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transmission; Hosts; New host records;Phyllody; Phylogenetics; Plant diseases; Plantpathogenic bacteria; Plant pathogens;Ribosomal DNA; Symptoms; Taxonomy.232 Development of genomic microsatellite markers in Coffeacanephora and their transferability to other coffee species /Poncet-V…[et al.]Genome, 2007, 50 (12), p.1156-1161Keywords: Complementary DNA; DNA hybridization;DNA libraries; Expressed sequence tags; Geneexpression; Genes; Lignification; TranscriptionCunninghamia; Taxodiaceae; Pinopsida;Gymnosperms; Spermatophyta; Plants;Eukaryotes233 Do farmers benefit from participating in specialty markets andcooperatives? The case of coffee marketing in Costa Rica/Wollni-M., Zeller-M.Agricultural Economics, 2007, 37 (2-3), p. 243-248Keywords: Coffee; Cooperative marketing; Cooperatives;Marketing; Participation; Prices; Welfareeconomics.234 Dynamics of size-density fractions of soil organic matterfollowing the addition of tree litter to organic coffee farms/Payan-F., Jones-D-L., Beer-J.Geoderma, 2007, 141 (1-2), p. 15-22Keywords: Agroforestry systems; Carbon; Coffee; Cropresidues; Decomposition; Farming systems;Indicators; Organic farming; Pruning trash;Soil invertebrates; Soil organic matter;Temporal variation; Tropics.235 Dynamics of size-density fractions of soil organic matterfollowing the addition of tree litter to organic coffee farms /Payan-F., Jones-D-L., Beer-J.Geoderma, 2007, 141 (1-2), p. 15-2251

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