Specimens of English literature from the 'Ploughmans crede' to the ...

Specimens of English literature from the 'Ploughmans crede' to the ... Specimens of English literature from the 'Ploughmans crede' to the ...

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jl8 XXVI. GEORGE GASCOIGNE.Not one of these wil reade the holy write 835Which doth forbid all greedy vsurie,And yet receiue a shilling for a pounde.Not one of these wil preach of patience,And yet be found as angry as a waspe.Not one of these can be content to sit 840In Tauerns, Innes, or Alehouses allday,But spends his time deuoutly at his booke.Not one of these will rayle at rulers wrongs.And yet be blotted with extortion.Not one of these will paint out worldly pride, 845And he himselfe as gallaunt as he dare.Not one of these rebuketh auarice,And yet procureth proude pluralities.Not one of these reproueth vanitieWhiles he him-selfe, (with hauke vpon his fist, 850And houndes at heele,) doth quite forget his text.Not one of these corrects contentionsFor trifling things :and yet will sue for tythes.Not one of these (not one of these, my Lord)Wil be ashamde to do euen as he teacheth. 855My priests haue learnt to pray vnto the Lord,And yet they trust not in their lyplabour..My priests can fast and vse alabstinenceFrom vice and sinne, and yet refuse no meats.My priests can giue in charitable wise, 860And loue also to do good almes-dedes.Although they trust not in their owne deserts.

XXVI. THE STEEL GLAS. 319My priestes can place all penaunce in the hart,Without regard of outward ceremonies.My priests can keepe their temples vndefyled, 865And yet defie all Superstition.Lo now, my Lorde, what thinke you by my priests ?Although they w^ere the last that shewed the;?zselues,I saide at first their office was to pray,And since the time is such euen now a dayes 870As hath great nede of prayers truely prayde,Come forth my priests, and I wil bydde your beadesI wil presume, (although I be no priest)To bidde you pray as Paule and Peter prayde.Tbe poets Beades.Then pray, my priests, yea, pray to god himselfe, 875That he vouchsafe, (euen for his Christes sake)To giue his word free passage here on earth,And that his church (which now is Militant)May soone be sene triumphant ouer all.And that he deigne to ende this wicked w^orld, 880Which walloweth stil in Sinks of filthy sinne.Eke pray, my priests,For Princes.for Princes and for Kings,Emperours, Monarks, Duks, and all estates.Which sway the sworde of royal gouernment,(Of who;7z our Queene which Hues without compare 885Must be the chiefe, in bydding of my beades,Else I deserue to lese both beades and bones)That God giue light vnto their noble mindes,To maintaine truth, and therwith stil to weyThat here they reigne not onely for themselues, 890

jl8 XXVI. GEORGE GASCOIGNE.Not one <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>se wil reade <strong>the</strong> holy write 835Which doth forbid all greedy vsurie,And yet receiue a shilling for a pounde.Not one <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>se wil preach <strong>of</strong> patience,And yet be found as angry as a waspe.Not one <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>se can be content <strong>to</strong> sit 840In Tauerns, Innes, or Alehouses allday,But spends his time deuoutly at his booke.Not one <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>se will rayle at rulers wrongs.And yet be blotted with ex<strong>to</strong>rtion.Not one <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>se will paint out worldly pride, 845And he himselfe as gallaunt as he dare.Not one <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>se rebuketh auarice,And yet procureth proude pluralities.Not one <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>se reproueth vanitieWhiles he him-selfe, (with hauke vpon his fist, 850And houndes at heele,) doth quite forget his text.Not one <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>se corrects contentionsFor trifling things :and yet will sue for ty<strong>the</strong>s.Not one <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>se (not one <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>se, my Lord)Wil be ashamde <strong>to</strong> do euen as he teacheth. 855My priests haue learnt <strong>to</strong> pray vn<strong>to</strong> <strong>the</strong> Lord,And yet <strong>the</strong>y trust not in <strong>the</strong>ir lyplabour..My priests can fast and vse alabstinenceFrom vice and sinne, and yet refuse no meats.My priests can giue in charitable wise, 860And loue also <strong>to</strong> do good almes-dedes.Although <strong>the</strong>y trust not in <strong>the</strong>ir owne deserts.

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