Specimens of English literature from the 'Ploughmans crede' to the ...

Specimens of English literature from the 'Ploughmans crede' to the ...

Specimens of English literature from the 'Ploughmans crede' to the ...

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VIII. LE MORTE DARTHUR, 87dwellyd that tyme in a chapel besyde glastynburye, & <strong>the</strong>re 10was his ermytage, & so <strong>the</strong>y lyuyd in <strong>the</strong>yr prayers & fastynges& grete abstynence ;and whan quene Gueneuer vnders<strong>to</strong>odthat kyng Arthur was slayn, & al <strong>the</strong> noble kny3tes,syr Mordred & al <strong>the</strong> remenaunte, Than <strong>the</strong> quene staleaweye & v ladyes wyth hyr, and soo she wente <strong>to</strong> almes- 15burye ;& <strong>the</strong>re she let make hir self a Nonne, & ware whyteclo<strong>the</strong>s & blacke ; & grete penaunce she <strong>to</strong>ke as euer dydsynful lady in thys londe, & neuer creature coude make hyrmery, but lyued in fastyng, prayers, and almes dedes, thatmaner <strong>of</strong> peple meruaylled how vertuously she was chaunged. 20Now leue we quene Gueneuer in Almesburye, a nonne inwhyte clo<strong>the</strong>s & blacke, and <strong>the</strong>re she was abbesse and rularas reason wolde, and <strong>to</strong>rne we <strong>from</strong> hyr, and speke we <strong>of</strong>Syr Launcelot du lake.al

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