Specimens of English literature from the 'Ploughmans crede' to the ...

Specimens of English literature from the 'Ploughmans crede' to the ... Specimens of English literature from the 'Ploughmans crede' to the ...

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130 XTII. GAWIN DOUGLAS.;;;;;:By natur nurysyt wondir nobilly,On ihe fertill skyrt-lappys of the gruiid ^^Strekyng on breid ondyr the Cyrkyll rovndThe variand vestur of the venust vaillSchrowdz> the scherald fur, & euery faillOurfret wiih ful3eis of figur/i- fulldiuerss.The spray bysprent with spryngand sprowt/^f dispers, 90For callo^^r humour on the dewy nyght,Rendryng sum place the gerss-pilis thar hycht,Als far as catal, the lang symmyvis day,Had in //^ar pastur eyt & knyp awayAnd blisfull blossu7;zmys in the blomyt ^ard 95SubmittzV Mar hedii's in the 5ong so/mys salfgardIve levys rank ourspred the barmkyn wall,The blomyt hawthorn cled hys pyk/j allFurth of fresch burgionys the wyne grapis ^yngEndlang the treil3eis dyd on t^^yst^> hyng; 100The lowkyt buttonys on the gewmyt treisOurspredand leyvis of naturzl? tapestreis ;Soft gresy verdowr eftir balmy scho\vrzjOn curland stalkzV smylyng to /^ar floAvrwBehaldand //^ame sa mony diuerss hew, 105Sum perss, sum paill, snm burnet, and sum blew,Sum greyce, suw gowlys, suw purpo^/r, sum sangwane,Blanchit or brovne, fawch 5allow mony ane,Sum hevjTily culloryt in celestiall gre,Sum watry hewit as the haw wally see,And su;;^depart in freklys red and quhite,Sum hrycht as gold with aureat levys lyte.The dasy dyd on breid hyr crownell smaill,And eu^ry flour onlappyt in the daill ;In battill gyrss burgionys the banwart wild, 115The clavyr, catcluke, and the ca7«mamyldno

XIII. PROLOUG OF THE XII BUK OF ENEADOS. I31The flour-delyss furthspred hys hevynly hew,Flour-dawmes, and columby blank and blewSeir downys smaill on dent-de-lyon sprang,The 5yng greyn blomyt straberry levys amang; 120Gymp gerrafloz^w Mar royn levys onschet,Fresch prymross, and tliQpurpoz/;r violetThQ Royss knoppys, tutand furth thd.x hed,Gan chyp, and kyth //zar Vermel lippys red,Crysp scarlet levis sum scheddand, baith at anys, 125Kest fragrant smell amyd from goldyn granysHevynly lylleis, with lokrand toppys quhyte,Oppy^nyt and schew //zarcreistz> redymyte,ThQ balmy vapoz^r from /;^arsilkyn croppysDistilland hailsu;^z sugurat Ymnnj droppys, 130And sylu^r schakan> gan fra levys hyng,With crystal sprayngz> on the verdour 5yngThe plane puld^rit with semly sett/i"sovnd,Bedyit full of dewy peirlys rovnd,So /^at Ilk burgioun, syon, herb, and ^oux, 135Wolx all e;;2balmyt of the fresh liquoz^r,And bathit halt dyd in dulce hMmouxis fleyt,Quharof the beys v^rochx. th2x hu^/ny sweit.By myghty Phebus operatiou^zs,In sappy subtell exhalatiou;zs, 14°Forgane the cu;;zmyn of //zisprynce potent,Redolent o^oux vp from rutzirsprent,Hailsu;;? of smell as ony spicery,Tryakill, droggzj, or electuary,Seroppys, sewane, sugur, & Synnamome,Precyus Invnctme;zt, salve, or fragra;zt pome,14SAromatik guwmys, or ony fyne potioun.Must, myr, aloes, or confectioun \Ane paradyce It semyt to draw neirK 2

XIII. PROLOUG OF THE XII BUK OF ENEADOS. I31The flour-delyss furthspred hys hevynly hew,Flour-dawmes, and columby blank and blewSeir downys smaill on dent-de-lyon sprang,The 5yng greyn blomyt straberry levys amang; 120Gymp gerrafloz^w Mar royn levys onschet,Fresch prymross, and tliQpurpoz/;r violetThQ Royss knoppys, tutand furth thd.x hed,Gan chyp, and kyth //zar Vermel lippys red,Crysp scarlet levis sum scheddand, baith at anys, 125Kest fragrant smell amyd <strong>from</strong> goldyn granysHevynly lylleis, with lokrand <strong>to</strong>ppys quhyte,Oppy^nyt and schew //zarcreistz> redymyte,ThQ balmy vapoz^r <strong>from</strong> /;^arsilkyn croppysDistilland hailsu;^z sugurat Ymnnj droppys, 130And sylu^r schakan> gan fra levys hyng,With crystal sprayngz> on <strong>the</strong> verdour 5yngThe plane puld^rit with semly sett/i"sovnd,Bedyit full <strong>of</strong> dewy peirlys rovnd,So /^at Ilk burgioun, syon, herb, and ^oux, 135Wolx all e;;2balmyt <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> fresh liquoz^r,And bathit halt dyd in dulce hMmouxis fleyt,Quhar<strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> beys v^rochx. th2x hu^/ny sweit.By myghty Phebus operatiou^zs,In sappy subtell exhalatiou;zs, 14°Forgane <strong>the</strong> cu;;zmyn <strong>of</strong> //zisprynce potent,Redolent o^oux vp <strong>from</strong> rutzirsprent,Hailsu;;? <strong>of</strong> smell as ony spicery,Tryakill, droggzj, or electuary,Seroppys, sewane, sugur, & Synnamome,Precyus Invnctme;zt, salve, or fragra;zt pome,14SAromatik guwmys, or ony fyne potioun.Must, myr, aloes, or confectioun \Ane paradyce It semyt <strong>to</strong> draw neirK 2

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