Specimens of English literature from the 'Ploughmans crede' to the ...

Specimens of English literature from the 'Ploughmans crede' to the ... Specimens of English literature from the 'Ploughmans crede' to the ...

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J 76 XVI. WILLIAM TYNDALE.;teach them the testamente and promises which God hadimade vnto vs in Christe / & how mercyfull and kynde heis / and how moch he loveth vs in Christe. And teach 2(them the principles and the grounde of the fayth, and whatthe sacramentes signifye, and then shall the sprite workewith thy preachinge and make them feaie. So wolde itcome to passe / that as we know by naturall witte whatfoloweth of a true principle of naturall reason : even so by Zi)the principles of the fayth and by the playne scriptures andby the texte / shulde we iudge all mens exposicion and allmens doctrine / and shulde receave the best and refuse theworst. I wolde have you to teach them also the propirtiesand maner of speakinges of the scripture / and how to ex- 30pounde proverbes and similitudes. And then if they gooabroade, and walke by the feldes and medowes of all manerdoctours and philosophers, they coulde catch no harme.They shulde dyscerne the poyson from the hony. a;/d bringewhome no thinge but that which is holsome. 30But now do ye clene contrary. Ye dryve them from Gods1 he disorder wordc and will let no man come there-to / vntyll^T overwartei i i r t>* iorder of oure uc have byu two yeres master 01 arte, rirst theyfvcoemen.noscll them in sophistry and in benefundatu///.The scole doc- ^ •'trine: as they^^d thcrc corruptc thei their iudi?eme;/tes with x\call It : cor- * .-> jr.ipteth theapDarentc arg-ume;?tes and with alleffin2:e vntoludjjemewtes of -"^^ ^ i^ ^youth.them textes of logycke / of naturall philautia /of methaphisick and morall philosophy, and of all manerbokes of Aristotle, a«d of all maner doctours which theyyet never sawe. Moare-over, one holdeth this, a nother that. 31Dreames.One is a reall / a-nother a nominall. What won-derfull dreames have they of their predicamentes / ,vniversales / seconde intencions / quidities, hecseities, & relatives! And whether species fiindata in chimera- be veraspecies. And whether this proposicio;^ be true, non ens est iz

I\I^_tNowXVI. THE OBEDIENCE OF A CHRISTIAN MAN. 1 77^:; descendethaUquid. Whether ens be equivocum or vnivocum. Ens is avoyce only, saye some. Eris is vnivocum, saith a-nother, andin-to ens creatum and in-to ens mcreatiim permodos intrinsecos. whe/z they have this wise brauled viij. x,125 or xij. or moo yeres, and after that their iudgementes arevtterly corrupte : then they beo^inne their Devinite. , ,,. . .Not at the scripture : but every man taketh a yet \n this they'\ sondry doctoure / which doctours are as sondry nomanis^rvedand as dyvers / the one contrary vnto the other /by hoiy we"kes.30 as there are divers facions and monstrous chaste lathshappes / none lyke a-nother / amowge oure |odhedtothe-r, V-.../,• pope, And all. , p,..sectes of reugiow. Lvery rehgion / every vniver- his power, andr site, & all•, 1 J 'imost every man, hath a sondry dyvmite.that the popemaye geve,what-so-ever opmio;»zs every ma;^ lyndetn towho^he. .r J 1 christes nierites'35 with his doctoure / that is his Gospell. and that them fromonly is true with him, and that holdeth he all hislyfe longe / and every man, to mayntene his doctoure withall/ corrupteth the scripture, & facioneth it after his awneimaginacion, as a Potter doeth his claye." -Of what.40 texte thou provest hell / will a-nother prove pur-Potters: ye,mockers, orrather iugulars.gatory / a-nother lymho patj-um / and a-notherthe assumpcion of oure ladi : And a-nother shall prove ofi*^ the same texte that an Ape hath a tayle. And of what textethe graye frere proveth that oure lady was without originall45 sinne / of the same shall the blacke frere prove that she wasiconceyved in originall synne. And all this doo they withapare^zte reasons, with false similitudes, and like- Fa,se sin^iii.nesses / and with argumentes and persuasions ofmans wisdome. Now there is no other divisio;^ or heresyo in the worlde save mans wisdome, and when mans folish wisdomeinterpreteth^ the scripture. Mans wisdome scatereth /'Printed ' intetpreteth.'N

I\I^_tNowXVI. THE OBEDIENCE OF A CHRISTIAN MAN. 1 77^:; descendethaUquid. Whe<strong>the</strong>r ens be equivocum or vnivocum. Ens is avoyce only, saye some. Eris is vnivocum, saith a-no<strong>the</strong>r, andin-<strong>to</strong> ens creatum and in-<strong>to</strong> ens mcreatiim permodos intrinsecos. whe/z <strong>the</strong>y have this wise brauled viij. x,125 or xij. or moo yeres, and after that <strong>the</strong>ir iudgementes arevtterly corrupte : <strong>the</strong>n <strong>the</strong>y beo^inne <strong>the</strong>ir Devinite. , ,,. . .Not at <strong>the</strong> scripture : but every man taketh a yet \n this <strong>the</strong>y'\ sondry doc<strong>to</strong>ure / which doc<strong>to</strong>urs are as sondry nomanis^rvedand as dyvers / <strong>the</strong> one contrary vn<strong>to</strong> <strong>the</strong> o<strong>the</strong>r /by hoiy we"kes.30 as <strong>the</strong>re are divers facions and monstrous chaste lathshappes / none lyke a-no<strong>the</strong>r / amowge oure |odhed<strong>to</strong><strong>the</strong>-r, V-.../,• pope, And all. , p,..sectes <strong>of</strong> reugiow. Lvery rehgion / every vniver- his power, andr site, & all•, 1 J 'imost every man, hath a sondry dyvmite.that <strong>the</strong> popemaye geve,what-so-ever opmio;»zs every ma;^ lyndetn <strong>to</strong>who^he. .r J 1 christes nierites'35 with his doc<strong>to</strong>ure / that is his Gospell. and that <strong>the</strong>m <strong>from</strong>only is true with him, and that holdeth he all hislyfe longe / and every man, <strong>to</strong> mayntene his doc<strong>to</strong>ure withall/ corrupteth <strong>the</strong> scripture, & facioneth it after his awneimaginacion, as a Potter doeth his claye." -Of what.40 texte thou provest hell / will a-no<strong>the</strong>r prove pur-Potters: ye,mockers, orra<strong>the</strong>r iugulars.ga<strong>to</strong>ry / a-no<strong>the</strong>r lymho patj-um / and a-no<strong>the</strong>r<strong>the</strong> assumpcion <strong>of</strong> oure ladi : And a-no<strong>the</strong>r shall prove <strong>of</strong>i*^ <strong>the</strong> same texte that an Ape hath a tayle. And <strong>of</strong> what texte<strong>the</strong> graye frere proveth that oure lady was without originall45 sinne / <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> same shall <strong>the</strong> blacke frere prove that she wasiconceyved in originall synne. And all this doo <strong>the</strong>y withapare^zte reasons, with false similitudes, and like- Fa,se sin^iii.nesses / and with argumentes and persuasions <strong>of</strong>mans wisdome. Now <strong>the</strong>re is no o<strong>the</strong>r divisio;^ or heresyo in <strong>the</strong> worlde save mans wisdome, and when mans folish wisdomeinterpreteth^ <strong>the</strong> scripture. Mans wisdome scatereth /'Printed ' intetpreteth.'N

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