Specimens of English literature from the 'Ploughmans crede' to the ...

Specimens of English literature from the 'Ploughmans crede' to the ... Specimens of English literature from the 'Ploughmans crede' to the ...

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;;;JOO A'. THE ^UT-BROWN MAID.9.•Vet I you rede to ^ take good hede, what ^ men wyl thinke& seyOf yonge and olde it shalbe tolde, that ye be gone away, 50Your wanton wylle for to fulfylle, In grene wood you toplay,And that ye myght from your delyte noo lenger make delay.Rather than ye shuld thus for me be called an ylle woman,Yet wolde I to the grene wodde goo, alone, a banyshedman.'10.'Thoughit be songe of olde and yonge, that I shuld be toblame, 55Theirs be the charge, that speke so large in hurting of mynameFor I w}'l proue that feythful loue, it is deuoyd of shame,In your distresse and heuynesse, to parte wyth you thesameAnd sure all thoo, that doo not so, trewe louers ar theynoonHut in my mynde, of all mankynde, I loue but you alone.' 6011.'I councel yow, remembre how it is noo maydens laweNothing to dowte^. but to re;zne out to wod with an outlawe:For ye must there In your hande here, a bowe redy to ^drawe,' •to' supplied from balliol MS. ^.vvhan' Arnold ;•what' Ball. MS."'dowte' Ball.MS.; 'dought' Arnold.* 'redy to' in Balliol MS. ; Arnold has ' to here and.'

X. THE NUT-BROWN MAID, 10And as a theef thus must ye lyue \ euer in drede and awe,By whiche -to yow gret harme myght grow, yet had I leuerthanThat I had too the grene wod goo, Alone, a banysshyd man/6s'I thinke not nay, but as ye saye, it is noo maydens lore12.But loue may make me, for your sake, as ye haue saidbefore,To com on fote, to hunte and shote to get vs mete andstoreFor soo that I your company may haue, I aske noo more ; 70From whiche to parte, it makith myn herte as colde as onyston,For in my mynde, of all mankynde, I loue but you alone.'13.'For an outlawe this is the lawe, that men hym take &bindeWythout pytee, hanged to bee, and wauer wi'tk the wynde.Yf I had neede, as god for-bede, what rescous coude yefinde ?75For sothe I trowe, you and your bowe shul drawe for ferebehyndeAnd noo merueyle, for lytel auayle were in your councelthan;Wherfore I too the woode wyl goo, alone, a banysshd man.'14.Ful wel knowe ye, that wymen bee ful febyl for to fyght ^'Noo womanhed is it in deede, to bee bolde as a knight ; 801 Arnold ' lyeue.' 2 Arnold ' fiyght,'

;;;JOO A'. THE ^UT-BROWN MAID.9.•Vet I you rede <strong>to</strong> ^ take good hede, what ^ men wyl thinke& seyOf yonge and olde it shalbe <strong>to</strong>lde, that ye be gone away, 50Your wan<strong>to</strong>n wylle for <strong>to</strong> fulfylle, In grene wood you <strong>to</strong>play,And that ye myght <strong>from</strong> your delyte noo lenger make delay.Ra<strong>the</strong>r than ye shuld thus for me be called an ylle woman,Yet wolde I <strong>to</strong> <strong>the</strong> grene wodde goo, alone, a banyshedman.'10.'Thoughit be songe <strong>of</strong> olde and yonge, that I shuld be <strong>to</strong>blame, 55Theirs be <strong>the</strong> charge, that speke so large in hurting <strong>of</strong> mynameFor I w}'l proue that feythful loue, it is deuoyd <strong>of</strong> shame,In your distresse and heuynesse, <strong>to</strong> parte wyth you <strong>the</strong>sameAnd sure all thoo, that doo not so, trewe louers ar <strong>the</strong>ynoonHut in my mynde, <strong>of</strong> all mankynde, I loue but you alone.' 6011.'I councel yow, remembre how it is noo maydens laweNothing <strong>to</strong> dowte^. but <strong>to</strong> re;zne out <strong>to</strong> wod with an outlawe:For ye must <strong>the</strong>re In your hande here, a bowe redy <strong>to</strong> ^drawe,' •<strong>to</strong>' supplied <strong>from</strong> balliol MS. ^.vvhan' Arnold ;•what' Ball. MS."'dowte' Ball.MS.; 'dought' Arnold.* 'redy <strong>to</strong>' in Balliol MS. ; Arnold has ' <strong>to</strong> here and.'

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