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Vargas, FredWagner, EricaWaites, MartynThe Three EvangelistsSophia Simeonidis, a Greek opera singer,wakes up one morning to discover thata tree has appeared overnight in thegarden of her Paris house. Intrigued andunnerved, she turns to her neighbours:Vandoosler, an ex-policeman, and threeimpecunious historians, Mathias, Marcand Lucien - the three evangelists. Theyfind nothing but a few weeks later,Sophia disappears and her body is foundburned to ashes in a car. Several peopleseem to have a motive as Vandoosler andthe three evangelists set out to find thetruth.SeizureJanet grew up with her father; hermother, she was told, died when shewas three. Her father’s stories were ofher mother’s beauty and their earlylove. But now, living an ocean away, sheunexpectedly inherits a house. The househad belonged to her mother, who in factlived long into Janet’s adulthood. In astate of shock, she travels north with thekey and finds an old stone cottage at thesea’s edge.The White Room19-year-old Jack Smeaton returns fromthe trenches and the trauma of WWII. Heseeks solace in socialism, falling underthe spell of the young T. Dan Smith,visionary future leader of Newcastle citycouncil. Meanwhile, the future of MonicaBlacklock, victim of a childhood of abuse,seems unremittingly bleak. A chance80

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