Specimens of English literature from the 'Ploughmans crede' to the ...

Specimens of English literature from the 'Ploughmans crede' to the ...

Specimens of English literature from the 'Ploughmans crede' to the ...

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VIII. LE MORTE DARTHUR, 83'for al this wyl not auaylle me ; for wyte thow wel, and Imyght lyue my self, <strong>the</strong> deth <strong>of</strong> syr Lucan wolde greue meeuer more ; but my tyme hyeth fast/ sayd <strong>the</strong> kyng. Ther- 20fore sayd Arthur vn<strong>to</strong> syr Bedwere, take thou Excalybur'my good swerde, and goo with it <strong>to</strong> yonder water syde ; andwhan thou comest <strong>the</strong>re, I charge <strong>the</strong> throwe my swerde inthat water, & come ageyn and telle me what thou <strong>the</strong>reseest/ ' My lord,' said Bedwere, your commaundement ' 25shal be doon ; & lyghtly brynge you worde ageyn.' So syrBedwere departed, & by <strong>the</strong> waye he behelde that nobleswerde, that <strong>the</strong> pomel & <strong>the</strong> hafte was al <strong>of</strong> precyous s<strong>to</strong>nes,& <strong>the</strong>nne he sayd <strong>to</strong> hym self, ' yf I throwe this ryche swerdein <strong>the</strong> water, <strong>the</strong>r<strong>of</strong> shal neuer come good, but harme & 30losse.' And <strong>the</strong>nne syr bedwere. hydde excalybur vnder atree. And so as sone as he myght, he came ageyn vn<strong>to</strong> <strong>the</strong>kyng, and sayd he had ben at <strong>the</strong> water and had throwen<strong>the</strong> swerde in <strong>to</strong> <strong>the</strong> water.' What sawe thou <strong>the</strong>re ? ' sayd<strong>the</strong> kyng ;'syr,' he sayd, ' sawe no thynge but wawes and 35wyndes.' ' That is vntrewly sayd <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>,' sayd <strong>the</strong> kynge.*Therfore goo thou lyghtelye ageyn and do niy commaundemente,as thou arte <strong>to</strong> me leef & dere ;spare not, but throweit in.' Than syr bedwere re<strong>to</strong>rned ageyn, & <strong>to</strong>ok <strong>the</strong> swerdein hys hande, and than hym thought synne and shame <strong>to</strong> 40throwe awaye that nobyl swerde, and so efte he hydde <strong>the</strong>swerde, and re<strong>to</strong>rned ageyn and <strong>to</strong>lde <strong>to</strong> <strong>the</strong> kyng that hehad ben at <strong>the</strong> water and done his commaundement. ' Whatsawe thou <strong>the</strong>re.?' sayd <strong>the</strong> kyng. ' Syr,' he sayd, ' I saweno thynge but <strong>the</strong> waters wappe and wawes wanne.' ' A 45tray<strong>to</strong>ur vntrewe,' sayd kyng Arthur, ' now hast thou betrayedme twyse. W^ho wold haue wente that thou that hast been<strong>to</strong> me so leef and dere, and thou arte named a noble knyghte,and wold betraye me for <strong>the</strong> richesse <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> swerde ? Butnow goo ageyn lyghtly, for thy longe taryeng putteth me in 50G 2!

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