Specimens of English literature from the 'Ploughmans crede' to the ...

Specimens of English literature from the 'Ploughmans crede' to the ...

Specimens of English literature from the 'Ploughmans crede' to the ...

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90 IX. WILLIAM CAXTON.THoant <strong>the</strong> preest resisted longe <strong>to</strong> <strong>the</strong> wordes <strong>of</strong> An<strong>the</strong>--5 nor / but in <strong>the</strong> ende for couetyse <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> grete some <strong>of</strong> goldthat an<strong>the</strong>nor gaf <strong>to</strong> hym. He consentyd that he shold take<strong>the</strong> palladyum and here hyt away. Than An<strong>the</strong>nor <strong>to</strong>ke hyt.^oanone and sente hyt vn<strong>to</strong> vhxes / <strong>the</strong> same nyght / Andafter <strong>the</strong> voys ranne amonge <strong>the</strong> peple that vhxes by hissubtiHte had taken and born awaye <strong>the</strong> palladyum out <strong>of</strong> troyeO what trayson was thys <strong>of</strong> a preest / that louyd better forcovetyse <strong>to</strong> betraye his cyte / than <strong>to</strong> leue <strong>the</strong> gold that wasgyuen hym. Certes hyt is a foule vyce in a preest <strong>the</strong> synne<strong>of</strong> couetyse / But fewe haue ben <strong>to</strong> fore thys tyme / and.^5 fewe ben yet but yf <strong>the</strong>y ben attaynte <strong>the</strong>rwyth / wher<strong>of</strong> hytis grete pyte / syn hyt is so that auaryce is moder <strong>of</strong> ailvyces / Whilis that <strong>the</strong> troians gadryd <strong>to</strong> gyder <strong>the</strong>ir goldand syluer and put hyt in <strong>the</strong> temple <strong>of</strong> mynerve <strong>to</strong> kepevn<strong>to</strong> <strong>the</strong> tyme that hyt was alle assemblid.Hit playsid <strong>the</strong>m40 <strong>to</strong> <strong>of</strong>fre & make sacrefyse <strong>to</strong> <strong>the</strong>yr goa Appolyn / And whan<strong>the</strong>y hadd slayn many bestes for <strong>the</strong>ir sacrefyce<strong>the</strong>m vpon <strong>the</strong> Awter / And hadd setteand had putfyre on <strong>the</strong>m for <strong>to</strong>brenne <strong>the</strong>m / Hit happend that <strong>the</strong>r cam <strong>the</strong>re two meruayllis/ <strong>the</strong> fyrste was that <strong>the</strong> fyre wold not alyghte ne45 brenne / for <strong>the</strong>y began <strong>to</strong> make <strong>the</strong> fyre more than tentymes / And alway hyt quenchid and myght neuer brenne<strong>the</strong> sacrefyce. The seconde myracle or meruaylle was whan<strong>the</strong>y had appoynted <strong>the</strong> entraylles <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> bestes for <strong>the</strong>yrsacrefyce / A grete Eygle descended fro <strong>the</strong> ayer cryyng50 grctly and <strong>to</strong>ke wyth his feet <strong>the</strong> said entraylles and barehem in <strong>to</strong> <strong>the</strong> shyppes <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> grekes.Of <strong>the</strong>se two thinges were <strong>the</strong> troians sore abasshid &esmayed / And said that <strong>the</strong> goddes were wroth wyth hem.And than <strong>the</strong>y demanded <strong>of</strong> cassandra / what <strong>the</strong>se thinges55 signefied / and she sayd <strong>to</strong> <strong>the</strong>m / that <strong>the</strong> god appolyn waswroth with hem for <strong>the</strong>ffusion <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> blood <strong>of</strong> Achylles that

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