The Navy Vol_37_Part1 (Feb-Mar-Apr, May-June-July 1975)

The Navy Vol_37_Part1 (Feb-Mar-Apr, May-June-July 1975) The Navy Vol_37_Part1 (Feb-Mar-Apr, May-June-July 1975)
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Best Wishes from ...AUSTRALCANNING COPTY LTDDairy Produce Exporters•115 QUEENSBRIDGE STSOUTH MELBOURNE, VICTelephone: 61 3311Petrol — Oil — Outboard FuelMotor Vehicle Servicing and Spares.Engine and Car Washing Facilities.Tyres and Tubes. Batteries. Kerosene.Crushed Ice. Fishing Tackle. Bait.Portagas Refills and Accessories,Welding FacilitiesAll Mechanical Repairs — Open 7 Days aWeekCowesService StationPage Twenty-twoLes and Ann Milkins. PropsTHOMPSON AVENUECOWES, VICTelephone: 522024THE NAVYBest Wishes from .CORRIGAN'SPHARMACY20 MITCHELL STREETBENDIGO, VICTelephone: 43 5126DIMETCONTRACTING(VIC)PROPRIETOR DIMET INVESTMENTPTY LTDApplication of Anti Corrosive Coatings— Atmosphere — Marine Chemicals orFoodsCAWLEY ROADBROOKLYN, VICTelephone: 314 0255.979 I MA.Built by Cammenga Jachlbouui B. V. this 25 metres Jast patrol boat,depending on diesel engines fitted, is capable oj speeds of 45 knots.Gen bum2 x ZF - 800 HS 20 or REINTJESSWA 800PerformanceExtreme tropical conditions, halfload; displacement: 24 knotsmaximum. 21 knots continuous.RangeIn excess of 1000 nautical miles atcruising speed in full load condition.ALTERNATIVE PROPULSIONMachinery2 x MTU 16 V 538 TB 92; 4000hpeach at 1900rpm (max); 3350hpeach at 1790rpm (cont); Rating DIN6270PerformanceExtreme tropical conditions, halfload displacement: approximately42 knots maximum andapproximately 37 knots continuous.Alternative engines may be fittedaccording to displacement andperformance required by thecustomer. Typical examples ofengine installations andapproximate speeds obtainable intropical conditions are given below.Marina Dlasel Eg nines2 x 1350hp: 25 knots maximum.22 knots maximum continuous: 2 x4000hp: 45 knots maximum; 40knots maximum continuous.If speeds in excess of the abovetarget are needed, the vessels can befitted-out with gas turbines as mainmachinery which, combined withsophisticated weapon systems, willmake the FPBs formidable smallwarships.AILSA Shipbuilding CoLimited, ScotlandAZTECA CLASS PATROLVESSELLength overall34.34 metresLentil, on load witwUnt30.94 metresBreadth moulded8.65 metres.Depth moulded amidships4.14 metres.Draught aft (maximum)2.19 metresSelf contained air-conditioningunits are provided throughout theaccommodation.The vessel can be fitted with a40mm gun lorward and a twin20mm gun aft and two rocKet flarelaunchers are provided.VOSPERTHORNYCROFT GROUPPORTSMOUTH,ENGLAND142ft Fast Patrol Boat —TENACITY Now in Servicewith The Royal NavyPrincipal dimensionsMaximum sprint ratings In trials Length overallcondition144tt6in24 Knots. Length on dockMaximum continuous speed142ft Oin2114 Knots.130ft Oin.Economic cruising speed18 Knots.Endurance at maximum continuous750 nautical milesEndurance at Cruising speed1000 nautical miles.Fuel oM capacity21 tonsFresh water capacity4.5 tons.Accommodation forOne senior officer; Commandingofficer (with spare berth): Fourofficers; Four petty officers: Fourteenratings.Main engines Paxman Ventura 12YJCM Diesel, each developing1800bhp and driving a fixed pitchpropeller through a reverse/reduction gearbox26ft 6 Win.Depth moulded13ft Sin.Draught (approximate)7ft 9in.Top speed40 knots.Displacement (approximate)220 tons.ConstructionThe hull is of prefabricatedconstruction in all-welded mild steel,with aluminium alloy superstructureThe hull is sub-dividedinto watertight compartments bysteel bulKheads: the internalpartition bulKheads are of "Plasticell".faced with laminated plastic.Thermal insulation is fitted to theship's sides and on the underside ofAn AZTECA class petrol boat built by Ailsa Shipbuilding CoLimited, Troon, Scotland, Jar the Mexican Navy.May/June/July, 1979 I May/JunVMy, 1979 THE NAVY Page Twenty-three

the weather decks in the superstructureand throughout the accommodationspaces Acoustic insulationis titled to the engine room bulkheadsMachineryThe 142ft fast patrol boats can bepowered by two separate machineryarrangements:The diesel version has four NapierDeltic or Maybach diesels. giving amaximum speed ol about 40 knots.The CODOG version has three RollsRoyce Proteus gas turbines alsogiving a maximum speed of about 40knots, with Paxman or Maybach 6-cylinder diesels on the wing shaftsfor manoeuvring or cruising atspeeds up to 15 knots.The engine control room containsall the controls for the main enginesand electrical generating plant Fullalarm and protection equipment forall machinery is fitted together withVosper Thomycroft private venture fast patrol boat Tenacity. This142 foot, 40 knot, gas turbine-diesel fast patrol boat, armed with anadvanced weapons system of powerful modem guns and guidedmissiles, represents a new generation of fast patrol boats capable ofengaging major warshipt and modern aircraft.complete instrumentation.The main switchboard is situatedin the same compartment, so thatone man can maintain completesurveillance of all machinery. Engineorder and revolution telegraphs arefitted between the wheelhouse andthe control roomTriple screw 142ft fast patrol boat powered by three Rolls Royce Proteus gas turbines and cruising dieselson the wing shafts. The forward gun is an Oerlikon twin 35mm controlled by Contraves Sea Hunter Mk 4,which also controls the four Contmves Sea Killer missiles in two fixed mountings on the aft deck.Page Twenty-four THE NAVY Kay/June/Juty, 1975WKiiliflf'ii' rf'i. • - .—. • • ' 1 - • iQuadruple screw 142ft fast patrol boat powered by four diesel engines. The forward gun is an Oto Melara76mm controlled by Contmves Sea Hunter Mk4, complete with stabilised optical sight, which also controlsthe five Sea Killer missiles in a rotatable mounting on the aft deck. Two torpedoes or other weapons canalso be fittedVosper Thomycroft FastPatrol Boat Design forVenezuelaVenezuela's new squadron of six37 metre fast patrol boats is nearingcompletion at the Portsmouth shipyardsof the designers and builders.Vosper Thomycroft Limited. Two ofthe boats have already sailed torVenezuela and the remaining fourare at various stages of fitting outand trials.The FPBs were designed by VosperThornycrott to meet the specificrequirements of the VenezuelanNavy. The contract for their designand construction was placed inApril. 1972. and valued at over £6million.The 37 metre boats have steelhulls driven by two diesel engines atspeeds of up to 30 knots. Three ofthe six carry a gun armamentconsisting of a 76mm Oto Melaragun mounting with associatedNuova San Giorgio NA 10 fire controlsystem and smaller weapons, whilethe remaining three are to carry atwin Otomat anti-ship missile systemand 40mm gun.The 76mm Oto Melara gun isa fully automatic weapon capableof rates of fire from single shots upto 85 rounds a minute. It is a veryaccurate, well tried gun,comparatively light in weight andvery suitable for the larger types offast patrol boat. It has a range ofover 16.000 metres. Where used inconjunction with ELSAG fire controlequipment, as in these boats, it iseffective against missiles, aircraft orships and can also be used forbombardment.When the mounting is ready to fireand switched to remote control thefirst 80 rounds can be fired with thegun completely unmanned, afterwhich it is only necessary to reloadthe revolving magazine. Thecomplement of each boat is Captain.three officers, four petty officers andten ratings, with spare accommodationfor two more.The hull design is a development ofearlier Vosper Thomycroft steel FF*Bforms, having modified round-bilgesections, a spray-deflecting knucklein the tops ides forward, and a spraystrake between this and thewaterline. the afterbody has a firmrounded bilge and deadrise reducingto about 3 degrees, straight buttocklines and a substantial skegThe aim has been a good reserve ofbuoyancy forward, deflection ofspray and solid water, and goodrunning characteristics at speedand in following seas. Thesecharacteristics have beenconfirmed on trials.The hull structure is of wektodsteel, on the longitudinal systemwith deep framing and longitudinalgirders and stringers. The hull IsMay/JuoV July. 1975 THE NAVY r«j» Tumi. II..

Best Wishes from ...AUSTRALCANNING COPTY LTDDairy Produce Exporters•115 QUEENSBRIDGE STSOUTH MELBOURNE, VICTelephone: 61 3311Petrol — Oil — Outboard FuelMotor Vehicle Servicing and Spares.Engine and Car Washing Facilities.Tyres and Tubes. Batteries. Kerosene.Crushed Ice. Fishing Tackle. Bait.Portagas Refills and Accessories,Welding FacilitiesAll Mechanical Repairs — Open 7 Days aWeekCowesService StationPage Twenty-twoLes and Ann Milkins. PropsTHOMPSON AVENUECOWES, VICTelephone: 522024THE NAVYBest Wishes from .CORRIGAN'SPHARMACY20 MITCHELL STREETBENDIGO, VICTelephone: 43 5126DIMETCONTRACTING(VIC)PROPRIETOR DIMET INVESTMENTPTY LTDApplication of Anti Corrosive Coatings— Atmosphere — <strong>Mar</strong>ine Chemicals orFoodsCAWLEY ROADBROOKLYN, VICTelephone: 314 0255.979 I MA.Built by Cammenga Jachlbouui B. V. this 25 metres Jast patrol boat,depending on diesel engines fitted, is capable oj speeds of 45 knots.Gen bum2 x ZF - 800 HS 20 or REINTJESSWA 800PerformanceExtreme tropical conditions, halfload; displacement: 24 knotsmaximum. 21 knots continuous.RangeIn excess of 1000 nautical miles atcruising speed in full load condition.ALTERNATIVE PROPULSIONMachinery2 x MTU 16 V 538 TB 92; 4000hpeach at 1900rpm (max); 3350hpeach at 1790rpm (cont); Rating DIN6270PerformanceExtreme tropical conditions, halfload displacement: approximately42 knots maximum andapproximately <strong>37</strong> knots continuous.Alternative engines may be fittedaccording to displacement andperformance required by thecustomer. Typical examples ofengine installations andapproximate speeds obtainable intropical conditions are given below.<strong>Mar</strong>ina Dlasel Eg nines2 x 1350hp: 25 knots maximum.22 knots maximum continuous: 2 x4000hp: 45 knots maximum; 40knots maximum continuous.If speeds in excess of the abovetarget are needed, the vessels can befitted-out with gas turbines as mainmachinery which, combined withsophisticated weapon systems, willmake the FPBs formidable smallwarships.AILSA Shipbuilding CoLimited, ScotlandAZTECA CLASS PATROLVESSELLength overall34.34 metresLentil, on load witwUnt30.94 metresBreadth moulded8.65 metres.Depth moulded amidships4.14 metres.Draught aft (maximum)2.19 metresSelf contained air-conditioningunits are provided throughout theaccommodation.<strong>The</strong> vessel can be fitted with a40mm gun lorward and a twin20mm gun aft and two rocKet flarelaunchers are provided.VOSPERTHORNYCROFT GROUPPORTSMOUTH,ENGLAND142ft Fast Patrol Boat —TENACITY Now in Servicewith <strong>The</strong> Royal <strong>Navy</strong>Principal dimensionsMaximum sprint ratings In trials Length overallcondition144tt6in24 Knots. Length on dockMaximum continuous speed142ft Oin2114 Knots.130ft Oin.Economic cruising speed18 Knots.Endurance at maximum continuous750 nautical milesEndurance at Cruising speed1000 nautical miles.Fuel oM capacity21 tonsFresh water capacity4.5 tons.Accommodation forOne senior officer; Commandingofficer (with spare berth): Fourofficers; Four petty officers: Fourteenratings.Main engines Paxman Ventura 12YJCM Diesel, each developing1800bhp and driving a fixed pitchpropeller through a reverse/reduction gearbox26ft 6 Win.Depth moulded13ft Sin.Draught (approximate)7ft 9in.Top speed40 knots.Displacement (approximate)220 tons.Construction<strong>The</strong> hull is of prefabricatedconstruction in all-welded mild steel,with aluminium alloy superstructure<strong>The</strong> hull is sub-dividedinto watertight compartments bysteel bulKheads: the internalpartition bulKheads are of "Plasticell".faced with laminated plastic.<strong>The</strong>rmal insulation is fitted to theship's sides and on the underside ofAn AZTECA class petrol boat built by Ailsa Shipbuilding CoLimited, Troon, Scotland, Jar the Mexican <strong>Navy</strong>.<strong>May</strong>/<strong>June</strong>/<strong>July</strong>, 1979 I <strong>May</strong>/JunVMy, 1979 THE NAVY Page Twenty-three

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