Specimens of English literature from the 'Ploughmans crede' to the ...

Specimens of English literature from the 'Ploughmans crede' to the ...

Specimens of English literature from the 'Ploughmans crede' to the ...

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XIII. PROLOUG OF THE XII BUK OF ENEADOS. 129For<strong>to</strong> behald, It was a glor^ <strong>to</strong> seTke stablit wynd/> and //ze cawmyt see,The s<strong>of</strong>t sesson, //le firmameM sereyn,T/ie lowne illumynat ayr, & fyrth ameynThe sylu^r scalyt fyschis on <strong>the</strong> greit 55Ourthwort cleir stremys sprynkland for //^e heyt,With fynnys schynand brovn as synopar,And chyssell talys, s<strong>to</strong>wrand heir & fhsLi;The new culloz/r aly^tnyng all /^e land2>,Forgane /Mr st^Lnnyn's schane /he beriall stra/^d/j-, 60Quhil //le reflex <strong>of</strong> Me diurnal bemysThe beyn bonkzlr kest ful <strong>of</strong> variant glemys :And lusty flora dyd hyr blomys spreidVnd^r <strong>the</strong> feit<strong>of</strong> Phebus sul5art steidTke swardit soyll enbrovd with selcouth hewys, 65Wod and forest obumbrat with /^ar bewys,Quhois blisfull branschis porturat on /he grundWith schaddoys schene schew rochis rubicundTown's, turettzj, kyrnellis, pynnaclys hieOf kyrkz>, castellis, and like fair Cite, 70Stude, payntit, eu^ry fyall,fayn, & stage,Apon /he plane grund, by Mar awyn vmbrage.Of Eolus north blastz> havand no dreid,The s\i\^e spred her braid bosu?;^ on breid,Zephyrus confortabiU Inspiratioun 75Fortill ressaue law in hyr barm adounThe cornys croppis & /he hen's new brerdWith glaidsu;;^ garmont revestyng Me erdSo thik Me plantzV sprang in enery peyce,Tke feildzj ferleis <strong>of</strong> Mar fructuus fleyce ;80Byssy dame Ceres, and provd pryapus,Reiosyng <strong>of</strong> Me planys ple/ztuus,Plenyst sa plesand & mast pr^pyrly,K

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