Specimens of English literature from the 'Ploughmans crede' to the ...

Specimens of English literature from the 'Ploughmans crede' to the ... Specimens of English literature from the 'Ploughmans crede' to the ...

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::322 XXVI. GEORGE GASCOIGNE.When Taylours steale no stufFe from gentlemen,When Tanners are with Corriers wel agreede, 1070And both so dresse their hydes, that we go drywhen Cutlers leaue to sel olde rustie blades,And hide no crackes with soder nor deceitwhen tinkers make no more holes tha;z they founde,when thatchers thinke their wages worth their worke, 1075when colliers put no dust into their sacks,when maltemen make vs drinke no firmentie,when Dauie Diker diggs and dallies not,when smithes shoo horses as they would be shod,when millers toll not with a golden thumbe, 1080when bakers make not barme beare price of wheat,when brewers put no bagage in their beere,when butchers blowe not ouer al their fleshe,when horsecorsers beguile no friends with lades,when weauers weight is found in huswiues v/eb1085(But why dwel I so long among these lowts ?)When mercers make more bones to swere and lye,When vintners mix no water with their wine.When printers passe none errours in their bookes,When hatters vse to bye none olde cast robes, 1090Whew goldsmithes get no gains by sodred crownes,When vpholsters sel fethers without dust,When pewterers infect no Tin with leade,When drapers draw no gaines by giuing day.When perchmentiers put in no ferret-Silke, 1095When Surgeons heale al wounds without delay,(Tush, these are toys, but yet my glas sheweth al :)—"When purveyours prouide not for themselues,When Takers take no brybes, nor vse no brags.When customers conceale no covine vsde,When Sea[r]chers see al corners in a shippe,uoo

. XXVI.THE STEEL GLAS. 323(And spie no pens by any sight they see),When shriues do serue al processe as they ought,When bayhfes strain none other thing but strays,When auditours their counters cannot change, 1105When proude surveyours take no parting pens,When Siluer sticks not on the Tellers fingers,And when receiuers pay as they receiue,When al these folke haue quite forgotten fraude :(Againe, my priests, a little, by your leaue) 1 noWhen Sicophants can finde no place in courte,But are espied for Ecchoes^ as they areWhen roysters ruffle not aboue their rule.Nor colour crafte by swearing precious coles :When Fencers fees are like to apes rewards, 1115A peece of breade, and therwithal a bobbeWhen Lays Hues not like a ladies peare.Nor vseth art in dying of hir heare :When al these things are ordred as they ought.And see themselues within my glasse of Steele, 1 120Euen then (my priests) may you make holyday.And pray no more but ordinarie prayers.And yet therin, I pray you (my good priests)Pray stilfor me, and for my Glasse of Steele,That it (nor I) do any minde offend, 1125Bycause we shew all colours in their kinde.And pray for me, that (since my hap is suchTo see men so) I may perceiue myselfe.O worthy words, to ende my worthlesse verse.Pray for me. Priests, I pray you, pray for me.Epilogvs.Alas (my lord) my hast was al to bote,I shut my glasse before you gasde your fill,Y 21 1^0

::322 XXVI. GEORGE GASCOIGNE.When Taylours steale no stufFe <strong>from</strong> gentlemen,When Tanners are with Corriers wel agreede, 1070And both so dresse <strong>the</strong>ir hydes, that we go drywhen Cutlers leaue <strong>to</strong> sel olde rustie blades,And hide no crackes with soder nor deceitwhen tinkers make no more holes tha;z <strong>the</strong>y founde,when thatchers thinke <strong>the</strong>ir wages worth <strong>the</strong>ir worke, 1075when colliers put no dust in<strong>to</strong> <strong>the</strong>ir sacks,when maltemen make vs drinke no firmentie,when Dauie Diker diggs and dallies not,when smi<strong>the</strong>s shoo horses as <strong>the</strong>y would be shod,when millers <strong>to</strong>ll not with a golden thumbe, 1080when bakers make not barme beare price <strong>of</strong> wheat,when brewers put no bagage in <strong>the</strong>ir beere,when butchers blowe not ouer al <strong>the</strong>ir fleshe,when horsecorsers beguile no friends with lades,when weauers weight is found in huswiues v/eb1085(But why dwel I so long among <strong>the</strong>se lowts ?)When mercers make more bones <strong>to</strong> swere and lye,When vintners mix no water with <strong>the</strong>ir wine.When printers passe none errours in <strong>the</strong>ir bookes,When hatters vse <strong>to</strong> bye none olde cast robes, 1090Whew goldsmi<strong>the</strong>s get no gains by sodred crownes,When vpholsters sel fe<strong>the</strong>rs without dust,When pewterers infect no Tin with leade,When drapers draw no gaines by giuing day.When perchmentiers put in no ferret-Silke, 1095When Surgeons heale al wounds without delay,(Tush, <strong>the</strong>se are <strong>to</strong>ys, but yet my glas sheweth al :)—"When purveyours prouide not for <strong>the</strong>mselues,When Takers take no brybes, nor vse no brags.When cus<strong>to</strong>mers conceale no covine vsde,When Sea[r]chers see al corners in a shippe,uoo

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