The Navy Vol_37_Part1 (Feb-Mar-Apr, May-June-July 1975)

The Navy Vol_37_Part1 (Feb-Mar-Apr, May-June-July 1975)

The Navy Vol_37_Part1 (Feb-Mar-Apr, May-June-July 1975)

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CHANGE OF ADDRESSImportant nottc* to Subscribers to "Thj <strong>Navy</strong>" and Fallows of tha <strong>Navy</strong>League of Australia.It would be helpful to the Editor and Poet Office H you wouM kindly complete the form provided belowprior to moving from the postal address ref is tared wtth the <strong>Navy</strong> League, thereby ensuring that 'Tlx <strong>Navy</strong>"reaches you on time. Fellows of the <strong>Navy</strong> League should also advise their Wvlslanal Secretary ol any Chang*In status or postal address-(Refer peg* one for atfdroae.)TeereaiMNOTICE OF CHANGE OF ADDRESSthe tug namefor marine serviceall aroundAustraliaWhether yours is a small boat or a bigship, tor pleasure or for profit there sequipment from AWA to make it bettersafer, more enjoyable, more profitableA big range of radio telephones, echosounders, automatic pilots, directionfinders, radar sold and serviced byAWA alt around Auetraka and NewGuinea. At major ports all around thecoast you can be assured of the best serviceback-up for the finest electronic manneequipment available. AWA the BIG name mmanne equipment . the BIG name in service 1AWA MARINE DIVISIONMARINE SALES ANO SERVICE DEPOTS:twfusuua m211 UlfWMt IMflWIW• n n m i n i r> isiee. tut. nuMW tm n niai»uM tit n MI www im r> HUHMB m a t *rt swill M »»'.M u n, U IUI•W lMHtlCWTKM««eiz r% mmPa(a Fourteen• WitUMHJUIS r» SHIMSOUTH MKIU1Kro wetint ten r> """»ivir* u «mui MM n «n»wisttn wsnuiuro in in mwvmi >iu r» mmro im in mtxouaim » mix•ootmh ttwtremro kiim mmwhiiw n humTHE NAVYro bmnk aavrm n muxIII.IM LMMCtStOR IM I* HMMnnujire cuiauro «»ji» roelMMMt l» li"ro taUlitn 1140ro IM«M MM R» unn•(» nittiaro USUI r* nitM2324<strong>Feb</strong>ruary/Ma rch/<strong>Apr</strong>tl, <strong>1975</strong>JIIITo: <strong>The</strong> Editor."<strong>The</strong> <strong>Navy</strong>" magazine.Box CI7»,Clsrenct Street Post Office.Sydney. N.S.W. 2000. Australia.• (PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY)JMr' Name: Mrs.| Miss• Rank• Present address:II will be moving from the above postal address on, to reside at:[ (date)| New address:| (please include your postcode)* I am a 'Subscriber or * Fellow of the ( ) Division of the <strong>Navy</strong> League. JI (• delete inapplicable words) '' Signature: •I FELLOWS OF THE NAVY LEAGUE! DONT FORGET TO ALSO ADVISE CHANCE OF ADDRESS TO !— _ YOUR DIVISIONAL SECRETARY. (REFER PAGE ONE FOR AOONCSS.) B M JNOTICE TO ADVERTISERS<strong>The</strong> Trade Practices Act. 1974 cjme into force on October 1 1974 <strong>The</strong>re are important new provisions in that Act which contain strict regulationson advertising and all advertisers and advertising agents are advised to study those provisions very carefully.It can be an ollence lor anyone to engage m trade or commerce, in conduct misleading or deceptive" In particular Section 53 containsprohibitions Irom doing any of the following in connection with the supply of goods or services or in connection with the promotion, by any means,of the supply or use of goods or services(a) Falsely represent that goods or services are of a particular standard, quality or grade, or that goods are of a particular style or model.(b) Falsely represent that goods are new.(c) Represent that goods or services have sponsors*- •>. approval, performance characteristics, accessories, uses or benefits they do nothave.(d) Represent that he or it has a sponsorship, approval or affiliation he or it does not have.(e) Make 'aise or misleading statements concerning the existence of. or amounts of. prica reductions.(f) Make false or misleading statements concerning the need for any goods, services, replacements or repairs.(g) Make false or misleading statements concerning the existence or effect of any warranty or guaranteePENALTYFor an mdividi al — S10.00C or 6 months imprisonmentFor a corporation — $50,600.It is not possible for this company to ensure that advertisements which are published in this magazine comply with the Act and the responsibilitymust therefore be on the person, company or advertising agency submitting the advertisements for publicationIN CASE OF DOUBT CONSULT YOUR LAWYER<strong>Feb</strong>ruary/<strong>Mar</strong>ch/ <strong>Apr</strong>il, 1979THE NAVY^•go Fifteen

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