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Untitled - Pustaka Deptan

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122 Oleosin gene family of Coffea canephora: Quantitativeexpression analysis of five oleosin genes in developing andgerminating coffee grain / Andrew J. Simkin…[et al.]Journal of Plant Physiology, Volume 163, Issue 7, 3 May 2006,p. 691-708, ISSN 0176-1617.Keywords: Coffea; Grain; Oil body; Oleosin; Steroleosin.123 Pectin degrading enzymes in yeasts involved in fermentation ofCoffea arabica in East Africa/ Wafa Masoud, Lene Jespersen.International Journal of Food Microbiology, Volume 110, Issue3, 1 August 2006, p. 291-296, ISSN 0168-1605.Keywords: Coffee; Pichia anomala; Pichia kluyveri;Hanseniaspora uvarum; Polygalacturonase124 Phylogenetic origins of African and Neotropical Beauveriabassiana s.l. pathogens of the coffee berry borer/ Stephen A.Rehner…[et al.]Journal of Invertebrate Pathology, Volume 93, Issue 1,September 2006, p. 11-21, ISSN 0022-2011.Keywords: Beauveria bassiana; Hypothenemus hampei;Coffee berry borer; Coffee; Biogeography;Phylogeny; EF1 alpha; Nuclear intergenicregions; EFutr; Bloc.125 Polyphenoloxidase activity in coffee leaves and its role inresistance against the coffee leaf miner and coffee leaf rust/Geraldo Aclecio Melo, Milton Massao Shimizu, PauloMazzafera.Phytochemistry, Volume 67, Issue 3, February 2006, p. 277-285,ISSN 0031-9422.Keywords: Coffea; Coffee; Rubiaceae; Hemilea vastatrix;Leucoptera coffeella; Phenolic compounds; Plantresistance; Polyphenoloxidase126 Proximate composition and fatty acids profile of green androasted defective coffee beans/ Leandro S. Oliveira…[et al.]26

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