Recruiting, Retaining and Graduating Black Male College Students

Recruiting, Retaining and Graduating Black Male College Students Recruiting, Retaining and Graduating Black Male College Students


The University System of Georgia’sAfrican-American Male Initiative ProgramsThe University System of Georgia’sAfrican-American Male Initiative ProgramsGeorgia College & StateUniversityMentoring African-Americans forLeadership, Education and Connection(MALE-Connection)Georgia College’s M.A.L.E. Connectionprogram aims to provide a supportnetwork for African-American malestudents. It connects students to thecollege, the community and otherUniversity System of Georgia African-American students while improving theiracademic and professional abilities andincreasing their retention and graduationrates.Academic Levels Served:All Undergraduate LevelsProgram Contact:Mr. Emmanuel LittleDiversity & Retention CoordinatorGeorgia College & State UniversityCultural Center, Campus Box 4Milledgeville, GA 445-8155Georgia Gwinnett College*Elite Scholars ProgramThe goal of the Elite Scholars Programis to increase enrollment and maintainretention of African-American malesin STEM fields through the academic,leadership and civic engagement toolsneeded to be successful. Participants willbe exposed to learning opportunities,community involvement and otheractivities throughout the 2012-2013academic year.Academic Level Served:College FreshmenAsterisk(*) = AAMI-SAAB Chapter Site SAAB: Student African-American Brotherhood Asterisk(*) = AAMI-SAAB Chapter Site SAAB: Student African-American BrotherhoodProgram Contacts:Ms. Deborah ReatoDirector-One Stop Shop andInterim Director Minority OutreachGeorgia Gwinnett College1000 University Center LaneLawrenceville, GA 407-5804Ms. Lawana HaynesEnrollment Management Associate-Financial AidGeorgia Gwinnett College1000 University Center LaneLawrenceville, GA 407-5824Georgia Highlands College*Georgia Highlands African-Americanand Minority Male Excellence (GHAME)GHAME is GHC’s AAMI program whichfocuses on the recruitment, retentionand graduation of African-American andLatino men. Advisors assist pre-freshmenwith the enrollment process and workwith enrolled students through graduationand beyond. Our SAAB Chapter (Brother2 Brother) factors strongly in theimplementation of GHAME.Academic Levels Served:Pre-Freshmen, College Freshmen andSophomoresSAABOur SAAB Chapter (Brother 2 Brother)factors strongly in the implementation ofGHAME.Academic Levels Served:College Freshmen and SophomoresProgram Contact:Dr. Jonathan HersheyChair, Humanities DivisionGeorgia Highlands College3175 Cedartown Highway, SERome, GA 368-7629Georgia Institute of TechnologyProviding Resources to Ignite MaleExcellence (GT PRIME)GT PRIME (Providing Resources toIgnite Male Excellence) is the AAMIinitiative to address the negative trend inacademic performance of black males atGT. Its purpose is to provide resources,motivation and leadership training forblack males. This is achieved throughworkshops, speaker series, mentoring andtutoring each semester and Challenge(a 50 week summer bridge program forincoming students.)Academic Levels Served:All Undergraduate LevelsProgram Contacts:Mr. S. Gordon Moore, Jr.Executive Director – Student Diversity &InclusionGeorgia Institute of TechnologyOffice of Institute Diversity237 Uncle Heine Way, Suite 230Atlanta, GA 894-6089Mr. Andre DickensGT-PRIME Program ManagerStudent Initiatives ManagerGeorgia Institute of TechnologyOMED: Educational Services681 Cherry Street, NWAtlanta, GA 894-8746Georgia Perimeter CollegeThe Leadership AcademyGeorgia Perimeter College’s LeadershipAcademy is a team-building scholarshipand retention program that seeks toincrease retention, graduation andtransfer rates of African-Americanmales. The program increases accessand builds success by focusing onscholarships, teamwork and service; itstrengthens leadership skills and providesacademic support, mentors and personaldevelopment training.Academic Levels Served:College Freshmen and SophomoresProgram Contacts:Ms. Coletta CarterAssistant Vice President,Student Development & Special ProgramsGeorgia Perimeter College555 N. Indian Creek DriveClarkston, GA 891-2455Ms. Sarah VaughanProgram Coordinator, LeadershipAcademy555 N. Indian Creek DriveClarkston, GA 891-3737Georgia Southern UniversityPathways to SuccessAligned with the AAMI and USG’sdedication to closing the achievementgap, the Pathways to Success program is acohort model designed to create a cultureof academic excellence amongst African-American males. Through intentionalprogramming, incoming students are linkedto critical campus resources that aid inacademic and social development.Academic Level Served:Incoming College FreshmenStudent African American Brotherhood(SAAB)The SAAB program creates relevantexperiences for African-American andLatino males who plan to achieve theirdreams through higher education. TheGeorgia Southern Chapter of SAAB wasrecognized as “New Chapter of the Year”in 2011 and also received the “StellarChapter award” at the SAAB Nationalconference.Academic Level Served:Incoming College FreshmenProgram Contacts:Mr. Christopher PughAssistant Director – Multicultural StudentCenter, & Pathways to Success & StudentAfrican American Brotherhood (SAAB)Georgia Southern UniversityRussell Union – Room 2070P.O. Box 8068Statesboro, GA 478-5409Dr. Amy BallaghAssistant Vice President for Student Affairs& Enrollment Management & PathwaysProject DirectorP.O. Box 8063Statesboro, GA 478-5256Georgia SouthwesternState UniversityAfrican-American Male InstituteAll programming is aimed at providingstudents personal attention by bringingspeakers that can motivate and inspirethem to stay in school and graduate.Also, students are provided alternateactivities that are more geared tobecoming a better person, a betterstudent and a contributing citizen in thecommunity. Students also are providedthe experience of understandingtheir self-worth and their socialresponsibilities. There also is a consistentmessage of African-American historyand heritage. Most importantly, there isan academic supplementary instructioncomponent for the students to makesure they are successfully progressingtoward college graduation.Academic Levels Served:All Academic LevelsProgram Contact:Mr. Ervin D. AndersonSenior Lecturer/School of Computing andMathematicsExecutive Director of the GeorgiaSouthwestern African-American Male InstituteGeorgia Southwestern UniversityCrawford Wheatley Hall, Room 210800 Georgia Southwestern State DriveAmericus, GA 931-2200Georgia State UniversityAfrican-American Male InitiativeSuccess Program at Georgia StateUniversity (AAMI)The Office of African-American StudentServices and Programs administersGeorgia State University’s AAMI program.The program’s initiatives provide African-American males resources for theirstudies and research assignments, as wellas resources to develop interpersonalrelationships, team-building skills,leadership, career management and selfidentityvia group discussions. The studentsalso have the opportunity to participate ina faculty mentoring program. To enhancetheir leadership abilities, the AAMIprogram encourages students to activelyparticipate in the university’s numerousstudent and Greek organizations.Academic Levels Served:All Academic Levels12 13

The University System of Georgia’sAfrican-American <strong>Male</strong> Initiative ProgramsThe University System of Georgia’sAfrican-American <strong>Male</strong> Initiative ProgramsGeorgia <strong>College</strong> & StateUniversityMentoring African-Americans forLeadership, Education <strong>and</strong> Connection(MALE-Connection)Georgia <strong>College</strong>’s M.A.L.E. Connectionprogram aims to provide a supportnetwork for African-American malestudents. It connects students to thecollege, the community <strong>and</strong> otherUniversity System of Georgia African-American students while improving theiracademic <strong>and</strong> professional abilities <strong>and</strong>increasing their retention <strong>and</strong> graduationrates.Academic Levels Served:All Undergraduate LevelsProgram Contact:Mr. Emmanuel LittleDiversity & Retention CoordinatorGeorgia <strong>College</strong> & State UniversityCultural Center, Campus Box 4Milledgeville, GA 445-8155Georgia Gwinnett <strong>College</strong>*Elite Scholars ProgramThe goal of the Elite Scholars Programis to increase enrollment <strong>and</strong> maintainretention of African-American malesin STEM fields through the academic,leadership <strong>and</strong> civic engagement toolsneeded to be successful. Participants willbe exposed to learning opportunities,community involvement <strong>and</strong> otheractivities throughout the 2012-2013academic year.Academic Level Served:<strong>College</strong> FreshmenAsterisk(*) = AAMI-SAAB Chapter Site SAAB: Student African-American Brotherhood Asterisk(*) = AAMI-SAAB Chapter Site SAAB: Student African-American BrotherhoodProgram Contacts:Ms. Deborah ReatoDirector-One Stop Shop <strong>and</strong>Interim Director Minority OutreachGeorgia Gwinnett <strong>College</strong>1000 University Center LaneLawrenceville, GA 407-5804Ms. Lawana HaynesEnrollment Management Associate-Financial AidGeorgia Gwinnett <strong>College</strong>1000 University Center LaneLawrenceville, GA 407-5824Georgia Highl<strong>and</strong>s <strong>College</strong>*Georgia Highl<strong>and</strong>s African-American<strong>and</strong> Minority <strong>Male</strong> Excellence (GHAME)GHAME is GHC’s AAMI program whichfocuses on the recruitment, retention<strong>and</strong> graduation of African-American <strong>and</strong>Latino men. Advisors assist pre-freshmenwith the enrollment process <strong>and</strong> workwith enrolled students through graduation<strong>and</strong> beyond. Our SAAB Chapter (Brother2 Brother) factors strongly in theimplementation of GHAME.Academic Levels Served:Pre-Freshmen, <strong>College</strong> Freshmen <strong>and</strong>SophomoresSAABOur SAAB Chapter (Brother 2 Brother)factors strongly in the implementation ofGHAME.Academic Levels Served:<strong>College</strong> Freshmen <strong>and</strong> SophomoresProgram Contact:Dr. Jonathan HersheyChair, Humanities DivisionGeorgia Highl<strong>and</strong>s <strong>College</strong>3175 Cedartown Highway, SERome, GA 30161jhershey@highl<strong>and</strong> 368-7629Georgia Institute of TechnologyProviding Resources to Ignite <strong>Male</strong>Excellence (GT PRIME)GT PRIME (Providing Resources toIgnite <strong>Male</strong> Excellence) is the AAMIinitiative to address the negative trend inacademic performance of black males atGT. Its purpose is to provide resources,motivation <strong>and</strong> leadership training forblack males. This is achieved throughworkshops, speaker series, mentoring <strong>and</strong>tutoring each semester <strong>and</strong> Challenge(a 50 week summer bridge program forincoming students.)Academic Levels Served:All Undergraduate LevelsProgram Contacts:Mr. S. Gordon Moore, Jr.Executive Director – Student Diversity &InclusionGeorgia Institute of TechnologyOffice of Institute Diversity237 Uncle Heine Way, Suite 230Atlanta, GA 894-6089Mr. Andre DickensGT-PRIME Program ManagerStudent Initiatives ManagerGeorgia Institute of TechnologyOMED: Educational Services681 Cherry Street, NWAtlanta, GA 894-8746Georgia Perimeter <strong>College</strong>The Leadership AcademyGeorgia Perimeter <strong>College</strong>’s LeadershipAcademy is a team-building scholarship<strong>and</strong> retention program that seeks toincrease retention, graduation <strong>and</strong>transfer rates of African-Americanmales. The program increases access<strong>and</strong> builds success by focusing onscholarships, teamwork <strong>and</strong> service; itstrengthens leadership skills <strong>and</strong> providesacademic support, mentors <strong>and</strong> personaldevelopment training.Academic Levels Served:<strong>College</strong> Freshmen <strong>and</strong> SophomoresProgram Contacts:Ms. Coletta CarterAssistant Vice President,Student Development & Special ProgramsGeorgia Perimeter <strong>College</strong>555 N. Indian Creek DriveClarkston, GA 891-2455Ms. Sarah VaughanProgram Coordinator, LeadershipAcademy555 N. Indian Creek DriveClarkston, GA 891-3737Georgia Southern UniversityPathways to SuccessAligned with the AAMI <strong>and</strong> USG’sdedication to closing the achievementgap, the Pathways to Success program is acohort model designed to create a cultureof academic excellence amongst African-American males. Through intentionalprogramming, incoming students are linkedto critical campus resources that aid inacademic <strong>and</strong> social development.Academic Level Served:Incoming <strong>College</strong> FreshmenStudent African American Brotherhood(SAAB)The SAAB program creates relevantexperiences for African-American <strong>and</strong>Latino males who plan to achieve theirdreams through higher education. TheGeorgia Southern Chapter of SAAB wasrecognized as “New Chapter of the Year”in 2011 <strong>and</strong> also received the “StellarChapter award” at the SAAB Nationalconference.Academic Level Served:Incoming <strong>College</strong> FreshmenProgram Contacts:Mr. Christopher PughAssistant Director – Multicultural StudentCenter, & Pathways to Success & StudentAfrican American Brotherhood (SAAB)Georgia Southern UniversityRussell Union – Room 2070P.O. Box 8068Statesboro, GA 478-5409Dr. Amy BallaghAssistant Vice President for Student Affairs& Enrollment Management & PathwaysProject DirectorP.O. Box 8063Statesboro, GA 478-5256Georgia SouthwesternState UniversityAfrican-American <strong>Male</strong> InstituteAll programming is aimed at providingstudents personal attention by bringingspeakers that can motivate <strong>and</strong> inspirethem to stay in school <strong>and</strong> graduate.Also, students are provided alternateactivities that are more geared tobecoming a better person, a betterstudent <strong>and</strong> a contributing citizen in thecommunity. <strong>Students</strong> also are providedthe experience of underst<strong>and</strong>ingtheir self-worth <strong>and</strong> their socialresponsibilities. There also is a consistentmessage of African-American history<strong>and</strong> heritage. Most importantly, there isan academic supplementary instructioncomponent for the students to makesure they are successfully progressingtoward college graduation.Academic Levels Served:All Academic LevelsProgram Contact:Mr. Ervin D. AndersonSenior Lecturer/School of Computing <strong>and</strong>MathematicsExecutive Director of the GeorgiaSouthwestern African-American <strong>Male</strong> InstituteGeorgia Southwestern UniversityCrawford Wheatley Hall, Room 210800 Georgia Southwestern State DriveAmericus, GA 931-2200Georgia State UniversityAfrican-American <strong>Male</strong> InitiativeSuccess Program at Georgia StateUniversity (AAMI)The Office of African-American StudentServices <strong>and</strong> Programs administersGeorgia State University’s AAMI program.The program’s initiatives provide African-American males resources for theirstudies <strong>and</strong> research assignments, as wellas resources to develop interpersonalrelationships, team-building skills,leadership, career management <strong>and</strong> selfidentityvia group discussions. The studentsalso have the opportunity to participate ina faculty mentoring program. To enhancetheir leadership abilities, the AAMIprogram encourages students to activelyparticipate in the university’s numerousstudent <strong>and</strong> Greek organizations.Academic Levels Served:All Academic Levels12 13

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