Specimens of English literature from the 'Ploughmans crede' to the ...

Specimens of English literature from the 'Ploughmans crede' to the ... Specimens of English literature from the 'Ploughmans crede' to the ...

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148 XIV. JOHN SKELTON,Fayre Lucres, as I wene,;Or els fayre Polexene,Or els Caliope, 1020Or els PenolopeFor this most goodly floure,This blossome of fresshe coloure.So Jupiter me socoure.She florisheth new and new 1025In beautye and vertewHac claritate gemmagloriosa /ccmina,Memor esto verhi tui servo tuo !:;Servus tuus sum ego. 1030The Indy saphyre blewHer vaynes doth ennewThe orient perle so clere,The whytnesse of her lereHer ^ lusty ruby ruddes 10.^5Resemble the rose-buddesHer lyppes soft and meryEmblemed lyke the chery,It were an heuenly blysseHer sugred mouth to kysse. 1040Her beautye to augment,Dame Nature hath her lentA warte vpon her cheke,Who so lyst to sekeIn her vysage a skar, 1045That semyth from afarLyke to the radyant star,All with fauour fret,So properly it is set:;J The editions wrongly have ' The'; cf. 1, 1002.

XIV. (b) phyllyp sparowe. 149She is the vyolet, 1050The daysy delectable,The columbine ^ commendable,The ielofer amyable[For] ^ this most goodly floure,This blossom of fressh colour, 1055So Jupiter me succour,She florysheth new and newIn beaute and vertewHac claritate geminaO gloriosa/oemma, 2060Bonitatemfecisti cwn servo tuo,Et ex prcBcordiis sonant prcEconia !And whan I perceyuedHer wart, and conceyued.domina,It cannot be denayd 3065But it was well conuayd,And set so womanly,And nothynge wantonly,But ryght conuenyently,And full congruently, 1070As Nature cold deuyse,In most goodly wyseWho so lyst beholde.It makethe loners boldeTo her to sewe for grace, 1075Her fauoure to purchaseThe sker upon her chyn,Enhached on her fayre skyn,Whyter than the swan,It wold make any man^ So in other editions ; Kele has ' calumbyn.'^ Omitted by accident; see 1. 1021.jo8o

148 XIV. JOHN SKELTON,Fayre Lucres, as I wene,;Or els fayre Polexene,Or els Caliope, 1020Or els PenolopeFor this most goodly floure,This blossome <strong>of</strong> fresshe coloure.So Jupiter me socoure.She florisheth new and new 1025In beautye and vertewHac claritate gemmagloriosa /ccmina,Memor es<strong>to</strong> verhi tui servo tuo !:;Servus tuus sum ego. 1030The Indy saphyre blewHer vaynes doth ennewThe orient perle so clere,The whytnesse <strong>of</strong> her lereHer ^ lusty ruby ruddes 10.^5Resemble <strong>the</strong> rose-buddesHer lyppes s<strong>of</strong>t and meryEmblemed lyke <strong>the</strong> chery,It were an heuenly blysseHer sugred mouth <strong>to</strong> kysse. 1040Her beautye <strong>to</strong> augment,Dame Nature hath her lentA warte vpon her cheke,Who so lyst <strong>to</strong> sekeIn her vysage a skar, 1045That semyth <strong>from</strong> afarLyke <strong>to</strong> <strong>the</strong> radyant star,All with fauour fret,So properly it is set:;J The editions wrongly have ' The'; cf. 1, 1002.

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