <strong>to</strong> your elders, <strong>to</strong> dylligencein your studyes. I was <strong>of</strong> late in I/a/jy, where mine 145eares gloed, and my heart was galled <strong>to</strong> heare <strong>the</strong> abusesthat reygne in A<strong>the</strong>ns : I cannot tell whe<strong>the</strong>r those thingssprang by <strong>the</strong> lewde and lying lippes <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> ignoraunt, whichare alwayes enimyes <strong>to</strong> learning, or by <strong>the</strong> reports <strong>of</strong> suchas saw <strong>the</strong>m and sorrowed at <strong>the</strong>m. It was openly reported 150<strong>of</strong> an olde man in Naples, that <strong>the</strong>re was more lightnesseinA<strong>the</strong>ns <strong>the</strong>n in all Italy; more wan<strong>to</strong>n youths <strong>of</strong> schollers,

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