Specimens of English literature from the 'Ploughmans crede' to the ...

Specimens of English literature from the 'Ploughmans crede' to the ... Specimens of English literature from the 'Ploughmans crede' to the ...

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l88 XVII. SIR THOMAS MORE.haue it on this wise deliuered ihem at //le bishops hande, &had leuer pay for it to ^/le pri/zter, tha/z haue it of the byshopfree.' It might so happen wilk some, qtwd I. But yet inmyne opinion ther wer in that maner more wilfulnes tha/z i9^ gret reuelewl^doithvserence in ha;;d whan he wil rede, & reuerentlythe scripture,layeth it vp agayn whau hc liath dooue. Wheraswe (god forgeue vs) take a litle regarde to sit down on ourbyble, \\ith the old testament & the new too. Which homely 21handeling, as it procedeth. of litle reuerewce, so doth it m.ore& more enge//dre in /he mind a negligence & conte7;zpt ofgods holi words. We find also /hat among /he lewes, thoughal their whole byble was write;/ in their vulgare tong, & those

•someXVII. (c) A DIALOGUE CONCERNING HERESIES. 18920 bokes therof, wherin their lawes wer write;/, wer vsuall ineuerye mans handes, as thinges f/iat God wold haue co?nmonlyknowen, repeted, & kept in reme;?/brance : yet werther again certain parts therof which f/ie common peple ofMe lewes of old time, both of reuerence & for the difficultie,i25 did forbeare to medle wi't/i. But now, sith /heThe vayle ofveyle of the te;;mle is broke;/ asunder, //lat diuided,among Me lewes, Me peple from Me sight of Mesecretes, and Mat god had sent his holy spirit to bethe tempie isbroken asunder.assistentwz't;^ his hole church to teche all necessary trouth ; though it230 maye therfore be Me better suffred fkat no part of holyscripture wer kept out of honest ley mens ha;/des, yet woldI /hat no part therof shoulde co?ne in theirs, which, to theirown harme & happely their neybours to, would ha;zdle itouer homely, & be to bold and busy therw/t//. And also235 though holye scripture be, as ye saide whyleere, a medicinefor him Mat is sick, & fode for him fkat is hole : yet sith thersoule-sicke Mat taketh himself for hole,is many a body sore& in holy scripture is an whole feast of so much diuersvyand, that after Me affection & state of so;/dry stomakes,240 one may take harme by Me selfsame that shall do anothergood ; and sicke folke often haue such a corrupt tallage intheir tast. Mat they most like Mat mete that is most vnholesomefor the;;/ ; it were not therfore, as me thinketh, vnreasonablethat Me ordinary who;;z god hath in the dyoces245 appointed for Me chief phisicio;/, to discerne betwene Mehole & the sicke, & betwene disease & disease, should afterhys wisedom & discrecio;/ appoynt euery body their part,as he shoulde pf/xeiue to bee good & holesome for them.And therfore, as he should not fayle to find many a man to250 -whom he might commit all Me hole, so, to say Me trouth,I can see none harme therin, though he shold co;;zmit vntoma;/ the gospel of Mathew, Marke, or Luke, whome

•someXVII. (c) A DIALOGUE CONCERNING HERESIES. 18920 bokes <strong>the</strong>r<strong>of</strong>, wherin <strong>the</strong>ir lawes wer write;/, wer vsuall ineuerye mans handes, as thinges f/iat God wold haue co?nmonlyknowen, repeted, & kept in reme;?/brance : yet wer<strong>the</strong>r again certain parts <strong>the</strong>r<strong>of</strong> which f/ie common peple <strong>of</strong>Me lewes <strong>of</strong> old time, both <strong>of</strong> reuerence & for <strong>the</strong> difficultie,i25 did forbeare <strong>to</strong> medle wi't/i. But now, sith /heThe vayle <strong>of</strong>veyle <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> te;;mle is broke;/ asunder, //lat diuided,among Me lewes, Me peple <strong>from</strong> Me sight <strong>of</strong> Mesecretes, and Mat god had sent his holy spirit <strong>to</strong> be<strong>the</strong> tempie isbroken asunder.assistentwz't;^ his hole church <strong>to</strong> teche all necessary trouth ; though it230 maye <strong>the</strong>rfore be Me better suffred fkat no part <strong>of</strong> holyscripture wer kept out <strong>of</strong> honest ley mens ha;/des, yet woldI /hat no part <strong>the</strong>r<strong>of</strong> shoulde co?ne in <strong>the</strong>irs, which, <strong>to</strong> <strong>the</strong>irown harme & happely <strong>the</strong>ir neybours <strong>to</strong>, would ha;zdle i<strong>to</strong>uer homely, & be <strong>to</strong> bold and busy <strong>the</strong>rw/t//. And also235 though holye scripture be, as ye saide whyleere, a medicinefor him Mat is sick, & fode for him fkat is hole : yet sith <strong>the</strong>rsoule-sicke Mat taketh himself for hole,is many a body sore& in holy scripture is an whole feast <strong>of</strong> so much diuersvyand, that after Me affection & state <strong>of</strong> so;/dry s<strong>to</strong>makes,240 one may take harme by Me selfsame that shall do ano<strong>the</strong>rgood ; and sicke folke <strong>of</strong>ten haue such a corrupt tallage in<strong>the</strong>ir tast. Mat <strong>the</strong>y most like Mat mete that is most vnholesomefor <strong>the</strong>;;/ ; it were not <strong>the</strong>rfore, as me thinketh, vnreasonablethat Me ordinary who;;z god hath in <strong>the</strong> dyoces245 appointed for Me chief phisicio;/, <strong>to</strong> discerne betwene Mehole & <strong>the</strong> sicke, & betwene disease & disease, should afterhys wisedom & discrecio;/ appoynt euery body <strong>the</strong>ir part,as he shoulde pf/xeiue <strong>to</strong> bee good & holesome for <strong>the</strong>m.And <strong>the</strong>rfore, as he should not fayle <strong>to</strong> find many a man <strong>to</strong>250 -whom he might commit all Me hole, so, <strong>to</strong> say Me trouth,I can see none harme <strong>the</strong>rin, though he shold co;;zmit vn<strong>to</strong>ma;/ <strong>the</strong> gospel <strong>of</strong> Ma<strong>the</strong>w, Marke, or Luke, whome

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