Specimens of English literature from the 'Ploughmans crede' to the ...

Specimens of English literature from the 'Ploughmans crede' to the ...

Specimens of English literature from the 'Ploughmans crede' to the ...

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'1X. THE NUT-BROWN MAID. 99My somers day, in lusty may, is derked before <strong>the</strong> noneI here you saye ' farwel'; nay, nay, we departe not soosone ;Why say ye so, wheder wyl ye goo, alas ! what haue yedone ?Alle my welfare <strong>to</strong> sorow and care shulde chaunge, yf yewere gon 35For in my mynde, <strong>of</strong> allmankynde, I loue but you alone.'7.'I can beleue, it shal you greue, and somwhat ^ you distrayneBut aftyrwarde, your paynes harde viit/i'ma day or tweyneShal sone a- slake, and ye shal take confort <strong>to</strong> you agayne.Why shuld ye nought? for <strong>to</strong> take^ thought your labur werein vayne, 40And thus I do, & pray you, loo ! as hertely as I canFor I muste <strong>to</strong>o //le grene wode goo, alone, a banysshedman.''NowI8.syth that ye haue shewed <strong>to</strong> me //ze secret <strong>of</strong> yourmynde,shalbe playne <strong>to</strong> you agayne, lyke as ye shal me fyndeSyth it is so, that ye wyll goo, I wol not leue behynde, 45Shal neuer ^ be sayd, <strong>the</strong> Nutbrowne mayd was <strong>to</strong> her louevnkindMake you redy, for soo am I, ail-though it were anoon.For in my mynde, <strong>of</strong> all mankynde, I loue but you alone.''shomwhat in Arnold. ^ make' ' ' 'in Arnold ; take' in Ball. MS.^ Arnold ' neyer.'H 2

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