Specimens of English literature from the 'Ploughmans crede' to the ...

Specimens of English literature from the 'Ploughmans crede' to the ... Specimens of English literature from the 'Ploughmans crede' to the ...

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l68 XVI. WILLIAM TFNDALE,of the;;^ as thou sittest in thine house / and as thou walkestby the waye / & when thou Hest doune / & whe;z thou risestvppe / & bynde the;?/ for a token to thine ha;/de / & let thew .^obe a remez?2brau;2ce betwene thine eyes / & write thew on//le postes & gates of thine house.' This was cowmaur'^dedgenerally vnto all me?/, how cometh it that Gods wordeperteneth lesse vnto vs thaw vnto the;;z ? Yee, how comethit that oure Moyseses forbydde vs and cowmauwde vs the 3;contrar}^ / & threate vs yf we doo / & will not that we oncespeake of Gods worde ? How can we whette gods worde(that is, put it in practyse / vse, and exercise) apon ourechilderne & housholde / whe;z we are violently kepte fromit &. know it not ? How can we (as Peter comma;/deth) geve 40a reason of oure hope, when we wote not what it is thatGod hath promysed or what to hopcf* Moyses also cowmawdethin Me said chapter : yf the sonne aske what thetestimonies lawes and observauwces of the lordeNo ner syr lohnmeane, thatMe father teach him. Yf oure childerne aske 4;his goostiy chu- Avhat oure cerimonies (which are mo then thedeme.leweses ware) meane, No father ca;; tell hisSonne. And in the .xj. chapter, he repeteth all agayne, forfeare of forgettynge.They will saye happly / ' //le scripture requireth a pure comynde & a quiete m}nde. And therfore /ke laye-ma«,because he is altogether co;7zbred with wordly busynes / ca;znot vnd^rstowde thew.' Yf /hat be the cause / then it isa playne case / that oure prelates vnderstowde not the scripturesthem-selves. For no laye-ma/z is so tangled with 55wordly busynes as they are. The greate thiz/ges of Meworlde are ministred by them. Nether do Me laye Peopleany greate thinge / but at their assignemente.*Yf the scripture were in the mother towge,' they willsaye / ' then wolde the laye people vndersto«de it every ma« Go

IXV T. THE OBEDIENCE OF A CHRISTIAN MAN. 169after his awne wayes.' Wher-fore serveth the curate / butto teach the??/ the righte way ? Wher-fore werethc/holydayes made / but that the people shuldeHolidayes.come and lerne? Are ye not abhomynable scolemasters /65 in that ye take so greate wages / yf ye wyll not oure scoiema.-teach ? If ye wolde teach, how coulde ye do it so SjesbufteTcuwell and with so great profitt / as when the laye "°*"people have the scripture before them in their mother to??ge ?For then shulde they se by the order of the texte / whether70 thou iugledest or not. And then wolde they beleve it / becauseit is the scripture of God / though thy lyvinge benever so abhominable.Where now, because youre' •'Why thelyvinge and youre preachinge are so contrary /and becaiise they grope out in every sermone75 youre open and manyfest lyes / & smell yourepreachers ar-whe^ they sayevnsaciable covetousnes, they beleve you not / whe?/ youpreach trouth. But alas / the curates them-selves Thecm-ates(for the most parte) wote no moare what the ^'t^Tibyiinewe or olde testamente meaneth / then do the "'^^"^'^•80 turkes. Nether know they of any moare then that theyreade at masse / mate?2S and evensonge, which yet theyvnderstonde not. Nether care they but even to mumblevp so moch every daye (as the pye & popyngay speakethe[y] wote not what) to fyll their belyes with all. Yf they85 will not lat the laye ma?? have the worde of God in hismother tonge / yet let the prestes have it/The presteswhich, for a greate parte of the???, doo vnder- vnderstondeno laten.sto??de no latine at all : but synge & saye andpatter all daye / with the lyppes only / that which the herte90 vnderstondeth not.Christ commaundeth to sherch the scriptures, lohn .v.Though that miracles bare recorde vnto his doc-trme / yet desyred he no fayth to be geven ethersi,erch tiie^^'"'pt"''"-

IXV T. THE OBEDIENCE OF A CHRISTIAN MAN. 169after his awne wayes.' Wher-fore serveth <strong>the</strong> curate / but<strong>to</strong> teach <strong>the</strong>??/ <strong>the</strong> righte way ? Wher-fore werethc/holydayes made / but that <strong>the</strong> people shuldeHolidayes.come and lerne? Are ye not abhomynable scolemasters /65 in that ye take so greate wages / yf ye wyll not oure scoiema.-teach ? If ye wolde teach, how coulde ye do it so SjesbufteTcuwell and with so great pr<strong>of</strong>itt / as when <strong>the</strong> laye "°*"people have <strong>the</strong> scripture before <strong>the</strong>m in <strong>the</strong>ir mo<strong>the</strong>r <strong>to</strong>??ge ?For <strong>the</strong>n shulde <strong>the</strong>y se by <strong>the</strong> order <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> texte / whe<strong>the</strong>r70 thou iugledest or not. And <strong>the</strong>n wolde <strong>the</strong>y beleve it / becauseit is <strong>the</strong> scripture <strong>of</strong> God / though thy lyvinge benever so abhominable.Where now, because youre' •'Why <strong>the</strong>lyvinge and youre preachinge are so contrary /and becaiise <strong>the</strong>y grope out in every sermone75 youre open and manyfest lyes / & smell yourepreachers ar-whe^ <strong>the</strong>y sayevnsaciable cove<strong>to</strong>usnes, <strong>the</strong>y beleve you not / whe?/ youpreach trouth. But alas / <strong>the</strong> curates <strong>the</strong>m-selves Thecm-ates(for <strong>the</strong> most parte) wote no moare what <strong>the</strong> ^'t^Tibyiinewe or olde testamente meaneth / <strong>the</strong>n do <strong>the</strong> "'^^"^'^•80 turkes. Ne<strong>the</strong>r know <strong>the</strong>y <strong>of</strong> any moare <strong>the</strong>n that <strong>the</strong>yreade at masse / mate?2S and evensonge, which yet <strong>the</strong>yvnders<strong>to</strong>nde not. Ne<strong>the</strong>r care <strong>the</strong>y but even <strong>to</strong> mumblevp so moch every daye (as <strong>the</strong> pye & popyngay speake<strong>the</strong>[y] wote not what) <strong>to</strong> fyll <strong>the</strong>ir belyes with all. Yf <strong>the</strong>y85 will not lat <strong>the</strong> laye ma?? have <strong>the</strong> worde <strong>of</strong> God in hismo<strong>the</strong>r <strong>to</strong>nge / yet let <strong>the</strong> prestes have it/The presteswhich, for a greate parte <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>???, doo vnder- vnders<strong>to</strong>ndeno laten.s<strong>to</strong>??de no latine at all : but synge & saye andpatter all daye / with <strong>the</strong> lyppes only / that which <strong>the</strong> herte90 vnders<strong>to</strong>ndeth not.Christ commaundeth <strong>to</strong> sherch <strong>the</strong> scriptures, lohn .v.Though that miracles bare recorde vn<strong>to</strong> his doc-trme / yet desyred he no fayth <strong>to</strong> be geven e<strong>the</strong>rsi,erch tiie^^'"'pt"''"-

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