Specimens of English literature from the 'Ploughmans crede' to the ...

Specimens of English literature from the 'Ploughmans crede' to the ... Specimens of English literature from the 'Ploughmans crede' to the ...

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172 XVI. WILLIAM TYNDALE.apostles & all thai the apostles preached were no doutepreached in the mother to;7ge. Why ihtn mighte !hey notbe writte;/ in the mother tonge ? As yf one of vs preach. i6oa good sermon, why maye it not be written ? Saynt hieromalso translated the bible in-to his mother tonge. Why mayenot we also ? They will saye, ' it can not be translated in-toour tonge, it is so rude.' It is not so rude as they are falselyers. For the greke tonge agreeth moare with the english then \with the latyne. And the propirties of the hebrueThe propirtiesofthehehn.e tougc agrctu•,i ia thousande tymes moare with thewithe the english then with the latyne. The maner of speakenglish.ynge is both one, so thai in a thousande placesthou neadest not but to tra;zslate it in-to fhe english worde for 1 70worde, whew thou must sekea compasse in the latyne / andyet shalt have moch worke to tra/zslate it wel-faveredly / sothat it have the same grace a/zd swetnesse / sence and purevnderstandinge with it in the latyne / as it hath in thehebrue. A thousande partes better maye it be translated in- \75to the english then in-to the latyne. Yee, and excepte mymemory fayle me and that I have forgotten what I reddewhen I was a childe, thou shalt fynd in the englesh cronycleKinge Adeiston.^^'^^^' ^^^^^ kyugc Adclstouc causcd the holy scrip-^^j.g ^Q i^g tra;zslated in-to the to;/ge that then was 180in Englo7/de, and how the prelates exhorted him there-vnto.r.5Moareover, seinge thai one of you ever preacheth concoHtrarypreachinge.trary to a-nother. And whe?^ two of you mete /^}^g qj-^^ (^jsputcth aud bravlcth with the other /as it were two scoldes. And for as moch as one holdeth 18:contraridoc- ^^Is doctourc, aud a-nother that. One folowethduns, a-nother saynte Thomas / a-nother Bonaventure/ alexander de hales / raymo;/de / lyre / brygot/dorbcll / holcott / gorraw / tru/;ibett / hugo de sancto viclore/ de monte regio / dc nova villa / de media villa, k soch igo

XVI. THE OBEDIENCE OF A CHRISTIAN MAN. 1 73lyke out of nu;;2bre. So thai if thou haddest but of everyauctor one boke, thou coudest not pyle ihem vp in any warehousein londo;z / and every auctor is one co;/trary vntoa-nother.In so greate diversite of sprites, how shall I know95 why lyeth, and who saith trouth? Wherby shall I trye the;?/& iudge thew ? Verely, by gods worde, which 07i\y is true.But how shal I that doo whew thou wilt not let me se thescripture ? «'Naye/ saye they / ' the scripture is so harde, that thou200 coudest never vnderstande it but by thQ doctours.' That is,I must measure the mete-yarde by the cloth.clothes of divers lengthes and of divers bredthes.Here be twe/ztyHow shallI be sure of the length of the mete-yarde by them .? I supposerather I must be fyrst sure of the length of the mete-205 yarde / and there-by measure & iudge the clothes. Iff Imust fyrst beleve the doctoure / then is the doctoure fyrsttrue, & the trueth of the scripture dependeth of his trueth,and so the trueth of God springeth of the trueth of man.Thus Antichriste turnith the rotes of the treesAntichrist2iovppwarde. What is the cause that we damme JoteToVtlle treHow ''P"""''^-some of Origenes workes, and alowe some }know we that some is heresy and some not By .?the scripture,I trowe. How knowe we that saint Augustine (whichis the best or one of the best that ever wrot apon the scrip-215 ture) wrot many thi;/ges amysse at the begynnynge / asmany other doctours doo ? Verely, by the scrip-tures / as he him-selfe well perceaved afterwarde,whe« he loked moare diligently apo;z them / andrevoked many thynges agayne. He wrote ofThe scriptureistuetnaiiofall doctrine a«dtherightetwich-ston.220 many thynges which he vnderstode not when he was newlyconverted / yer he had thorowly sene the scriptures / andfolowed the opinions of Plato and the commune persuasionsof mans wis dome thai were then famouse.

172 XVI. WILLIAM TYNDALE.apostles & all thai <strong>the</strong> apostles preached were no doutepreached in <strong>the</strong> mo<strong>the</strong>r <strong>to</strong>;7ge. Why ihtn mighte !hey notbe writte;/ in <strong>the</strong> mo<strong>the</strong>r <strong>to</strong>nge ? As yf one <strong>of</strong> vs preach. i6oa good sermon, why maye it not be written ? Saynt hieromalso translated <strong>the</strong> bible in-<strong>to</strong> his mo<strong>the</strong>r <strong>to</strong>nge. Why mayenot we also ? They will saye, ' it can not be translated in-<strong>to</strong>our <strong>to</strong>nge, it is so rude.' It is not so rude as <strong>the</strong>y are falselyers. For <strong>the</strong> greke <strong>to</strong>nge agreeth moare with <strong>the</strong> english <strong>the</strong>n \with <strong>the</strong> latyne. And <strong>the</strong> propirties <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> hebrueThe propirties<strong>of</strong><strong>the</strong>hehn.e <strong>to</strong>ugc agrctu•,i ia thousande tymes moare with <strong>the</strong>wi<strong>the</strong> <strong>the</strong> english <strong>the</strong>n with <strong>the</strong> latyne. The maner <strong>of</strong> speakenglish.ynge is both one, so thai in a thousande placesthou neadest not but <strong>to</strong> tra;zslate it in-<strong>to</strong> fhe english worde for 1 70worde, whew thou must sekea compasse in <strong>the</strong> latyne / andyet shalt have moch worke <strong>to</strong> tra/zslate it wel-faveredly / sothat it have <strong>the</strong> same grace a/zd swetnesse / sence and purevnderstandinge with it in <strong>the</strong> latyne / as it hath in <strong>the</strong>hebrue. A thousande partes better maye it be translated in- \75<strong>to</strong> <strong>the</strong> english <strong>the</strong>n in-<strong>to</strong> <strong>the</strong> latyne. Yee, and excepte mymemory fayle me and that I have forgotten what I reddewhen I was a childe, thou shalt fynd in <strong>the</strong> englesh cronycleKinge Adeis<strong>to</strong>n.^^'^^^' ^^^^^ kyugc Adcls<strong>to</strong>uc causcd <strong>the</strong> holy scrip-^^j.g ^Q i^g tra;zslated in-<strong>to</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>to</strong>;/ge that <strong>the</strong>n was 180in Englo7/de, and how <strong>the</strong> prelates exhorted him <strong>the</strong>re-vn<strong>to</strong>.r.5Moareover, seinge thai one <strong>of</strong> you ever preacheth concoHtrarypreachinge.trary <strong>to</strong> a-no<strong>the</strong>r. And whe?^ two <strong>of</strong> you mete /^}^g qj-^^ (^jsputcth aud bravlcth with <strong>the</strong> o<strong>the</strong>r /as it were two scoldes. And for as moch as one holdeth 18:contraridoc- ^^Is doc<strong>to</strong>urc, aud a-no<strong>the</strong>r that. One folowethduns, a-no<strong>the</strong>r saynte Thomas / a-no<strong>the</strong>r Bonaventure/ alexander de hales / raymo;/de / lyre / brygot/dorbcll / holcott / gorraw / tru/;ibett / hugo de sanc<strong>to</strong> viclore/ de monte regio / dc nova villa / de media villa, k soch igo

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