Specimens of English literature from the 'Ploughmans crede' to the ...

Specimens of English literature from the 'Ploughmans crede' to the ...

Specimens of English literature from the 'Ploughmans crede' to the ...

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274 XXIII. NICHOLAS UDALL.:R. Royster. No, I am a poore homely man as God mademee.M. Mery. By <strong>the</strong> faith that I owe <strong>to</strong> God, sir, but ye bee.Woulde I might, for your sake, spende a thousande poundland. 115R. Royster. I dare say thou wouldest haue me <strong>to</strong> thy husbande.M. Mery. Yea :AndI were <strong>the</strong> fairest lady in <strong>the</strong> shiere,And knewe you as I know you, and see you nowe here.Well, I say no more.R. Royster. Gramercies, with all my hart.M. Mery. But since that can not be, will ye play a \viseparte ? 120R. Royster. How should I ?M. Mery. Refraine <strong>from</strong> Custance a while now,And I warrant hir soone right glad <strong>to</strong> seeke <strong>to</strong> youYe shall see hir anon come on hir knees creeping,And pray you <strong>to</strong> be good <strong>to</strong> hir, salte teares weeping.R. Royster. But what and she come not ?M. Mery. In faith, <strong>the</strong>n farewel she !Or else, if ye be wroth, ye may auenged be. 126R. Royster. By cocks precious potsticke, and een so I shall.I wyll vtterly destroy hir,and house and all.But I woulde be auenged, in <strong>the</strong> meane space.On that vile scribler, that did my wowyng disgrace. 130M. Mery. Scribler (ko you) in deede he is worthy, noIlesse.will call h}Tn <strong>to</strong> you, and ye bidde me doubtlesse.R. Royster. Yes, for although he had as many liues.As a thousande widowes, and a thousande wiues,As a thousande lyons, and a thousand rattes, 135A thousande wolues, and a thousand cattes,A thousand bulles, and a thousande calues,

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