Specimens of English literature from the 'Ploughmans crede' to the ...

Specimens of English literature from the 'Ploughmans crede' to the ... Specimens of English literature from the 'Ploughmans crede' to the ...

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134 -Y///. GAWIN DOUGLAS.;;;;:'Gud lord ! mysbeleif ^e ^our verray broder ?''Na, neutT a deill, bot harkzj quhat I waldThou, mon be prevy :'—' lo, my hand vphald/'T/ia.n sal //^ou walk at evin :' quod he, ' quhidd^r ?''Insik a place heir west, we baith tog^'ddd-r, 220Quhar scho so freschly sang //lis hyndyr nyc/it ;Do choyss /he ane, and I sal quynch //iq \ychi.''I salbe //iar, I hope,' quod he, and lewch3 a, now I knaw //iq mater weill eneuch/'Thus oft dywlgat Is //^is schamefuli play, 225Na thyng accordyng to our hailsuw may,Bot rathar co;/tagius and infective,And repugna;/t /hat sesson nutrytyve,Quhen new curage kytlys all gentill hartzV,Seand throu kynd Ilk thyng spryngzV & revertz>. 230Dame naturzj mewstralis, on //ia.t o/her part,T^/^ar blysfull bay entonyng eufry art,To beyt thir amorus of //zar nychUs baill.The merl, /he mavyss, and /he nychtyngale,With mery notis myrthfully furth brest, 235Enforcyng //^ame quha vaychX. do clynk itbestThe cowschet crowdzj [&] pyrkzj- on /he r}-ss,The styrlyng changzV diuerss stevy;znys nyss,The sparrow chyrmys in /he wallis clyft,Goldspynk and lyntquhite fordy;mand /he lyftThe Gukgo galys, & so quytt^ris /he quaill,240Quhill ryver/> rerdit,schawis, & e^iery vaill.And tendtT twyst/j trymlyt on /he treis,For byrd/j sang, and bemyng of /he beysIn wrablis dulce of hev}nly armonyis 245The lark/j, lowd releschand in /he skyis,Lovys Mar lege with tonys curyus,Baith to dame natur, & the fresch venus,

XIII. PROLOUG OF THE XII BUK OF ENEADOS. 1 35Rendryng hie lawd/j- in //^arobs^manceQuhais suguiyt throt?> maid glaid h^nti's danss, 250And al smail fowlys syngz.? on /ke spray'Welcu^z fke lord of lyc/iU and lamp of day,Welcu;;2 fostyr of tendir herbys grene,Welcu;/7 quyknar of floryst flowrzir scheyn,\Ye\cnm support of euery rute and vayn, 255Welcu?;^ confort of alkynd fruyt & grayn,Welcuw //le hyrdt's beild apon /ke brer,Welcu;;z master and rewlar of /ke 5er,Welcuz;^ weilfar of husbandz> at /ke plewys,Welcu;;z reparar of woddt's, treis, & bewys, 260We\cu?/i depayntar of /ke blomyt med?>,Welcuw /ke lyfe of eu^^y thyng //^at spredz>,Welcuw storour of alkynd bestiall,Welcu;;2 be thy bryckt bemys, gladyng all,Welcu;7Z celestial myrroz/r and aspy^ 265Attechyng all //zat hantzj sluggardy !'And wz't-^ //^is word, in chalm^r quhar I lay,Tke nynt morow of fresch temp^rit may,On fut I sprent into my bair sark,Wilfull fortill compleit my langsuw wark 270Twichand /ke lattyr buke of dan virgill,Quhilk me had tareit al to lang a quhileAnd to behald /ke cu/;2myng of //^is kyng,That was sa welcuw tyll all warldly thyng.With sic tryu^zphe and pompos curage glaid 2757%an of hys souerane chy/;zmys, as Is said.Newly aryssyn in hys estait ryall.That, by hys hew, but orleger or dyall,was past four hourzl? of day,I knew ItAnd tho^T/^t I wald na langar ly in may, 280Less Phebus suld me losanger attaynt

XIII. PROLOUG OF THE XII BUK OF ENEADOS. 1 35Rendryng hie lawd/j- in //^arobs^manceQuhais suguiyt throt?> maid glaid h^nti's danss, 250And al smail fowlys syngz.? on /ke spray'Welcu^z fke lord <strong>of</strong> lyc/iU and lamp <strong>of</strong> day,Welcu;;2 fostyr <strong>of</strong> tendir herbys grene,Welcu;/7 quyknar <strong>of</strong> floryst flowrzir scheyn,\Ye\cnm support <strong>of</strong> euery rute and vayn, 255Welcu?;^ confort <strong>of</strong> alkynd fruyt & grayn,Welcuw //le hyrdt's beild apon /ke brer,Welcu;;z master and rewlar <strong>of</strong> /ke 5er,Welcuz;^ weilfar <strong>of</strong> husbandz> at /ke plewys,Welcu;;z reparar <strong>of</strong> woddt's, treis, & bewys, 260We\cu?/i depayntar <strong>of</strong> /ke blomyt med?>,Welcuw /ke lyfe <strong>of</strong> eu^^y thyng //^at spredz>,Welcuw s<strong>to</strong>rour <strong>of</strong> alkynd bestiall,Welcu;;2 be thy bryckt bemys, gladyng all,Welcu;7Z celestial myrroz/r and aspy^ 265Attechyng all //zat hantzj sluggardy !'And wz't-^ //^is word, in chalm^r quhar I lay,Tke nynt morow <strong>of</strong> fresch temp^rit may,On fut I sprent in<strong>to</strong> my bair sark,Wilfull fortill compleit my langsuw wark 270Twichand /ke lattyr buke <strong>of</strong> dan virgill,Quhilk me had tareit al <strong>to</strong> lang a quhileAnd <strong>to</strong> behald /ke cu/;2myng <strong>of</strong> //^is kyng,That was sa welcuw tyll all warldly thyng.With sic tryu^zphe and pompos curage glaid 2757%an <strong>of</strong> hys souerane chy/;zmys, as Is said.Newly aryssyn in hys estait ryall.That, by hys hew, but orleger or dyall,was past four hourzl? <strong>of</strong> day,I knew ItAnd tho^T/^t I wald na langar ly in may, 280Less Phebus suld me losanger attaynt

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