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Atkinson, KateAtkinson, Katedetective, is flung into the midst of theseresurrected old crimes. In digging into thepast Jackson seems to have unwittinglythreatened his own future.One Good TurnIt is summer, it is the Edinburgh Festival.People queuing for a lunchtime showwitness a road-rage incident - an incidentwhich changes the lives of everyoneinvolved.In “One Good Turn”, Kate takes hermasterful plotting one step further. Likea set of Russian dolls, each thread of thenarrative reveals itself to be related tothe last. This is a sharply intelligent readthat is also percipient, funny, and totallysatisfying.When Will There be Good NewsNot a traditional mystery, Kate Atkinson’sthird Jackson Brodie novel grows insteadout of the terrible traumas that childrenand young people must endure whenpeople they love die violently. So markedare they by their sudden tragedies, thatthey never really escape their pasts, andspend the rest of their lives wondering“when will there be good news.” Fiveseparate plot lines evolve and begin tooverlap here, and in each of these plotsthe main characters are all needy peoplehiding an inner loneliness from whichthey would like to escape.

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