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Robb, J DRobertson,JamesBorn in DeathEve Dallas has a grisly double homicideto solve when two young lovers-bothemployees of the same prestigiousaccounting firm are brutally killed on thesame night.Mavis her buddy, needs another favor.Tandy Willowby, one of the moms to bein Mavis’s birthing class, didn’t show upfor the baby shower. Eve will have totrack Tandy down while simultaneouslyunearthing this particularly vicious killer.The Testament of Gideon MackA son of the manse, Mack has grown upin an austere and chilly house, dominatedby a joyless father. Unable to believein God, he is far more attracted by theforbidden cartoons on television. Fatherand son clash fatally one day and it maybe guilt which drives Mack to take up acareer in the Church.Robinson,MarilynneGileadReverend John Ames, third generationpreacher, describes his pacifist fatherand his bloodied grandfather’s troubledrelationship in Kansas, during thestruggle for abolition and the ensuingAmerican Civil War. In the telling,reverent Ames reveals his anxious fear ofa younger namesake, John Ames, namedin honour of him years ago by his best67

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