The Navy Vol_37_Part1 (Feb-Mar-Apr, May-June-July 1975)

The Navy Vol_37_Part1 (Feb-Mar-Apr, May-June-July 1975) The Navy Vol_37_Part1 (Feb-Mar-Apr, May-June-July 1975)
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Inserted with the Compliments ofDEEPSEAFISHERIESPTY LTDHome Freezer Owners Catered ForStockists of all Frozen Foodsincluding Fish, Frozen Vegetables,Chinese MealsTake Away Foods and Poultry57 NORTHERN ROADWEST HEIDELBERG, VICPhone: 459 4205459 5293F. G. STRANGPTY LTD... for a complete service to shipping•MASTER STEVEDORESGENERAL CONTRACTORSTALLYING CONTRACTORSMOBILE CRANES & FORK LIFTSWATCHING SERVICE•F. G. STRANG PTY LTD94 ERROL STREETNORTH MELBOURNE, VICPhone: 30 3121 (6 lines)Cables — EMESCOLGeneral Waterside Labour ContractorsMaster Stevedores — AgentsBest Wishes to all Members of HMASCerberus fromDes FidlerHASTINGS HOUSE OFFURNITURE• Furniture • Floor Coverings• Electrical GoodsLARGE RANGESpecial attention given to all Navy FundLoans77 HIGH STREETHASTINGS, VICTelephone: 79 1642Kindly Sponsored byJohn F.Coghlan & CoPty LtdCUSTOM & SHIPPING AGENTS53 QUEEN STREETMELBOURNE, VICTelephone: 612755Perisvopv on I nslra/iaNEW DEFENCE OFFICEIN MELBOURNEThe building. St James Plaza. 350St Kilda Road — nearly opposite theShrine of Remembrance — willaccommodate 2500 members ofthe Defence Department includingService personnel.The occupants of the new buildingwill be drawn mainly from AlbertPark Barracks. South Melbourne,which will enable that complex to beeventually returned to the AlbertPark Trust, and the area to revert toparklandOccupiers of the new building willinclude the newly-formed DefenceRegional Office, with personnelmade up of the integrated Servicedepartments. Other occupants willbe the Army Logistics Command,part of RAAF Support Command,and the Headquarters of the NavalOfficer-in-Charge. Victoria.The building consists of twoseparate areas, one a 26-storeytower, the other a 5-storey block. It isset in an open plaza with trees andmodern sculpture. The building is airconditioned.carpeted, and includesthree levels of car park. The buildingshould be fully occupied bySeptember. 1975.SEA KING FLIGHTFORMEDThe first Australian flight ofWestland Sea King helicooters wasformed last October at a ceremonyat the Royal Naval Air Station.Culdrose. Cornwall.The flight has been formed to trainand familiarise RAN personnel withthe Sea Kings which will replace theWessex anti-submarine helicoptersnow in service with the Fleet Air Arm.Until now RAN personnel havetrained with Royal Navy Sea Kingsquadrons.The Sea King Mark 50s ordered forthe RAN are being built to meetAustralian requirements and aremmm, /more versatile than those supplied tothe Royal Navy, the Indian Navy, theWest German Federal Navy and theNorwegian Air Force.Besides their main anti-submarinerole, the RAN's Sea Kings willbe used for search and rescueoperations and casualty evacuation.The helicopters carry two pilots, anobserver and an aircrewman. Theyare powered by twin Rolls-Royceengines and a»"3 fitted with advancedflight control, navigation, sonar, andradar equipment. The flight, with 52RAN personnel, has now takendelivery of two of the 10 helicoptersordered.TURANA DEVELOPMENTA further series of developmentflights of the new RAN pilotlesstarget aircraft Turana was successfullycompleted at Jervis Bay late in1974Turana. designed by theGovernment Aircraft Factories(GAF) in Melbourne, is being builtfor the RAN by GAF in collaborationwith other Government establishmentsand private industry. Anumber of overseas countries haveexpressed interest in the targetaircraft.The aircraft tested were fitted witha number of recent modificationsdesigned to improve theperformance and reliability of thesystem together with speciallydeveloped low-altitude flightequipment.The target flew under close controlat altitudes down to 15 metres and atspeeds of up to 585 km/h. simulatingthe attack of a sea-skimming antishipmissile.Turana was engaged by the guns ofHMAS Swan using non-explosiveshells. The miss-distance measuringequipment carried in the droneThis Westland Sea King anti-submarine helicopter was the first ojthose ordered Jor the Royal Australian Navy to jly at Yeovil,England. The Sea Kings will replace the Wessex helicopters whichentered service with the RAN in 1962.Page Forty THE NAVY February/March/April,February/March/April, 1975 THE NAVY Page Forty-one

Dimet Contracting(Vic)ProprietorDimet Investment Pty LtdApplication ot anti-corrosive coatingsatmosphere, marine chemicals or foodsCAWLEY ROAD, BROOKLYN, 3025Telephone: 314 0255By Courtesy ot.Abel Auto WreckersAll Makes and Models• Changeover Engines • Gearboxes • RadiatorsPrompt Delivery Service all SuburbsCNR CHELTENHAM & BRIDGE ROADSNOBLE PARK, VICTelephone: 798 2444L. HATHERALL PTY LTDGold Stamping on Letterheads> Business Cards • Greeting Cards• Cosmetic Boxes, etc33 STEPHENSON STREETRICHMOND, VICBest Wishes Irom .Telephone: 42 4483CORRIGAN'S PHARMACY20 MITCHELL STREETBENDIGO, VICTelephone: 43 5126Best Wishes fromSEAFOODS (MELB)PTY LTDMARIBYRNONG STREETFOOTSCRAY, VICKindly Sponsored byTelephone: 68 3679ALTHEA FLORISTFLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS249 MELVILLE ROADWEST BRUNSWICK. VICKindly Sponsored byTelephone: 36 7858Astoria Taxi ServiceChautteur-Driven Limousines covering the Cityand all SuburbsBy Courtesy of630 SWANSTON STREETCARLTON, VICTelephone: 347 5511FRANK VAROLLO& ASSOCIATESReal Estate Agents and Auctioneers23 NICHOLSON STREETBRUNSWICK. VICTelephone: 387 1411recorded a number of near-missesHad the shells carried the normalproximity fuse, the drones wouldprobably have been destroyed.COMPUTERS FORDEFENCEThe Department ot ManufacturingIndustry had awarded a contract toSperry Rand Australia Ltd. tor theSupply to the Department ofDefence ot a Univac 1110 computingsystem costing approximately J4mIt is expected that the introductionto service ot the Univacequipment in mid-1975 will mark asignificant change in the characterof the large defence data processingsystems to take advantage otmodern techniques and equipmentincluding large scale disk storagedevices.EXTENSION OF SERVICEFOR ADMIRAL SMITHThe service of Admiril Sir VictorSmith. KBE. CB. DSC. Chairman.Chiefs ot Staff Committee has beenextended by approximately 6months to 23 November. 1975 Hewill then have served 5 years in theappointment.Admiral Sir Victor Smith. KBE.CB. DSC. Chairman. Chiejs ojSta/J Committee.The Minister for Defence. Mr LanceBarnard, in announcing theextension, said that he was pleasedthat an officer ot the stature andexperience of Admiral Smith hadagreed to continue serving. Thiswould be particularly valuableduring an important stage ofDefence reorganisation.NEW FIRE CONTROLSYSTEM FORRAN SUBMARINESA contract worth $87,000 had beenplaced with the Librascope Divisionof the Singer Corporation for acontract definition study for a newcomputer-based fire control andcombat data processing system forRAN submarines.The new system is intended toreplace the existing equipment andshould improve the effectiveness ofthe submarines considerably.Computer-based tire controlsystems have been or are beingdeveloped for submarines of mostWestern navies, including the RoyalNavy and the United States NavyThe selection of Singer Librascope.of Glendale. California. USA.was made after a thorough technicalevaluation of responses to tendersfrom five companies in Europe andthe United States. Singer Librascopeis currently the contractor tor allUSN submarine tire control systemsWhile there is no productioncommitment at present, it is anticipatedthat Australian industry willtake part in any future programmeand will provide technical supportfor the equipment after itsintroduction into service.M2363/8 A LA MODESTYLENew style sailor hat for the Navy?Not likely, but Able Seaman StoresNaval Stephen Gallagher, has funtrying on a warrior's head-dress inPort Moresby Stephen, shopping forartifacts, met a friendly highlanderfrom the Goilala District who gavehim some helpful advice. Theelaborate ceremonial head-dressfeatures Bird of Paradise and eaglefeathers. The round objects are cupcupsmade from sea shell, inlaid withtortoise-shell. Stephen wasimpressed with the head-dress, but itwas not for sale Stephen is servingat the Papua-New Guinea DefenceForce headquarters at Boroka. nearPort Moresby.SALE OF HMA SHIPSSYDNEY ANDQUEENBOROUGHThe Department ot ManufacturingIndustry have called tenders for thepurchase and removal of the ex Navytransport SYDNEY and the destroyerQUEENBOROUGH. Tenders close at2.00 pm on Tuesday. 18 February.1975.Page Forty-two THE NAVY February/March/April,February/March/ April. 1975 THE NAVY Page Forty-three

Inserted with the Compliments ofDEEPSEAFISHERIESPTY LTDHome Freezer Owners Catered ForStockists of all Frozen Foodsincluding Fish, Frozen Vegetables,Chinese MealsTake Away Foods and Poultry57 NORTHERN ROADWEST HEIDELBERG, VICPhone: 459 4205459 5293F. G. STRANGPTY LTD... for a complete service to shipping•MASTER STEVEDORESGENERAL CONTRACTORSTALLYING CONTRACTORSMOBILE CRANES & FORK LIFTSWATCHING SERVICE•F. G. STRANG PTY LTD94 ERROL STREETNORTH MELBOURNE, VICPhone: 30 3121 (6 lines)Cables — EMESCOLGeneral Waterside Labour ContractorsMaster Stevedores — AgentsBest Wishes to all Members of HMASCerberus fromDes FidlerHASTINGS HOUSE OFFURNITURE• Furniture • Floor Coverings• Electrical GoodsLARGE RANGESpecial attention given to all <strong>Navy</strong> FundLoans77 HIGH STREETHASTINGS, VICTelephone: 79 1642Kindly Sponsored byJohn F.Coghlan & CoPty LtdCUSTOM & SHIPPING AGENTS53 QUEEN STREETMELBOURNE, VICTelephone: 612755Perisvopv on I nslra/iaNEW DEFENCE OFFICEIN MELBOURNE<strong>The</strong> building. St James Plaza. 350St Kilda Road — nearly opposite theShrine of Remembrance — willaccommodate 2500 members ofthe Defence Department includingService personnel.<strong>The</strong> occupants of the new buildingwill be drawn mainly from AlbertPark Barracks. South Melbourne,which will enable that complex to beeventually returned to the AlbertPark Trust, and the area to revert toparklandOccupiers of the new building willinclude the newly-formed DefenceRegional Office, with personnelmade up of the integrated Servicedepartments. Other occupants willbe the Army Logistics Command,part of RAAF Support Command,and the Headquarters of the NavalOfficer-in-Charge. Victoria.<strong>The</strong> building consists of twoseparate areas, one a 26-storeytower, the other a 5-storey block. It isset in an open plaza with trees andmodern sculpture. <strong>The</strong> building is airconditioned.carpeted, and includesthree levels of car park. <strong>The</strong> buildingshould be fully occupied bySeptember. <strong>1975</strong>.SEA KING FLIGHTFORMED<strong>The</strong> first Australian flight ofWestland Sea King helicooters wasformed last October at a ceremonyat the Royal Naval Air Station.Culdrose. Cornwall.<strong>The</strong> flight has been formed to trainand familiarise RAN personnel withthe Sea Kings which will replace theWessex anti-submarine helicoptersnow in service with the Fleet Air Arm.Until now RAN personnel havetrained with Royal <strong>Navy</strong> Sea Kingsquadrons.<strong>The</strong> Sea King <strong>Mar</strong>k 50s ordered forthe RAN are being built to meetAustralian requirements and aremmm, /more versatile than those supplied tothe Royal <strong>Navy</strong>, the Indian <strong>Navy</strong>, theWest German Federal <strong>Navy</strong> and theNorwegian Air Force.Besides their main anti-submarinerole, the RAN's Sea Kings willbe used for search and rescueoperations and casualty evacuation.<strong>The</strong> helicopters carry two pilots, anobserver and an aircrewman. <strong>The</strong>yare powered by twin Rolls-Royceengines and a»"3 fitted with advancedflight control, navigation, sonar, andradar equipment. <strong>The</strong> flight, with 52RAN personnel, has now takendelivery of two of the 10 helicoptersordered.TURANA DEVELOPMENTA further series of developmentflights of the new RAN pilotlesstarget aircraft Turana was successfullycompleted at Jervis Bay late in1974Turana. designed by theGovernment Aircraft Factories(GAF) in Melbourne, is being builtfor the RAN by GAF in collaborationwith other Government establishmentsand private industry. Anumber of overseas countries haveexpressed interest in the targetaircraft.<strong>The</strong> aircraft tested were fitted witha number of recent modificationsdesigned to improve theperformance and reliability of thesystem together with speciallydeveloped low-altitude flightequipment.<strong>The</strong> target flew under close controlat altitudes down to 15 metres and atspeeds of up to 585 km/h. simulatingthe attack of a sea-skimming antishipmissile.Turana was engaged by the guns ofHMAS Swan using non-explosiveshells. <strong>The</strong> miss-distance measuringequipment carried in the droneThis Westland Sea King anti-submarine helicopter was the first ojthose ordered Jor the Royal Australian <strong>Navy</strong> to jly at Yeovil,England. <strong>The</strong> Sea Kings will replace the Wessex helicopters whichentered service with the RAN in 1962.Page Forty THE NAVY <strong>Feb</strong>ruary/<strong>Mar</strong>ch/<strong>Apr</strong>il,<strong>Feb</strong>ruary/<strong>Mar</strong>ch/<strong>Apr</strong>il, <strong>1975</strong> THE NAVY Page Forty-one

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