The Navy Vol_37_Part1 (Feb-Mar-Apr, May-June-July 1975)

The Navy Vol_37_Part1 (Feb-Mar-Apr, May-June-July 1975) The Navy Vol_37_Part1 (Feb-Mar-Apr, May-June-July 1975)
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PatriarchAustralian Navy crew on his 84 footketch, provisionally named AnacodaIL This means that Australia now hasa representative national entry, anda worthy rival to Graat Britain IIwhich Chay Blyth has lent for aBritish joint-Service entry.Naval Reserve Cadet Newsaid of several museums. Lloyd'sarchives, naval historians and shippingcompanies enough picturesand information have been collectedto make possible an accuratereconstruction of this almost forgottenclipper. A passenger'saccount of the record breakingmaiden voyage to Australia has alsocome to light. It was published in aThe Bunbury TouristBureauWelcomes Enquiries. Accommodation FacilitiesExcellentHotels. Motels. Guest Houses. Holiday Houses.Caravan ParksTraval Bookings:Any airline — WAG Railways. Parlour Car andPioneer ToursL n o .BUNBURY'S 1898 VINTA8E STEAM TRAINPRINSEP STREET, BUNBURY, WAPhona: 21 4737Sydney newspaper under theheading "From Gravesend toSydney" and gives a vivid and knowledgeableaccpunt of the ship'sprogress together with dailypositions. (See map).Australian Service EntryNews has reached London thatJosko Grubic now intends to carry anNaw French EntryThe latest entry to reach the raceorganisers comes from the CercleSportif de I'lnstitut National des Invalidesin Cherbourg. Michel-PierreDoucin will skipper a whiteBermudan ketch with a crew of six.The boat, was launched last yearand is named Vallene. It is built ofsteel, designed by Jean Knocker ofFrance and is expected to rate at 45feetRaca Headquarter*The race committee has decidedthat a full-time race headquartersshould be established in StKatherine's Dock from 11 August. Itwill provide full facilities for press,officials and technical supervisors.There will also be an operationalheadquarters at Rushcutters Bay.Sydney during the yachts' stay inAustralia.Go Well Go ShellTHE SHELL COMPANYOF AUSTRALIALIMITEDHappy to be AssociatedWith the NavyRag* Twenty-four THE NAVY February/Ma rdVApriLCANADAA Tip of ThaHat To:Participants in the Tri-Servic*Cadet Centennial Tattoo.Young men and women fromWinnipeg. Portage la Prairie andSelkirk presented two and halthours of non-stop music, marching,precision drills, displays and pageantry.And the watching crowds loved it!A special feature was the excellenceot NWLC Centennial's marchingband. Another highlight was theperformance of the RCSCC DaerwoodbandThe RCSCC John Travers CornwallVC band, with massed pipes, brass,reed and percussion, did a grand |Obon the traditional "AmazingGrace" The NICC J. R. K. MHIenband thrilled the veterans in the audienceby playing "Colonel Bogey" onthe glockenspiels. RCSCC Qu'-AppeHe and RCSCC Cruscader alsoearned their share of the applause.VICTORIASignal to the Victorian DivisionNaval Reserve Cadela from theSenior Officer. Commander F. G.Evans, MBE.VRO, RANRSome time ago I asked to be relievedas Senior Officer Naval ReserveCadets. Victoria, at the end of1974. This time has now arrived.When I became associated withthe sea cadet movement some 26years ago. it comprised 12 units and300 cadets in New South Wales andVictoria. Recently it stood at 45units and 2000 cadets throughoutAustralia.It has been my good fortune to beable to play some part in the nationalgrowth of the sea cadet organisation,and of the Navy League withoutwhich the Australian Sea CadetCorps and Naval Reserve Cadetswould not have existed. Quitefrankly, it has been hard work andnot all problems have been resolvedeven at this time.Transfer of tha Navy League ColourtoTSLATROBETo seamen, flags play a vital part intheir daily life. Their place inidentification and visual signallingcan be traced tar back into historyespecially to the early Mediterraneanseafarers to whom flags alsohad great symbolic significance onspecial occasions, when the flag wascalled a Colour.Such an occasion, which they toowould have recognised, occurred onSaturday. 12 October. 1974. whenCommodore B S. Murray. RANNaval Officer in Charge of Victoria,transferred the Navy League Colourto TS LATROBE from TS VOYAGER otWilliamstown. For his impressiveceremony, TS LATftOBE had beenassessed "The Best Unit in Victoria"Commander F. G. Evans, theduring the year 1974. thus earningJormer Senior Officer, Victorian the right to succeed TS VOYAGER asDivision, Naval Reserve Cadets.Throughout those years I havebeen sustained by the enthusiasmof the Cadets, the co-operation andloyalty of Unit CommandingOfficers, Officers and Instructors:and a tine Staff — some mempers ofwhom have been with me for nearlya quarter of a century. I have beenencouraged byamy many friends inthe Royal Australian Navy, and bygoodwill in all sections of the community.In this support I am verygrateful.If I have a message for members otthe Naval Reserve Cadets it is this:Most of us have ideals andprinciples: they will be challengedfrom time to time. When thishappens each individual mustdecide in his own mind if his idealsand his principles are sound. If tohis own satisfaction they are. thennever cease to fight for them —never give up no matter the cost toyou personally. This is the only wayto achieve peace of mind and satisfactionof one's conscience.I send you my best wishes tor thefuture.31 December. 1974the custodian of the Colour for oneyear.TS LATROBE is situated in theLatrobe Valley near Morwel! and theflag had been brought from Williamstownby a party of cadets attached toTS VOYAGER in transport arrangedby HMAS LONSDALE. Commodoreand Mrs Murray made the 100 miletrip especially tor the occasion asdid Commander F. G. Evans. MBE.VRD. RANVR. and Lieutenant CommanderA. H. Burrows. VRD. RANR.Federal and Victorian Presidentsrespectively of the Navy League.Many local guests included theMayor ot Morwell and Army Officersof the Company of the Royal AustralianEngineers in whose depotbuilding TS LATROBE operates mostamicablyAll guests were welcomed by theCommanding Officer. LieutenantB. F. Gregory. RANR. and MrsGregory, whose Ladies Committeewas particularly active and veryeffective in providing lunch forthose, especially TS VOYAGERcadets, who arrived in time for suchhospitality.Commodore and Mrs Murray wereof course the last to arrive at about1430 hours after the direct driveFebruary/Marc IV April, 1979 THE NAVY Page Twenty-five

Best Wishes to all Members from . . .SITMARCRUISESRegular Cruises from Sydneyto Pacific IslandsAGENTS:Sitmar Line(Australia) Pty Ltd459 Collins StreetMelbourne, VicTelephone: 62 6311Page Twenty-six THE NAVY February/March/April, 1973Presentation of Lonsdale Trophy toTS BARWON of Victorian DivisionNaval Reserve CadetsEach year the Unit judged the mostimproved is awarded the LonsdaleTrophy which wdS originallypresented to the Victorian Divisiona few short years ago by HMAS Lonsdale.TS Barwon, situated on Corio Bay.West Beach. Geelong. was thewinning Unit for 1974.In a short and impressive cere-The Auxiliary cutler WINSTON CHURCHILL on charter to theNavy League oj Victoria. Photograph shows the vessel in Corio Baymony on Sunday. 15th September.with Naval Reserve Cadets Jrom TS VOYAGER and TSBAR WON embarked (Photograph The Geelong Advertiser).from Melbourne, and a brief unscheduleddiversion around thePower Station Cooling Towerswhich most Melbourne visitorsexperienced either arriving orleaving!After reviewing the cadets of bothTS LATROBE and TS VOYAGER,drawn up in the drill hall, andcongratulating the former, theCommodore presented a mostappropriate address after theColour was transferred to the immediatecare of Chief Petty Officer J.Muir. Amongst other sound advice,he referred to the occasions whenflags have been used in battle toprovide a rallying point where thosedispersed, perhaps in adversity,may re-group and renew theirstrength and resources. Such anoccasion might be likened to thepresent one. if instead of battle onethinks of constant striving to be thebest unit. At least one guest recalledhow poets as well as sailors andsoldiers had recognised this influenceof flags as a source of inspiration.After the Ceremony all cadetsmarched past the Commodore.The only regrettable feature of theday was the weather, which was soadverse as to require the whole proceedingsto be conducted inside thedrill hall instead of outside on theparade ground, where its largerspace for the march past would havebeen welcome.At about 1530 hours, formalitieswere relaxed and afternoon tea wasenjoyed by all. again thanks to TSLATROBE s Unit Committee.TS LATROBE is an especiallyinteresting Unit being so far fromthe sea on Victoria's brown coalfield, and hence electric powerproducing area. However, steampower stations must have water —not only for their boilers, but forcooling purposes. This often necessitatesa dam and area of water suitablefor sailing and small boat work.Beside such an area of water is TSLATROBE which was formed in 1963as a Unit of the Australian Sea CadetCorps sponsored by the NavyLeague of Australia. With other Unitsof the Australian Sea Cadet Corps.TS LATROBE was incorporated intothe Naval Reserve Cadets of theRoyal Australian Navy. However, theNavy League and local UnitCommittees continue to assist thefunctioning of all these Units. It is tothe latter that most of the credit fora very successful Colour TransferDay belongs.1974. on board TS Barwon. theCommanding Officer of HMAS Lonsdale.Commander M. de V. Salmon.RAN. presented the Trophy to theCommanding Officer of TS Barwon,Lieutenant (Cadets) R. J. Whittington.There were many guests includinglocal dignatories. parents andfriends, and a small contingentfrom TS Latrobe, who relinquishedthe trophy. They had a returnjourney of some 300 miles fromtheir homes in and around Yallournin Gippsland and there attendancewas warmly welcomed and appreciatedby all.Also attending this ceremonywere the Senior Officers of theDivision. Commander F. G. Evans.MBE. VRD. RANR. and the DeputySenior Officer Lieutenant CommanderA. H Burrows. VRD. RANRA very enjoyable afternoon. Teawas prepared and served by the UnitCommittee to close the formalitiesand complete the gathering in arelaxed and friendly atmosphere.• WINES • BEERS • SPIRITSTHE BRIFAYE CELLAR86 PRINCES HIGHWAY, ULLADULLAPhone: 55 2334The Most Comprehensive Stock on the CoastFebruary/March/April. 1975 THE NAVY Page Twenty-seven

Best Wishes to all Members from . . .SITMARCRUISESRegular Cruises from Sydneyto Pacific IslandsAGENTS:Sitmar Line(Australia) Pty Ltd459 Collins StreetMelbourne, VicTelephone: 62 6311Page Twenty-six THE NAVY <strong>Feb</strong>ruary/<strong>Mar</strong>ch/<strong>Apr</strong>il, 1973Presentation of Lonsdale Trophy toTS BARWON of Victorian DivisionNaval Reserve CadetsEach year the Unit judged the mostimproved is awarded the LonsdaleTrophy which wdS originallypresented to the Victorian Divisiona few short years ago by HMAS Lonsdale.TS Barwon, situated on Corio Bay.West Beach. Geelong. was thewinning Unit for 1974.In a short and impressive cere-<strong>The</strong> Auxiliary cutler WINSTON CHURCHILL on charter to the<strong>Navy</strong> League oj Victoria. Photograph shows the vessel in Corio Baymony on Sunday. 15th September.with Naval Reserve Cadets Jrom TS VOYAGER and TSBAR WON embarked (Photograph <strong>The</strong> Geelong Advertiser).from Melbourne, and a brief unscheduleddiversion around thePower Station Cooling Towerswhich most Melbourne visitorsexperienced either arriving orleaving!After reviewing the cadets of bothTS LATROBE and TS VOYAGER,drawn up in the drill hall, andcongratulating the former, theCommodore presented a mostappropriate address after theColour was transferred to the immediatecare of Chief Petty Officer J.Muir. Amongst other sound advice,he referred to the occasions whenflags have been used in battle toprovide a rallying point where thosedispersed, perhaps in adversity,may re-group and renew theirstrength and resources. Such anoccasion might be likened to thepresent one. if instead of battle onethinks of constant striving to be thebest unit. At least one guest recalledhow poets as well as sailors andsoldiers had recognised this influenceof flags as a source of inspiration.After the Ceremony all cadetsmarched past the Commodore.<strong>The</strong> only regrettable feature of theday was the weather, which was soadverse as to require the whole proceedingsto be conducted inside thedrill hall instead of outside on theparade ground, where its largerspace for the march past would havebeen welcome.At about 1530 hours, formalitieswere relaxed and afternoon tea wasenjoyed by all. again thanks to TSLATROBE s Unit Committee.TS LATROBE is an especiallyinteresting Unit being so far fromthe sea on Victoria's brown coalfield, and hence electric powerproducing area. However, steampower stations must have water —not only for their boilers, but forcooling purposes. This often necessitatesa dam and area of water suitablefor sailing and small boat work.Beside such an area of water is TSLATROBE which was formed in 1963as a Unit of the Australian Sea CadetCorps sponsored by the <strong>Navy</strong>League of Australia. With other Unitsof the Australian Sea Cadet Corps.TS LATROBE was incorporated intothe Naval Reserve Cadets of theRoyal Australian <strong>Navy</strong>. However, the<strong>Navy</strong> League and local UnitCommittees continue to assist thefunctioning of all these Units. It is tothe latter that most of the credit fora very successful Colour TransferDay belongs.1974. on board TS Barwon. theCommanding Officer of HMAS Lonsdale.Commander M. de V. Salmon.RAN. presented the Trophy to theCommanding Officer of TS Barwon,Lieutenant (Cadets) R. J. Whittington.<strong>The</strong>re were many guests includinglocal dignatories. parents andfriends, and a small contingentfrom TS Latrobe, who relinquishedthe trophy. <strong>The</strong>y had a returnjourney of some 300 miles fromtheir homes in and around Yallournin Gippsland and there attendancewas warmly welcomed and appreciatedby all.Also attending this ceremonywere the Senior Officers of theDivision. Commander F. G. Evans.MBE. VRD. RANR. and the DeputySenior Officer Lieutenant CommanderA. H Burrows. VRD. RANRA very enjoyable afternoon. Teawas prepared and served by the UnitCommittee to close the formalitiesand complete the gathering in arelaxed and friendly atmosphere.• WINES • BEERS • SPIRITSTHE BRIFAYE CELLAR86 PRINCES HIGHWAY, ULLADULLAPhone: 55 2334<strong>The</strong> Most Comprehensive Stock on the Coast<strong>Feb</strong>ruary/<strong>Mar</strong>ch/<strong>Apr</strong>il. <strong>1975</strong> THE NAVY Page Twenty-seven

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