Specimens of English literature from the 'Ploughmans crede' to the ...

Specimens of English literature from the 'Ploughmans crede' to the ... Specimens of English literature from the 'Ploughmans crede' to the ...

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246 XXI. HUGH LATIMER.280 dutie, as God hath called them, and then we shoulde hauea florishyng christian commune-weale. And nowe I wouldaske a straung question. Who is the most diligent bishoppeand prelate in al England, that passeth al the reste in doingehis office ? I ca« tel, for I knowe him, who it is ; I knowe285 hym well. But nowe I thynke I se you lysting and hearkening,that I shoulde name him. There is one that passeth althe other, and is the most diligent prelate & precher in alEngland. And w[y]l ye knowe who it is ? I wyl tel you.It is the Deuyl. He is the moste dyligent preacher of al290 other, he is neuer out of his dioces, he is neuer from hiscure, ye shal neuer fynde hym vnoccupyed, he is euer in hisparishe, he keepeth residence at al tymes, ye shall neuerfynde hym out of the waye ;cal for him when you wyl, he iseuer at home, the diligenteste preacher in all the Realme ; he295 is euer at his ploughe, no lordynge nor loytringe can hynderhym ; he is euer appliynge his busynes, ye shal neuer fyndehym idle, I warraunte you. And his office is, to hinder religion,to mayntayne supersticion, to set vp Ido[l]atrie, to teacheal kynde of popetrie ; he is readye as can be wished for to300 sette forthe his ploughe, to deuise as manye wayes as canbe, to deface and obscure Godes glory. Where the Deuylis residente and hath his plough goinge : there awaye wythbokes, and vp w}'th candelles ; awaye wyth Bibles and vpvryih beades ; awaye wyth the lyg[h]te of the Gospel, & vp305 wyth the lyghte of cand[e]lles, yea, at noone-dayes. Where theDeuyll isresidente, that he maye preuaile, vp wyth al superstitionand Idolatrie, sensing, peintynge of ymages, candles,palmes, asshes, holye water, & newe seruice of me[n]nesinuenting, as though man could inuent a better waye to310 honoure God wyth then God him-selfe hath apointed.Do\\Tie wz't^ Christes crosse, vp with purgatory picke-purse,vp wyth hym, the popishe pourgatorie, I meane.Awaye wyth

XXI, SERMON ON 'THE PLOUGHERS.' ^47clothinge the naked, the pore & impotent, vp wyth deckyngeof ymages and gaye garnishinge of stockes and stones,vp wyth mannes traditions and his lawes, Downe wyth Gods 315traditions and hys most holy worde, Downe wyth the oldehonoure dewe to God, and vp wyth the new gods honour,let al things be done in latine. There muste be nothyngebut latine, not as much as Memento^ homo, quod ' cinis es, et incinerem reuerteris—Remembre, man, that thou arte asshes, 320and intoasshes thou shalte returne,' Whiche be the wordesthat the minister speaketh to the ignoraunte people when hegyueth the;;z asshes vpo« asshe wensdaye, but it muste bespoken in latine. Goddes worde may in no wyse be translatedinto englyshe. Oh that our prelates woulde be as dili- 325gente to sowe the corne of good doctrine, as Sathan is tosowe cockel and darnel ! And this is the deuilyshe ploughinge,the which worcketh to haue thinges in latine, and letteththe fruteful edification.

246 XXI. HUGH LATIMER.280 dutie, as God hath called <strong>the</strong>m, and <strong>the</strong>n we shoulde hauea florishyng christian commune-weale. And nowe I wouldaske a straung question. Who is <strong>the</strong> most diligent bishoppeand prelate in al England, that passeth al <strong>the</strong> reste in doingehis <strong>of</strong>fice ? I ca« tel, for I knowe him, who it is ; I knowe285 hym well. But nowe I thynke I se you lysting and hearkening,that I shoulde name him. There is one that passeth al<strong>the</strong> o<strong>the</strong>r, and is <strong>the</strong> most diligent prelate & precher in alEngland. And w[y]l ye knowe who it is ? I wyl tel you.It is <strong>the</strong> Deuyl. He is <strong>the</strong> moste dyligent preacher <strong>of</strong> al290 o<strong>the</strong>r, he is neuer out <strong>of</strong> his dioces, he is neuer <strong>from</strong> hiscure, ye shal neuer fynde hym vnoccupyed, he is euer in hisparishe, he keepeth residence at al tymes, ye shall neuerfynde hym out <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> waye ;cal for him when you wyl, he iseuer at home, <strong>the</strong> diligenteste preacher in all <strong>the</strong> Realme ; he295 is euer at his ploughe, no lordynge nor loytringe can hynderhym ; he is euer appliynge his busynes, ye shal neuer fyndehym idle, I warraunte you. And his <strong>of</strong>fice is, <strong>to</strong> hinder religion,<strong>to</strong> mayntayne supersticion, <strong>to</strong> set vp Ido[l]atrie, <strong>to</strong> teacheal kynde <strong>of</strong> popetrie ; he is readye as can be wished for <strong>to</strong>300 sette for<strong>the</strong> his ploughe, <strong>to</strong> deuise as manye wayes as canbe, <strong>to</strong> deface and obscure Godes glory. Where <strong>the</strong> Deuylis residente and hath his plough goinge : <strong>the</strong>re awaye wythbokes, and vp w}'th candelles ; awaye wyth Bibles and vpvryih beades ; awaye wyth <strong>the</strong> lyg[h]te <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Gospel, & vp305 wyth <strong>the</strong> lyghte <strong>of</strong> cand[e]lles, yea, at noone-dayes. Where <strong>the</strong>Deuyll isresidente, that he maye preuaile, vp wyth al superstitionand Idolatrie, sensing, peintynge <strong>of</strong> ymages, candles,palmes, asshes, holye water, & newe seruice <strong>of</strong> me[n]nesinuenting, as though man could inuent a better waye <strong>to</strong>310 honoure God wyth <strong>the</strong>n God him-selfe hath apointed.Do\\Tie wz't^ Christes crosse, vp with purga<strong>to</strong>ry picke-purse,vp wyth hym, <strong>the</strong> popishe pourga<strong>to</strong>rie, I meane.Awaye wyth

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