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December 2009, p. 421-427, ISSN 0098-8472.Keywords: Coffea; Photoinhibition; Photosynthesis; Shadeleaves; Sun leaves; Xanthophylls396 Physical characterization of non-defective and defectiveArabica and Robusta coffees before and after Roasting / JulianaC.F. Mendonca, Adriana S. Franca, Leandro S. Oliveira.Journal of Food Engineering, Volume 92, Issue 4, June 2009,p. 474-479, ISSN 0260-8774.Keywords: Coffee; Defective beans; Physical attributes397 Pollinator diversity increases fruit production in Mexicancoffee plantations : The importance of rustic managementsystems / Carlos H. Vergara, Ernesto I. Badano.Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, Volume 129, Issues1-3, January 2009, p. 117-123, ISSN 0167-8809.Keywords: Coffee; Mexico; Pollination service; Pollinatordiversity; Fruit production398 Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in coffee brewsamples : Analytical method by GC-MS, profile, levels andsources / Santino Orecchio, Viviana Paradiso Ciotti, LoredanaCulotta.Food and Chemical Toxicology, Volume 47, Issue 4, April2009, p. 819-826, ISSN 0278-6915.Keywords: Coffee; PAHs; Brew; GC-MS; Sources; Food399 preliminary evaluation of the effect of processing temperatureon coffee Roasting degree assessment/ Adriana S. Franca …[etal.]Journal of Food Engineering, Volume 92, Issue 3, June 2009,p. 345-352, ISSN 0260-8774.Keywords: Coffee; Volatiles profile; Roasting degreeassessment; SPME/GC-MS400 Proteomic evaluation of coffee zygotic embryos in twodifferent stages of seed development / Octavio L. Franco …[et89

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