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Robinson, PhilRollins, Jamesfriend, who has returned to the smallcommunity in Iowa.That We Might Never Meet AgainSet within an isolated community,Michael, an artist, has been commissionedto paint a portrait of Lord Palmer, ownerof the remote estate of Inchnamactaire- the island of the wolf. Escape fromLondon, and its attendant distractions,should have proved just the tonic torepair Michael’s wounded relationshipwith his wife, Lucia, but best-laid planssoon turn rotten with the arrival of thecommunity’s Head Gardener.Map of BonesShots rang out across the cathedral.Sporadic. Cries suddenly silenced.Death stalked the cathedral as themonks slaughtered the few remainingsurvivors... All for a sack of bones. Why?Why steal the bones of the Magi?’ Whena group of parishioners is burned todeath in a German cathedral, the USsends in Sigma force. For this tragedy ismore than a case of arson - someone hasstolen the priceless treasure stored in thecathedral’s golden reliquary: the bones ofthe biblical Three Kings.68

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